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  1. Like
    Cheriepye got a reaction from Lyrical in Cigarette Stands   
    Here is the little Dachshund I found.
    I think he's too small for an analog but works great for my e-cig.

  2. Like
    Cheriepye got a reaction from Uma in Ecig Taxes   
    I also voted against this bill. Said I was 12th out of 12 and I "made a big push to the pie chart."
    Anything to get money.
  3. Like
    Cheriepye got a reaction from cheeple in Why We Choose To Vape....   
    That's why there will be no cure for AIDS. There's no money in it.
  4. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Blakeab84 in Vape Wiki   
    Helping each other grow makes a better community.
  5. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to kitsune in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?   
    around here its actually easy enough.... this is a great, friendly community. I was new to forums when I started vaping, Everybody here is helpful and we love adding new people to the family
    Everybody works hard to keep it clean and helpful. Jump in...the pool in great !!
  6. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Christopher in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?   
    Lend out good information without spamming and members will add you along the way
  7. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Jeffb in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?   
    Best way to make friends on Vapor Talk:

    * Do not spam your product

    * Provide helpful advice

    * Be nice to people

    * Dont troll others posts

    * Overall JUST BE A GOOD HUMAN

  8. Like
    Cheriepye got a reaction from kitsune in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?   
    Right from the start I told everyone that I vape a different brand.
    Didn't try and change anyone's mind or shove my particular "brand" down
    anyone's throat. Everyone here has treated me with kindness and respect
    and friendship. The tips they offer, though not for my brand, do help
    me out and they provide a lot of useful information. I thank everyone
    for accepting me the way they have. This really is a great place to be.

  9. Like
    Cheriepye got a reaction from fran1959 in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?   
    Right from the start I told everyone that I vape a different brand.
    Didn't try and change anyone's mind or shove my particular "brand" down
    anyone's throat. Everyone here has treated me with kindness and respect
    and friendship. The tips they offer, though not for my brand, do help
    me out and they provide a lot of useful information. I thank everyone
    for accepting me the way they have. This really is a great place to be.

  10. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Jeffb in How To Make Friends On Vapor Talk?   
    How I picture DAYVAPE when he posts

  11. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to GPurv in Drug Interactions And Vaping   
    NO ONE (and I mean no one) is going to take my Lexapro away. Or my eGo.

    ...or my freedom to think for myself.
  12. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Beans in Drug Interactions And Vaping   
    LoL, Poor Molly........Just wait till you become the neighborhood postal stalker. Laugh now, but it will happen.
  13. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Beans in Drug Interactions And Vaping   
    Someone I'm sure WILL correct me, but I believe the warnings are new, and inforced to get the items through customs. None of the products have been approved by the FDA, nor are they getting their cut from the profits, so they are trying to scare those of us still willing to use them. They also seem like fairly normal blanket drug warnings.

    No, no one can reassure you of the safety, The FDA has not done testing to see if there are any real drug interactions. However, MY body is telling me that I'm healthier now than when I was smoking. I haven't droped dead or overdosed, I'm still taking my normal prescriptions with no abnorma effects or problems. I think you have to decide for yourself the level of risk your willing to take compared to smoking. For me its a NO brainer. 4000 chemicals or 4. I'm healthier, period.
  14. Like
    Cheriepye got a reaction from MrMark in Why We Choose To Vape....   
  15. Like
    Cheriepye got a reaction from MrMark in Why We Choose To Vape....   
    That's why there will be no cure for AIDS. There's no money in it.
  16. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Sharon in Did Fda Take Over This Site?   
    Chris was playing an April's fool joke on us. It got all of us by surprise! Gotta love Chris, his mind is always working overtime!
  17. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Kingbtheone in Potatoes   
    no wonder im addicted to french frys!!!
  18. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Nanna in Body Pain   
    Ah Cherye, I don't have fibromyalgia but I am a student nurse practitioner (and an RN for 20 years) and I have managed people with the disease. It is TOUGH and there are so many potential triggers!!! I can't think of how or why vaping would trigger more pain but of course, it is a possibility.

    Think back - is the weather changing where you are? Sleeping patterns? Allergies? ANything that would trigger an inflammatory response?
  19. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to SABOTEUR in Menthol Question   
    Ditto what's already been said concerning the difficulty of matching the flavor of an analog. But being a longtime Newport smoker, I've recently found and have become quite impressed with the selection of various menthols offered by Halo (http://www..com/). Perhaps you can find an acceptable menthol flavor there.

    Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  20. Downvote
    Cheriepye reacted to Kezef in Smoked 2 Cigs In My Life.   
    Good evening, vaportalk members. I come from Texas, a particularly redneck part actually. I am a senior in high school and have smoked 2 cigarettes in my life. I did not like the "high" and the cancer talk made me uneasy. After daily weed smoking for 2 years, I got my stash found and now I can't smoke anymore weed.

    Today In class I tried my good buddies "SmokeToLive" vaporizer ECig. He let me hit it and frankly I liked the feeling, I liked the smoke hitting my throat then lungs, I liked the visible smoke and how it disappeared almost magically , and how you could smoke under the table or in the bathroom. However, I'm not a nicotine addict and I'm not sure if I want to become one. I know I can't get cancer, but should I really start nicotine? Is nicotine alone harmful to my health? Buying a "nicotine-less" ecig seems sort of silly, like buying fake weed or some ****. I am considering the Blu Ecig.

    What do you say, vaportalk?

    Should I start nicotine because I enjoyed smoking pot?

    I don't want to spend much cash but want a good product, cool looking would be a bonus.

    Is there an Ecig I can vape pot in? (Might be a stupid qustion, but I am really wondering)
  21. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Christopher in Smoked 2 Cigs In My Life.   
    First of all no you should not start vaping if you don't already smoking tobacco. It makes no sense.

    Second please read our forum rules before posting. We have a zero tolerance policy on drug talk. Electronic cigarette are already a controversial issue with the general public we don't need THC e liquid added to the mix.

    (Thread locked)
  22. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to egoluvr in Too Much Vaping?   
    I vape a lot but I smoked a lot too. I guess it's one step at a time, i want to get to zero nic and then i'll worry about cutting back on vaping or quitting that too. OR maybe not lol
  23. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to Beans in Damn That Hurt!   
  24. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to iAMmikeD in Side Effects - Chest Pain?   
    I've talked to my doctor several times about quitting and he always explains that your body goes through A LOT of changes to get to used to cigarettes, so naturally it takes a long time to readjust to not having them. You may experience coughing or increase mucus and hacking stuff up, but you shouldn't be experiencing chest pain so bad you want to go back.

    If the chest pain feels similar to a burning happens because of increased coughing after quitting, that is normal. Smoke does a lot damage to your lungs, including burning some sort of tissue in your lungs.

    If it keeps up for a few more days, or gets worse, don't smoke anything and see your doctor immediately.

  25. Like
    Cheriepye reacted to cheshyl in Sahara   
    You need to drink lots of water, should be after taking all of those meds, I know every med I take dries my mouth out terribly. But anyway, the vapor is part of the moisture that will be taken away from your body. I believe that would be the reason you add the water to a vaporizer. To help create a steady stream of mositure. If I'm wrong someone will come and let you know about it. I have never read about the moisture but I know that you have to drink liquids alot during a vaping session. Since I'm vaping all the time I'm thinking I drink gallons and gallons. Good luck.
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