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Posts posted by Bebop

  1. There is a good article at Vaping 360 on this titled: 

    Vitamin E Acetate Products Investigated in THC Oil Deaths

    While I am saddened by what I consider an intrusion of drug dealers in to the vaping foray,  it is important to put out the word that vaping cannabis is a wild frontier territory marred by illicit drug sales and can be very dangerous.  And the young are particularly prone since they cannot acquire products legally.  

  2. boy they are really going after it...

    now they are lumping ANY lung illness with anyone giving a history of vaping which is drawing in unrelated cases.  old people with pre-existing conditions, etc but if they have vaped they are suspect. 

    but we knew this was going to happen.  Can we please get a doctor to step forward and testify?  Let's use some science and some common sense.  IT's NOT THAT HARD!  

  3. congrats you are in the road to a healthier life style.

    first some tips.

    Vaping is different from smoking so stick with it.  dont let the initial difference throw you back in to smoking.

    Make sure you spend the money to get something that performs well.  dont accept a "cheap" shortcut.  pony up for quality gear from a reputable supplier.  there are many out there. 


    visiting a vape shop, if you can, can help with selection.  You want something easy to use and maintain that is satisfying.


    Now for some questions -

    what did you smoke and how much? be honest with yourself on this.  it's really helpful so as to steer you in the right direction.

    Do you need to have a battery that lasts for hours or do you have regular access to charging handy to you all day?

    Would you prefer something that tastes like tobacco?

    How handy are you?  would you mind something that is a little fuss or di you need something that is load and vape with no fiddling?

    these questions can help us recommend something.

  4. It's definitely the cheese...

    I have the same basic endorsement.  My lungs are healthier today than they were 6 years ago and I have not heard of any complaints from many others that I got off cigs oh so long ago. 

    I'm hoping some honest investigation will find the root cause of this.  It really shouldn't take more than a cursory scientific test to determine the actual cause of this.  

    And it wouldn't surprise me some uncaring, unscrupulous drug dealer slipping unvapable products in for the kiddies. Sad and criminal, really.    I hope it gets sorted out before somebody does die over this.  

  5. Milwaukee vaping ....

    Now let me just say right off that I'm open to actual evidence and arguements that "vaping" caused this but I find this very suspect. 

    I know it's very early and there will be more FACTS coming after this initial hysteria.

    Im having trouble finding any objective data on this, probably because it is early in its announcement.    


    Has anybody seen any news on this that ISN'T heavily slanted by the anti vaping  community? 

    I find it odd that vaping has been around for a long time without incident.   And now "teens" in Wisconsin are suddenly suffering from lung disease.  AND with the recent ramp up of THC vaping I find this interestingly coincidental. 

    I look forward to more honest reporting and fact finding on this but I think I know where this is headed........

  6. coils build up deposits with use which can't be washed off with soap. These are byproducts of the ingredients of the juice.  it can also get in your cotton and won't fully wash out.

    I have never been able to "wash" a coil and have it perform better.   I've never tried a sonic cleaner but I would recommend distilled water as tap water can leave unwanted deposits too. 

    If you can take apart the coil,  remove the cotton, then burn off the deposits and clean and then rewick with new cotton, I have had some success with this but not all coils will allow for this and I don't know if that's an option with the Tfv8.

    the only other way I know is to get a tank with a rebuildable atomizer and learn to make your own coils.   


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