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Backups for Backups


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I can't believe this happened to me yesterday. I always thanks to the great advice on this forum, carry backups everywhere I go. Work or play. I carry extra batteries, tanks, liquids and lately a portable battery bank that will charge each of the batteries I carry plus my phone. I think it could jump start a 747 if needed. Anyway I got down to the pub which is honestly only about 5 minutes from my home and I carelessly hadn't checked my batteries before I left home and found they were all on the verge of death. My phone also had only 11% charge. No Problem I thought. HA! I plugged a mod into the battery bank and thought I could vape like using a passthrough. My only cable from the battery bank to devices had bit the dust! No connection. All those backups and I was thwarted by a broken cable. Now as I said the pub is only 5 mins to home, I could easily have gone back for a replacement, or fresh battery, but that would interfere with my drinking time which is limited because at 9 I have to go help close and play security to my Sig Other's shop while we bring the day's receipts home. Fortunately to end this long winded story, one of the staff at the pub let me borrow a 240 plug with a micro usb which fits the batteries I brought and although I was tethered to the wall like an old fashioned phone, I was able to not lose any valuable drinking time. Now I've added yet more backup. An extra cable. Sheesh! Soon I won't have any pockets left to put the money to pay for the beer.

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I carry so much stuff, but I still don't feel safe! I have 2 12V chargers in my car. I have 3 110V in my laptop bag (1 for ecig, 1 cell phone, and my tablet) I carry my ADV, a MVP and Nautilus, and my backup, a VV and Nautilus Mini. For some reason I don't feel like it is enough! I have a new Nautilus sitting at the post office, but i think I need a new APV. I want something to replace the MPV. I want something similar. Box style, long lasting, smallish, but possibly more powerful. I don't need big wattage. I run my drippers on mechanical, this is more for all day use.

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I carry so much stuff, but I still don't feel safe! I have 2 12V chargers in my car. I have 3 110V in my laptop bag (1 for ecig, 1 cell phone, and my tablet) I carry my ADV, a MVP and Nautilus, and my backup, a VV and Nautilus Mini. For some reason I don't feel like it is enough! I have a new Nautilus sitting at the post office, but i think I need a new APV. I want something to replace the MPV. I want something similar. Box style, long lasting, smallish, but possibly more powerful. I don't need big wattage. I run my drippers on mechanical, this is more for all day use.

While an iTaste VTR isn't smaller than an MPV, it is more powerful and longer lasting if you use a 3400 mAh battery like I do in it. :)

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While an iTaste VTR isn't smaller than an MPV, it is more powerful and longer lasting if you use a 3400 mAh battery like I do in it. :)

I have been looking at those. I have also been looking at the eleaf iStick. It looks small and powerful. I have been planning on waiting until all the 100+ watt boxes hit the market, so some of the 50 watt boxes get cheap. The Cloupor, Sigeli, and IPV look good.

The box I really want is made in the Philippines. I can't find it anymore, because I was in a Facebook group that had a waiting list. I am no longer on Facebook. It was a beautiful DNA box made of dark wood, with a polished brass plate on the top, bottom and side. It is sweet. I just don't have the cash for one if they were available today!

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I use to carry tons of back-ups (tanks, batteries, chargers, cables, coils, tools, kitchen-sink...), but now I have a small-ish camera case with mesh internal pockets (and belt-clip). Two eGos and two KPT3-minis on one side and the other side easily holds two coils, two bottles of juice (or a bottle and a larger tank). Of course, each vehicle also has an eGo charger in the glove-box, too.

I carry my MVP a lot more lately, when I'm taking a car. If I'm riding my motorcycle, the eGos and spare tanks are usually all I carry (in the camera case), but I've been known to toss my MVP into my tank-bag if I'm taking a longer ride or going overnight camping.

When my MVP bites the dust, I'll be replacing it with a VTR. Spare batteries are easy to carry (take up less length-space than eGos, and are 2-3x the mAh), and I really like the side-mounting of the tank, which keeps them better protected than sticking out like an antenna! Spare batteries, maybe a MOD tube, a couple of coils, spare tank, and extra juice will fit nicely in that small case!

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the title is beautiful!

Safety being rule # 1 it hink backups is #2 and backups for your backups is #3 haha

wherever I am for a few hours I have cables. the battery charger for my 18650s is at home and whenever I am done with one, i charge it right away, take one from the shelf and put the other one back in line to follow the rotation of my 6 batteries lol

I never leave the house without 3 batteries, one in the mod, and 2 in a little box that is either in my bag or in my pocket(if i dont have the bag, obviously) 2 x 10 ml bottles of juice and my mod.

I usualy have my emow with me as my backup with 18mg nic. If something goes wrong with my main baby, that little emow will at least keep the urges at bay until i get home.

I think in the OP's case, it defaintely wasnt a lack of backups, you seem to have grasped that concept haha

Honestly it was simply bad luck

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And the theme for this week seems to be "Have a backup!" I know for me personally, it is a pain. I only have one battery. It lasts about 6 hours of chain vaping (which I do all day long, since giving up analogs). This means that around 2 pm, My battery dies. Then for the rest of the day, it is "vape, plug in, vape, plug in". So yes, if you can afford to have a back up or six, do yourself a favor and get them! No use making your vape experience a stressful one.

I do have to report, that so far so good. No analogs for me. I'm hanging in there.

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And the theme for this week seems to be "Have a backup!" I know for me personally, it is a pain. I only have one battery. It lasts about 6 hours of chain vaping (which I do all day long, since giving up analogs). This means that around 2 pm, My battery dies. Then for the rest of the day, it is "vape, plug in, vape, plug in". So yes, if you can afford to have a back up or six, do yourself a favor and get them! No use making your vape experience a stressful one.

I do have to report, that so far so good. No analogs for me. I'm hanging in there.

Great! It a good feeling to go another day without an analog.

I have been preaching the backup thing to one of my buddys for a couple of months. He has had to buy 2 vision spinners this week due to him breaking them. He can buy the spinner II here in the VaporTalk store with shipping much less than the spinners he is buying in the vape shop. If you have a backup or 3 you can always wait for that vape mail.

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Just get a small carry-on suitcase. You'll be fine. :D

And I said I wouldn't do this but, I now carry a 5 cigar hard case that works great. 2 Spinners, 2 coils, charger, 4 tanks. Gets me through the day without worry. I turned a gentleman on to vaping at work and he bought the CV kit with the Kanger tank. He was raising heck because his battery was already dead. Told him he is hooked now order a couple tanks and batteries.

Then I heard, Im going to have to buy a pack of smokes to make it through the night. I tossed him a Spinner and said Noooooo!

Edited by BDM53ENT
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I tossed him a Spinner and said Noooooo!

Yet another reason I carry a couple of cheap eGo-T's... I've given one away to a perfect stranger at a gas station before, to keep them from buying a pack of smokes :)

One of the local "flea-markets" had a vape-booth set up, and the guy was selling some genuine and knock-off vape hardware... it was near closing time, and I made him an offer on his remaining 1100mAh eGo-T's... walked home with 9 batteries (with chargers) for $40. I also received several CE4's, EVOD, and Nova tanks as freebies (contests here on V|T), so I used those to make starter-kits for friends, and I've given away 3-4 of them to people in need. It feels good to help someone out, and keep them away from analogs!

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Earthling, that has to be the nicest thing I've heard in awhile. Its good to look out for your friends. :)

Thank you... I'm a far cry from "wealthy", but do enjoy sharing a good deal when I find them (and can afford them). I get great pleasure out of giving gifts, and I've had such success using vaping to stop smoking (only method to EVER work for me), that I truly wish I could afford to buy every smoker I know a starter-kit!

To be honest, though, my initial thought was to hoard about half of the batteries for myself, lol, but after I received nearly a dozen tanks and almost half a liter of assorted juices (contests and freebies), I knew that Karma was knocking on my door, and I had the perfect opportunity to share my good fortune and hopefully help a few others become ex-smokers!

Even though I now use more advanced hardware, I still keep an eye out for really good deals on eGo's and basic tanks (MT3, EVOD, etc)... I would love to always have a few spares, ready to gift-away as starter kits :D

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