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Everything posted by CascadianExotics

  1. Big tobacco does have the capital to lobby the product out of federal scrutiny if they so choose. They also have the capital to push vaping into the mainstream...like Blu, for example. Owned by Lorillard (sp?), and ran their commercials so often that I grew tired of my girlfriend pointing out that I should try e-cigs every time that commercial ran. To this day, I still want to punch Stephen Dorff in his ruggedly-handsome face... But, it got me and others to put down the stinkies, and start vaping. And now look at the industry. I'm not surprised big-tobacco wants a slice of the pie. Not saying I'm all for big tobacco. Rather, I understand the logic behind Hon's decision and do not fault him in the least. He's a pioneer and an unsung hero that deserves to receive his just reward during the remainder of his life.
  2. Update: Finally found replacement glass tubes for the I-ATTY at Venerable Vaping. So, I ordered a couple, along with an I-ATTY just in case they didn't fit the Chybrid. And, they fit!!! So, my fave el-cheapo mod especial will be back in action after a thorough clean following its long period of inaction. Pics to come!!!
  3. Recently received: Seven DIY flavors from RTS Vapes. They mistakenly replaced one flavor on my order with something else. Upon informing them of the error, RTS promptly sent me the correct flavor, which arrived this morning. Normally, I'd be pretty stoked to get freebies, but I am not a fan of the flavor they sent by mistake. They don't accept returns on products either (believe me, I tried to send it back already). So, now I'm stuck with either trying to trade it, or figuring out how to make Tutti-Frutti into something palatable. In transit: I-ATTY and two replacement glass tubes for the I-ATTY from Venerable Vaping. Let's hope one of those tubes fits my I-Chybrid...I've been really missing that device since the tube inexplicably shattered! More DIY supplies from Wizard Labs and OneStop DIY Shop (at least 20 flavors, and additives + 120ml of PG, 50 pipettes, and a few glass bottles). With this order, I'll almost have enough gear for a decent working flavor lab. Just a few more things, and I will be set for a good six months!!!
  4. Too bad Tennessee couldn't hold onto the ball in crunch time. They pretty much handed the game to Georgia when they gave them 1:54 on the clock after securing the lead.
  5. New flavor mix: kiwi + marshmallow (Frankenvape-type juice). Good, but not quite there yet...a little light on the marshmallow. Next batch will be better!!!
  6. Well, I am not exactly condoning he start mixing nic ratios right away, lol!!! Yes, he may have a lot to learn. True that he probably needs to find his nic strength before mixing nic. However, there is no harm in showing someone how to save $$$ and avoid what I've experienced and seen people go through when ordering from a custom-mix vendor. And, there most certainly isn't any harm in doing a 0mg nic experiment. Maybe giving advice on where to get a full-blown DIY setup could be considered a tad extreme. If the OP feels ready to do so, is confident in experimenting, and has backup juice to vape in the event of a failed experiment, then he's just been handed the keys to the kingdom. Put simply, if someone had told me about DIY when I started vaping, I'd not have wasted so much money on single-flavor juices. Nor would I have wasted a bunch of time AND money on custom-mix blends that turned out like @$$. Just my .02
  7. My advice would be to see if you like making your own liquid first. Start by going to Walmart and pick up a bottle of VG and an eye-dropper (both sold in the pharmacy section). Next, go to the local crafts store, and pick up a couple LorAnn's flavors (found in the bakery section...watermelon and strawberry seem to be the best starter ones). Hopefully, you have a couple 10ml bottles laying around. Because, when you get home from your shopping trip, find a juice calculator (either online, or find an app), and mix up a couple bottles of 0 nic liquid. Flavor should be 15% of the total mix. In all honesty, this route is much cheaper and more convenient than going to some online vendor for a custom blend, only to pay close to full market price plus shipping, and waiting a week to see if your blend even tastes ok, or needs adjustment. If you like DIY, then you can get a good starter kit that contains everything you need to get up and running at One Stop DIY Shop online for around $30 shipped. Add $10 for the nicer kit, and a few more bucks for an extra bottle of PG or VG. At that point, you'll have enough supplies to keep you going for a couple months.
  8. None of the snakes featured in this thread are venomous. Believe me, in the years I've been involved with these animals, I've been tagged a few times (generally due to my own complacency), and have not died or contracted any disease. The number of venomous snake species comprise a pretty low percentage of all the known Ophids in the world. Of the non-venomous species, Boas and Pythons, along with most of your Colubrid species (corn, king, milk, and rat snakes) are all constrictor species. Most of those do not get past 6-feet in length, and none are monsters out to get you. Some constrictors can be "misunderstood" creatures, but most are pretty cool, and make awesome pets.
  9. As promised, here is my Igo-L showing the overlap between the drilled out air hole, and the visible inner lip. The only benefit I see is that if you tilt the cap, then you have variable air flow control....like a Triton at a quarter of the price!!!
  10. The Igo-L is pretty much the gold standard among single coil units. My only complaint is that the air hole is placed a bit low. As for the air flow, I usually drill my attys to my liking when I first get them. So, I cannot comment on the stock air hole....you might like it, or it might feel loose. If you want to take a big lung hit to take advantage of sub-ohms and blow big clouds, you're going to have to do some drilling. That's where the placement becomes an issue. I'll get a photo of mine when I get home from work to illustrate what I'm talking about. The unit is super easy to set up, and use. I might sound like a UD fanboy, but I cannot think of any rock-solid, user-friendly rebuildable devices for beginners better than UD products.
  11. They each have their place. RDAs are great for testing new flavors, or vaping a flavor that I'm not going to spend the next two days vaping on. If I am going to make that kind of time investment, and delve into a flavor that I would put in a Genny, it had better be good....like Boba's!!! So, I guess I primarily use RDAs. Both dual and single coil units, but I find I spend more time with the single coils as they are a lot easier to tear down and rebuild.
  12. That's why you should have a backup to vape on while the alcohol evaporates overnight. This whole conundrum is why I switched to rebuildables. My drippers are all stainless, and my Gennys are glass. So, I generally circumvent the frustration of cleaning old attys, and paying out to either have them rebuilt, or buy new ones. For the RBAs that do occasionally get a flavor stuck in them, I simply soak the unit in alcohol, scrub with a q-tip, and let sit out overnight to let the alcohol evaporate. Easy-peasy!!!
  13. Homemade watermelon, as my Ry4 needs more work / steeping time. Getting better at DIY with each batch, though!!!
  14. Todd's review: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g0cQeUbU53g I might want to re-rhink this purchase until the unit is improved...
  15. Still not enough to fully detox from however many decades of smoking... Not trying to minimize the accomplishment, because 5 months is a great feat, indeed! Congrats!
  16. By the term, "physical addiction, " do you mean, "physical reaction to a chemical addiction?" Because, vaping is HIGHLY physically addictive. On the one hand, you have Throat Hit upon inhalation, and the visual reward of blowing out a cloud of vapor upon exhale. On the other hand, you have the hand-to-mouth addiction similar to biting nails or sucking your thumb. @Bcartervol98: I understand the viewpoint, and completely relate to the O'Dhouls comparison...no freaking way would I ever drink that crap!!! However, at only a couple months in, you've not had time to fully detox either. Probably should have put that in the original post, but wasn't thinking about that at the time, lol!
  17. Sweet!!! Guess I'm going to need some 30-amp batteries soon, lol
  18. My buddy can do this with 50/50 blend juice. 100% VG helps, but the real recipe lies in: Dual coil RDA, 0.5 ohm build.... ....and dual 1/8 inch air holes!!! Most people forget that unless you have the correct air flow, sub-ohm builds are practically useless. Check out MCvapes' YouTube channel for more information.
  19. Sigelei 8W. Fully mechanical, so there's no shut off time, and no circuitry or solder to fail on you. This device not only accepts 510, but also has a removable cap for eGo-threaded devices. There is a locking ring on the fire button, so there is no chance it will fire in your pocket. And if you aren't going to be using rebuildable atomizers, there is no reason to worry about battery safety issues outside of what you would normally worry over with a regulated device. If you're still wetting yourself because it's one of those evil mechanical mods your parents keep warning you about, you can get a mod fuse pretty cheap.
  20. Though it seems you've already picked one, may I suggest The Vapor Room's "Sweet Watermelon" as a candidate for your to-try list? They do a great job making realistic fruit flavors. If candy is what you're after, get some unflavored nic and add 15% LorAnn's watermelon. Tastes just like a Jolly Rancher.
  21. For the past few days I've been doing an experiment on myself. NO NIC!!!! (insert impending doom theme music here while everybody gasps in surprise and terror) Now, since I started trying my hand at DIY a couple months ago I got in the habit of making 0mg juice to try new recipes so I do not waste precious nicotine. However, the juices I've liked, I've vaped so as not to waste precious clouds. All of a sudden, I found myself inadvertently going stretches of 6 hours or more without nic...and not missing it at all! So, I decided to go without nic for a day...then one day turned into almost a week. At this point, I am treating nic like I would caffeine. A short vaping session here and there as a pick-me-up, but nothing more as I really do not need it. This got me thinking. Is the nicotine addiction merely a leftover thought-program from being convinced by the Surgeon General throughout all these years of smoking that it (nicotine) is a "powerfully addictive substance," rather than the 4000 OTHER chemicals intentionally put into cigarettes? If not, then why are patches, gums, lozenges, and inhalers not more effective? But if it is, then why is it that vapers refuse to let go of the nic (and thereby subject themselves to FDA regulation)? Or at least dose it down, and use responsibly? All rhetoric aside, I am interested in hearing YOUR thoughts on the matter. Please discuss!!
  22. My own DIY cola!!! Lately, I've been treating nicotine like I do caffeine....a little 6mg-10mg here and there while primarily vaping 0mg nic.
  23. Certain perks do come when Phil Knight is an alumni.
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