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Everything posted by Earthling789

  1. I just dropped two into a shot-glass I'll give them a try on my next coil change...
  2. I can't wait to see what the prize is... I hope it's a pony
  3. Comp, I gotta agree with you on the coils that come with the tanks... I don't know what it is, perhaps the wicks are different or they get some oils from the manufacturing process on them, but when I get a new tank I generally take the coil(s) that come with them and toss them into a mini-tackle-box (different Ohms/dual/single separated) for use in extreme emergencies... or to give to people I don't like Now, there's a thought... hmmm... maybe I should take a few of those "included" coils out of storage and give them a good Vodka soak, to see if the problem is just contamination from the manufacturing process of the tanks? If that's the case, I'll have a couple dozen usable coils after a good soak?
  4. Yeah, Tam's in Mountain time-zone... so Noon her time would be 11am Pacific, 1pm Central, and 2pm Eastern
  5. Okay, no luck when buying a lottery ticket yesterday, but I scored juice and PT2 on Brian's contest today! I'm feeling LUCKY
  6. Ah, yes, you explained it quite well... yes, there are endless combinations, and even changing coil resistances may or may not have a noticeable impact!
  7. My next purchase will be an Innokin VTR, but I think that won't be for a while... and I'm actually holding out for an updated design/color option... I think one's coming in the next year (fingers crossed).... I know my limits, and when I have more than I can actually "use", lol... I've been through this syndrome before... with electronics, computers, "gadgets", tools, motorcycles, cars, and the list goes on... but as I've gotten older, I've found there is a saturation point, and I don't feel the need to have "everything" like I did when I was in my 20's. For now, with my vaping gear, as batteries die, I will replace them with better Spinners or similar, and my MVP should be good for a couple of years. I've got more tanks than I can use in a full week of rotation, and enough coils to hold me over until summer or fall of NEXT YEAR I've tried plenty of juices, and have found a few favorites, so I'm not spending time/money GASsing for juice (although I do try something new from time to time as a treat)... For the most-part, I'll just maintain my stockpile so I'll always have at least a month's worth of each of my favorites on the shelf, in case of any hard-times... I try to keep a minimum of 90-120 ml of each of my top-2 flavors, plus 10-30 ml of other favorites on hand at all times. Plus, it doesn't hurt to let them steep on the shelf for a while! Honestly, if I don't buy another thing for the next three months (?), juice included, I can continue vaping without spending a dime! I guess that's the beauty of finding a Zen-point in your hobby?
  8. Wait? You're not supposed to always have parts left over??
  9. If you're concerned for your health, continuing to smoke is obviously not good for you... kinda obvious... There are ongoing debates within the government and our "nanny-groups", and I won't go into any of them... suffice it to say, smoking is bad for you, and ANY method you use to successfully quit smoking is better for you than continuing to smoke analogs! Your question is too vague... and mixed-messages... you say you smoke daily, and then you say you use the e-cig... so which is it? What equipment are you using? What e-juice? What nicotine level? How much do you (did you) smoke daily before? Have you completely switched over? Or, are you just trolling?? If you want more specifics... you gotta ask more specific questions and provide better details!!
  10. I never had this issue with my PT2 minis, but I will agree with the suggestion above... verify your coil resistance is not too high. On a non-VV battery, the 1.5 or 1.8 Ohm coils work best @ 3.7V. Going higher (2.2 or 2.5) will greatly reduce the volume of your hit because they will not pull enough Watts.
  11. Actually, Tam, the only real difference measured was the coil. Both tanks used the same Air Flow Control base, with the setting marked to ensure consistent air-flow, and I even used the same drip-tip on both tanks. Both coils were verified with a real Ohm-meter to be 1.5 Ohm at the start of the test (and pre-soaked before use). I also locked my MVP to the same Wattage, and charged it every night.... So, the only real variable was the coil configuration, BCC or BDC. My goal was to know two things: How much more liquid was the BDC actually using (I had assumed 50% more) Did using the BDC equate to fewer hits per day. My assumption was since the AT burned more juice, I would get my daily nicotine in fewer hits (conserving battery, assuming both tanks used the same juice per week). What I learned... at least for ME... is that the AT uses a tiny bit more liquid per hit (~13.5% more, which is far less than I assumed), and yes, I do hit the AT slightly less often over the course of the day/week, but not enough to make me give away all my PT2's... and the cost-savings of the PT2 is not enough to make me toss out my AT's, either. One thing I didn't factor into the weekly/monthly costs is the tank, themselves, because prices vary so wildly... but for the record, the average price for my KPT2's was $10.50 PLUS $4.25 for Air-Flow bases, and the average price for my AT's was $14.99... so with $0.25 difference between them, they're basically the same cost (at least for the tanks, based on what I paid for them). I'll continue to enjoy them both, but I'll not be buying any more AeroTanks, despite how much I love the "Industrial" look of them, unless I find a REALLY good deal on them ($14 or less).
  12. B, you're killing my OCD... all those parts just jumbled together... I can't look!
  13. LOL!! I used the average cost of what I have been paying for BDC and BCC coils (buying in bulk, not singles), and the fact that I have been averaging about three weeks on each type of coil, give or take a few days depending on the % of VG in my juices. When it comes to coils, your mileage (and costs) may vary, but I felt the need to assign some logical cost into them (cost per coil divided by 3 [weeks] = cost per week) so I could assign dollar-values to my weekly cost figures. Costs I quoted are subjective, obviously because everyone will have differing coil-life and coil-costs, but it's always easier to see relative differences when a dollar-sign is in front of a number
  14. In reading threads on here for the past few months, one common question is always revolving around which is better, single-coils or dual-coils, so I’ve decided to run a little experiment over the past two weeks to determine efficiency, e-juice use, and effect on the battery while using a Kanger ProTank 2 (BCC) and Kanger AeroTank (BDC). I won't bore anyone with the details (unless you want raw data or more info), but I will say I utilized as many control factors as possible (same Air Flow Control base, same settings for battery and base, same e-juice, etc.). Yes, I do this kind of experimentation for fun.... it's the scientist in me While I know that one week of data per tank does not equate to an efficient or definitive scientific study, it does provide statistical data points to assist in making a non-subjective conclusion. Besides, being stuck with one flavor of e-juice and no eGo portability for two weeks was about all I could stand! For those of you interested in specifics or raw-data, just ask... but I wanted to summarize the results to keep this post short enough to read without anyone falling asleep at their keyboard ... Those who want to skip to the Conclusion for the "short-version", feel free to do so.... Observations: AeroTank: Each tank averaged 151.7 “hits” per 2.0 ml of vaping Each day averaged 238.43 “hits” Each day averaged 3.143 ml of e-juice consumed 22 ml of juice was consumed for the week Each “hit” from the AeroTank consumed 0.013 ml of e-juice ProTank 2: Each tank averaged 186.9 “hits” per 2.0 ml of vaping Each day averaged 255.57 “hits” Each day averaged 2.714 ml of e-juice consumed 19 ml of juice was consumed for the week Each “hit” from the ProTank 2 consumed 0.011 ml of e-juice Data Summary / Comparison: E-Juice Use The dual coils consumed 0.013 ml per “hit” and required 22 ml of e-juice per week The single-coils consumed 0.011 ml per “hit” and required 19 ml of e-juice per week Coil Cost Factor (based on same 3-week life-expectancy and $1.50 per BDC, $1 per BCC) The dual-coils cost $0.0300 per 100 “hits” and $0.0714 average per day The single-coils cost $0.0186 per 100 “hits” and $0.0476 average per day E-Juice Cost Factor (based on $14.99 per 30 ml bottle) The dual-coils utilized $1.57 per day and $10.99 per week The single-coils utilized $1.36 per day and $9.49 per week Hits The dual-coils required 35 fewer hits to exhaust a tank The hits per day difference were statistically negligible as the daily average of 238.43 for the dual-coils and 255.57 for the single-coils were within one standard-deviation, thus the daily average (and therefore weekly average) “hits” do not presume an advantage of one coil over the other Statistical Error Correction Error factors of e-juice measurements for the week (0.15 ml or 6% error on refills) +/- 1.50 ml for the dual-coil (based on 10 full refills for the week) +/- 1.35 ml for the single-coil (based on 8.25 refills for the week) Double-hits observed for each week were negligible (< 5) Conclusion: The AeroTank (BDC) clearly consumes more e-juice per “hit”. This is evidenced by the fact that an AeroTank exhausted 2 ml of e-juice an average of 35 “hits” faster than a ProTank 2 (BCC), and the Aerotank consumes a measured volume of 0.002 ml more e-juice per “hit”. The number of “hits” per week between the two coil/tank combinations also gave insight as to battery-life and longevity. Fewer “hits” per tank of e-juice equates to fewer firings of the battery, yet the slight advantage gained by the dual-coils would extend the expected life expectancy of a battery minimally. However, as the experiment showed, daily/weekly “hits” were statistically equal, regardless of tank used, which shows no data-backed evidence to support more volume of vapor to equate to more efficient delivery of nicotine achieved when using a BDC unit. The following are based upon uncorrected data, and assumes 30 ml of e-juice cost @ $14.99 and coil cost assumption of $1 per BCC and $1.50 per BDC. (Yes, your costs/savings may vary). Considering the overall cost factors of coils and e-juice, the dual-coils require an expenditure of roughly $11.50 per week, whereas the single-coils only require an expenditure of roughly $9.85 per week. Clearly the cost factor is leaning towards the cost-savings gained by using the single-coil tank; however, $1.65 per week is hardly what many of us would consider “break-the-bank” savings. After-all, that's roughly the cost of a large cup of coffee from McDonald's or a 20-oz drink from the local convenience store.... So, if you want to conserve a few Milliliters of e-juice per week, and possibly save a few bucks over the course of a year, the ProTank 2 (BCC) is the way to go. But, it should be noted that the AeroTank (BDC) DOES provide (subjectively) a slightly more fulfilling vapor/flavor production over the ProTank 2, and if saving the cost of a decent dinner for two over the course of a year is not your priority… vape-up on the AeroTank!
  15. E-liquid getting into a battery can do all kinds of strange things... including shorting out the circuitry, causing them to fire on their own, or not fire at all. Sounds like yours is experiencing the former problem, as soon as you attach the tank, completing the circuit?
  16. Welcome to VT! I spent a lot of time in Kansas City over the past few years (work), and really loved that area (South side, and especially the Cabela's on the west-side's outer loop), but not the traffic downtown... man, those people can't drive! Kicking the analog habit is tough for the first couple of weeks. One thing that will help is to find a flavor or two you really like and make sure you're getting a high enough nicotine level to satisfy your "needs". Smoking over a pack a day of Camels, I'd recommend you be vaping juices in the 18-24mg levels... you can always cut them down, but to kick the habit of analogs, you gotta make sure you're still getting the nicotine your body craves!
  17. I've had one do that in my AeroTank (third coil out of a pack of 5)... it didn't stick in the tank or destroy the coil, but 9 out of 10 times removing the base to refill required me to lift out the coil and re-seat it into the base. I figured it was just a fluke coil or a bur on the shaft of my tank... I'm still using that coil, and it's going strong.... no leaks, no problems, just most of the time I have to lift it out of the tank and put it back into the base.
  18. I'm not sure if I understand... but it seems that you are saying the clearomizer (tank) is not unscrewing? Or the firing-head or bottom of the tube are not unscrewing, allowing release of the rechargeable battery... either a 14xxx series or 16xxx series battery?
  19. Yeah, it is the consensus that your MOD's meter is not as accurate or reliable as a true Ohm-meter or multi-meter. I've seen the meter on my MVP read the same coil differently each time I press the button... sometimes ranging 0.5 Ohms from stated resistance, sometimes it's right on the money.
  20. Only a month?? Up here, you're stuck for 6-months, minimum! And the first time I served jury duty, the clerk failed to mail out the next batch of summons on time, so everyone that was currently serving was auto-drafted into a second round... a full year of jury duty But at least they took us off the register for 10 years... guess what happened on year # 12?
  21. A bad coil or two, possibly, but I wouldn't think that you would have a whole batch causing the issue. Something is up with the juice itself, if cleaning the tank and a fresh coil yields the exact same result... the juice is the only constant in the mix.
  22. QC is not fantastic at the factory, but they are generally "close". I've had 1.5's actually measure 1.5, but I've also had them read 1.4-1.9, although I'm sure the one that read 1.9 was likely a coil wound to 1.8 and got mixed up in the 1.5 assembly line. For the most part, the Kanger coils I've received are really close to the marking on the side, +/- 0.1, with a few exceptions, like I stated earlier. As for anemic vapor production... I've not had that issue, even if using 80/20 juices. Yeah, my 50/50 juices produce much better vapor, but that is to be expected due to higher VG content. If you're still using 80% VG, vapor should not be "anemic" unless the coils are horribly off their markings on the side. Like I stated in my above post, 1.5 and 1.8 will hit 9.1W and 7.6W respectively on a 3.7V battery. When you venture up to 2.2 or higher on the coils, you're firing 6W or less, which is not "hot"... being 2/3 (or less) of the power produced through a 1.5 Ohm coil. Do you have a real Ohm-meter or at least a reliable digital multi-meter to test the resistance of those coils, to be sure of what they are reading?
  23. I work from home, so I have the freedom to do anything I want at my desk, but also have to visit "offices" all over the country for my company, several times a year. Many of the smaller offices allow vaping at their desk, but not all of them. Some of the very large offices still require all vaping to be outdoors, along with the smokers, and one office in-particular only allows smoking in the parking lot (vaping too) because that office is actually housed inside a Federally-owned building (metal-detectors, x-ray machines, and armed guards kinda building)... thankfully I have only had to go that office once
  24. Received my freebies from Brian (Veteran Vaper) today... Seven bottles of e-juice and a Vivi Mini Nova.
  25. LMAO... and I'm not going to ask how you know what a dirty sock tastes like One thing I will add into this thread is that I'm not a single-flavor kinda guy... I do love blends and complex flavors as my all-day vapes. My two main vapes right now are blends of 3 and 4 different flavors, and I like the way they have a "main taste", different aroma, and another, completely different after-taste. I do hit my sour-apple, sour-grape, or cinnamon flavors as a pallet cleanser from time to time (maybe I use 1 ml per week of them combined), but I don't think I could stand "just grape" all day... I've actually considered adding a little cinnamon to my sour-apple just to mix-up the flavor a bit more, so I'll be tempted to hit it more often? So, like I mentioned earlier... sometimes a "meh" flavor from a cheaper liquid may become an awesome flavor if you blend it with something else... for instance, Dekang's chocolate and peanut-butter are good by themselves, but if you blend them 1:1 and add in another 1-part of caramel or vanilla ... you get an awesome, creamy peanut-butter-cup flavor. I tried a $20 "designer" peanut-butter-cup flavor a while back and it was horrid... but the one I blended, with three $5 bottles, is 100-times better... although someone else may think it tastes like dirty socks
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