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Everything posted by blucavvy

  1. I can totally understand where your'e coming from on that and quite honestly i agree. Sorry, i get a little worked up when i see people talk about how we're oppressed or something of those words. I haven't had the easiest life (as i know most of us haven't), i've had to fight tooth and nail to get to where i am today and i'm incredibly proud of my progress. My point is simply that this country does still offer the opportunity to have things in life that most country's populations couldn't even dream of having. I will 100% agree that things have gone awry (is that spelled right? lol) in our country. I can't speak out about my opinion on the government or any branch therein (for obvious reasons), but i do still believe this is a free country regardless of how the current trend in government is going. But, i kind of pushed this thread off topic (my apologies Christopher), so as far as the legislation goes, to be quite honest i'm really not all that worried about it. If it means we're regulated to brick and mortar so be it. There are always legal loopholes. Big tobacco corporations are not the only ones who can play on the law. Let them outlaw candy flavors, as was mentioned earlier we can just spin it and say it's candy tobacco or some other such nonsense. I think vaping has become too large at this point to think about shutting it down. We're in the 21st century now and change has come. For the best.
  2. K, well i'm not going to get too carried away in my reply here bcuz well service members posting things like this has gotten them in trouble in the past. I agree the amount of regulation our government has in it's population oversteps boundaries. I agree that not everything they do is "right". But as someone who serves in the armed forces (and is god damned proud of it) i find all this talk of America not being "free" offensive. If you really think you can have a better life elsewhere, by all means. Don't underestimate the amount of freedom you have here. We live in a very privelaged society and we should all be grateful for the opportunities available to us. As for this legislation, your'e all getting worked up before we even really know what's going on. Remember the scare when they were trying to decide if vaping was a drug delivery device or a tobacco product? We got out of that one and everyone was sure that was it for e cigarettes. Don't jump the gun before we even know the outcome is all i'm saying.
  3. If it's a quality tank/carto/clearo whatever it should be fine to lay down. i leave mine in my pocket all day with a clearo on it and it never leaks. that being said most of this stuff is made in China so if it does don't be surprised lol
  4. well if you have a vv device then you can pick pretty much any ohm coil you want and dial your spinner in to what vapes well for you. that's the nice thing about vv, just vape what feels right. you should be good with anything in the range of 1.5-3ohm.
  5. resistance plays a factor with voltage. what type of device are you using? for me, i use a standard 3.7v ego mostly, and when i pair that with a 1.8ohm carto/clearo etc.... it gives me a warm (not hot), thick vapor. generally the easy way to look at it is, the lower the resistance the warmer the vapor will be. so take for instance a 3ohm carto, you would want to pair that with more of like a 5v device. less than 2 ohms right around 4v is good right around 3 ohms 5 volts is good right around 4 ohms 6 volts is good that's certainly not the case for everyone but it's an easy to remember scale. if you want a warm, thick vapor that's a rudimentary scale. if you want a cooler vape it would look more like less than 2 ohms right around 4.5 volts right around 3 ohms 5.5-6 volts etc.....
  6. if your'e looking to test new juices you need an atomizer. i would suggest going here: http://www.empiremods.com/Default.asp pick up a low resistance 510 atomizer, a 510 drip tip, and maybe an ego drip shield. then you just add a few drops on to your atomizer, insert drip tip. and enjoy the flavor that only dripping can provide.
  7. Where about's? I grew up in lake in the hills which is right around carpentersville and dundee if you know that area. as far as Chi town pizza goes, Gino's east is the only way to go......
  8. I don't usually lower, that being said i actually slow down the amount of vaping i'm doing while drinking. For me personally, it's not so much the nicotine that makes me "woozy" while drinking, it's the actual action of "smoking" while drinking that makes me get that much more tipsy.
  9. Yeah i know Newport owns Blu, and it's not that i feel great about supporting big tobacco, but lets be honest here, how else would they have gotten all the money for the advertising? How else would e cigs be pushed out into the open in front of consumers had Lorriilard not stepped in? I'm not excusing bt for everything they've done, but, maybe in their quest for a profit they're actually helping us out? Just a thought.
  10. I believe it's 510 threading but i wouldn't swear to it, guess i could try one of my atty's on it lol
  11. So, there i was at my local smoke shop picking up a few ce4's, an extra eGo batt, and some juice when i see a little Blu ecig stand. Now, i've always been at least somewhat interested in Blu. I know that the batts are insanely low mah, the cartomizers are overpriced, etc.....However, they are doing what no other ecig is, pushing electronic cigarettes into the eye of the consumer. Tv commercials, magazines, billboards, etc. I won't lie that when i go out to a bar or something it's always been kind of awkward asking if i can use my ecig there, they always say no problem and then i pull out an eGo with a tank on it and, lol well obviously eGo's are not what the majority of people think of when they think ecigs. They're thinking a cigalike. Well, the one thing that's kept me from ever picking up a Blu kit is their kits have always been like 60-70 dollars for two stick batts and a few carto's. Sorry but not gonna happen. Well, on this stand they were marked at $35. So that paired with the desire to carry something halfway normal around with me when i'm out led me to walk out with a Blu kit. Here's what i've observed so far. The kit: 2 batts- assuming the 90mah version (very small) blu pak charger- holds 3 carto's, charges one batt and holds the spare 5 carto's-vanilla, 2 tobacco, menthol, and cherry car usb adaptor First impression, simply-impressed. The packaging is by far the most professional packaging of any e cigarette i've ever seen. Very sleek and clean. Batteries and charge case all came charged. I'm a pretty mild vaper, only a few ml's a day. So, the small battery size won't be a problem for me for a night out on the town. They last me at my vape pace, probably 2-2 1/2 hours of use. And since the case is a charger if i decide to shut the bar down i'll still be ok . Flavors, i believe Blu still uses Johnson Creek for all their juices which is nice since they're an American supplier. So far i've tried Vanilla (my favorite so far), it's not a bad flavor. Nothing to write home about but i could easily vape this all night with my favorite beer in hand. Cherry, nothing good to say about it. Tastes like *** to be completely honest. I'll update after i've tried the menthol (i'm not a big menthol fan for the most part), and the tobacco. Vapor production. Surprising out of such a small ecig. I hit the cutoff timer every drag, but the vapor is worth it. Pretty decent clouds. Throat hit, honestly this little guy packs quite a punch. Not sure of the nic content in these (didn't pay attention before i threw the box out) but there's a solid th there. All in all, i consider it $35 well spent. I know the cartomizers are like $15 for a 5 pack which sucks, but, considering i'll basically only be using it on the weekend nights, i don't think it'll be that expensive to keep up with. Thanks for reading
  12. Thankfully i've found a local vendor of eGo products and juices.
  13. some chargers don't do that, my ego's will have the push button light up while it's charging and then go out when they're done. just sayin'
  14. That's me lol, i've owned a Provari, a Silver Bullet, a plethera of different 808 sticks, eGo's, vv eGo's, etc..... Direct dripping, carto's, clearo's, tanks, carts+atty's etc.... I've just finally realized that a lr ce4 on a standard eGo is about as good as vaping gets for me. Simplicity at it's finest
  15. I'm vaping out of a ce4 right now, it contains about 40% TVR's Ry4, 20% Vanilla DeKang (ick!), and about 40% Boba's (the rest of my stash :-( ). I had about 15ml's of it to start when i started getting low on Boba's i needed to find a way to stretch it lol, i'm happy to say the combination has been delightful to vape. Since the dekang crap is 100% pg, and Boba's is 100%vg, and the TVR juice is roughly 70/30 vg/pg the juice overall is a little vg heavy but that's the way i like it, it's a good balance of flavors.
  16. Letting a juice just "sit" after you first get it. When you get anything other than DeKang juices they're generally mixed to your order and the flavor in juices comes out better after it's had time to sit for awhile. Generally in a cool, dark place like a cabinet. Kind of like how older wines get better with time.
  17. That was the highlight of last years xmas.
  18. Very true, yes i'll send out some juice for you on the house
  19. I've never been anything but impressed with TVR, that's y i recommend them so much. In fact the only juice i've ever tried that i enjoyed more than any of theirs was Boba's, but in my humble opinion Boba's puts every other juice to shame. And i know a lot of people would disagree with me on that statement, so, obviously at the end of the day it's everyone's own personal preference. I don't know, i just love the way they run their business and as i've said more times than i can count (aside from the impossible to get ahold of Boba's) they have by far the best juices i've ever had. Flavor, vapor, and throat hit are second to none others i've ever tried. Prices are good, customer service is excellent, $10 30ml if it's a flavor of the week, free 15ml's for first time customers, free 15ml's if you refer someone, every order gets a free 3ml sampler. Guess i'm just a sucker for them. But i'll stop talking about how much i love them before someone comes by and accuses me of being a co-owner hahahaha. Sorry, had to.
  20. Vodka in hot chocolate? Heavens no. And don't go knocking cheap vodka. That's my poison and what i prefer. I used to drink McCormick straight from the bottle warm. Honestly prefer the taste over something like grey goose or kettle 1. I only order expensive vodka when i'm at a fancy restaurant and i don't want to make the lady feel too embarassed about being seen with me lol. And even then only ever on the rocks. No mixers. But i digress, this was about vodka's cleaning uses wasn't it lol?
  21. iz serious? or just trying to annoy blu?
  22. http://www.thevaporroom.net/ endthread/
  23. Welcome to the forum any questions feel free to ask.
  24. Y not just some ce4's? I've had pretty decent success with them. Plus they now have rebuildable ones where you can replace the atomizer head with a resistance of your choice as low as 1.8ohm. 1.8ohm on a 3.7eGo is a pretty solid vape. You just fill it and go.
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