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Everything posted by snubber

  1. As everyone knows, flavor is a very subjective thing. What one person loves another may think tastes like crap. So it's really hard to suggest any juice to another person. All I can really say is that I have always had very good success with the VT juices. I may not like them all, but they are a much better quality than a lot of others out there. And they are always my first choice.
  2. The thing about cartomizers or any atty for that matter is that the just aren't made to last for ever. I've got some that have lasted me for over a month and some have died in as little as 3toots. Being an electronic device and as small as the coil is there just isn't any way to make them 100%. I have found that the Boge 2.0LR cartos seem to last me a little better but I vape on them constantly to the point that they just wont draw anymore. I'm sure the viscosity of the liquid has something to do with how long they will last, but my juices are either all pg or a 80/20 mix. But if you put it in perspective to a pack of smokes....going through 2 cartos a week at $2.50 is a whole lot better than 14 packs of analogs at $5.00 a pk. I too try to make a carto last forever until I think about the difference in prices between what I'm spending on cartos a week compared to what I use to spend on analogs a week. I'll take the cartos thank you!
  3. Have to agree with you Jeff. If they hadn't the FDA would have just run all over the e-cig community and we'd all be up the creek. Hope the new ceo has a great venture with them.
  4. I haven't used an 801LR, only standard ones. But I can tell you the 510LR atty's and cartomizers are really great. Seem to put out a lot of vapor and work really good.
  5. Welcome...I have to agree with the eGo. I have several and they really do work well. The battery will last about 6-8hrs if you're a moderate vapor. Or you can go with the usb eGo so you can charge it while vaping at your computer then put on the end cap and you're ready to go. Although there are many look-a-likes I haven't heard too much about them as far as durability. So do some more research if that's the way you want to go. Also the eGo batteries have a 6mo warranty so that may be something to think about. Either way...good luck on the hunt. Also...the VT tobacco is a good choice...and I've heard good reviews about the Boba's Bounty. Good luck and happy vaping.
  6. Very funny....but also too true. Here in Maryland they call them RESIDENTS !!!!!
  7. If you've vaped, you have at some time gotten juice in your eyes...one of the many hazards.
  8. Glad it wan't killed. Always read all directions before moving on.
  9. Don't live near by...but if you can't find one soon I could mail you one from Maryland. Where did you get the Rio Grand?
  10. I have to take drug screening all the time for my work, plus randoms from time to time and have never had any of them come back with that reaction. Must be a false reading.
  11. Agree with Brian. Give them an e-mail. I'm sure they'll try and help out.
  12. I haven't gotten around to a 900/1000 mAh yet. I've got 7 650's and one usb eGo which I plug in ever time I get the chance so it never has a chance to run out. Don't know if I need a 900? But what the hell...I'll probably get one anyway when one of these dies...lol
  13. Welcome to Vapor Talk. 1. VT exotic tobacco 2. VT midnight That wraps it up.
  14. Actually it's my daughters fault. Around Christmas of 08 we were walking through the mall and she saw a kiosk for the SE e-cig. She said "you should get one and stop smoking". I laughed and thought..like that's gonna work. But she mentioned it again and I went back a little later and checked it out. The guy there and a nice young lady both gave me the lines of how they work,,,how long they last..yada yada yada. Well after a couple of more times back checking them out I forked over my money. He was very "helpful" and threw in a car charger and carry case at no extra charge, (like I hadn't already paid for them with the price they were asking). Well I played around with it off and one for almost a year. Still smoking and vaping when the mood struck me. If he hadn't been nice enough to keep giving me free carts I never would have continued. Those damn things were expensive!! Well let's try to cut this short. Started looking into e-cigs on the web....found hundreds cheaper than what I paid. Found these two crazy guys trying to pull a device apart with their car. They ran over it and it still worked. Hmmm....so I went looking around and found another forum. Started talking to some of them and got some good info. Meet up with one of them on my way out of town and bought a 901kit from him. Now I was hooked!. Then I got an 801 and even better vapor. Well one thing led to another and I found Vapor Talk. And the rest as they say is history. I've been analog free almost 1 year....found great people who helped me along (jeffb, Mark, Ofortuna, and a lot of others from the original short bus). Don't think I could have done it without VT and these members. And that's that!!!!!
  15. Sorry about your day. But don't take it sitting down. Sounds like they just wanted a way to get new repairs and things for THEIR house. Hope it all works out in your favor.
  16. Looking good...another good one. Keep up the good work.
  17. Another great review...tks. You really are "hawt".....lol
  18. Instead of having to buy a new unit every few days try out the 510 no box set from Cignot.com. It's everything (except extra juice) that you'll need to get started vaping and it's a much better device. It's a manual so you'll have to push a little button to make the atty fire up, but it really is much better. It's $35.00 and will last a whole lot longer so you wont have the hassle of buying a new one. You don't have to pay those high prices to get a good dependable e-cig. In fact if you pay more than say $80.00 for any thing other than a "mod" you're paying way too much. Check out some of the vendors here on the forum and do some research before you make that first purchase. I think you'll find something that's more to your liking and will hold up a whole lot better. Good luck and happy vaping.
  19. Nice review Angel. Looking forward to more. And thanks again Mark for these great gifts.
  20. Welcome to VT. Can't say I've ever heard of those..but my gut feeling is that if they are really cheap then they probably wont last very long and you wont be getting the true experience of vaping. My suggestion....save that money and put it towards a good and dependable e-cig that will give you the kind of vaping that will really be more to your liking. Sometimes the saying really is true....you get what you pay for.....so if you're serious about getting an e-cig check into buying one that is worth the extra couple of dollars and really enjoy vaping. Just my 2c worth. Good luck and happy vaping.
  21. Very funny.....but painfully so true. And I think one of the worst parts is....it still continues to carry on.
  22. Welcome to Vapor Talk. Sorry, but I have to throw my 2cents worth in here and agree with BirdDog. If you don't smoke or have never been addicted to the evil nicotine, there is really no reason to start vaping. This is just not a smart move. Those of us on here have all been smokers for many years and are doing this as an alternative to our habit of so long a time. This really isn't something just to play with. Keep your lungs clean and enjoy other ways to get flavor like fruits or a good bottle of wine. The habit of smoking or vaping is not something we want to encourage to people that have never done so. If you are serious about starting and are hell-bent on vaping then I will have to pass you on to someone else because I just can't suggest anything that will get you started. I hope that you will seriously re-think this out and consider other means of enjoyment. Good luck on your decision.
  23. Hoping she gets well soon Chris. She has pretty good aim tho ....lol
  24. Sounds like it's a fine line between back-ups and paranoia....hmmmm???
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