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Scrambled brains


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Okay, I've mentioned that before that I have MS. I also have epilepsy. My epilepsy was nice and controlled UNTIL the MS hit me six years ago. Now, as of this Spring, I was on three seizure medications - all of those medications being made to control either focal or partial type seizures, and I have generalized grand mal seizures that don't start in any particular area of my brain. So my NEW neuro has me in the process of switching meds. He started me on Lamictal, and then eliminated Vimpat, and then started working in titrating down the Trileptal - so I am at 300 mg of Trileptal a day (down from 1800) 3000 mg of Keppra XR per night, and I was at 200 mg of Lamictal. Well, Tuesday, getting the family up and moving out the door, and getting myself ready to go, because my mom was having femoral bypass surgery and my sister was going to give me a ride to the hospital in St. Louis. Well, the next thing I knew I was sitting on the couch, and hubby was telling me I had a seizure. *&#$))& So I cried. Really, I can't tell you much about Tuesday. I know shortly after that, I had another one, so hubby made me go to the hospital, but we know WHY it happened. And then that night, during dinner, I had another bloody one.

So, my brains are scrambled enough, I hardly remember Tuesday or Wednesday at all. Hubby was sweet enough to bring my zmax in the car with us - I didn't notice it on the trip there, but I was able to use it on the trip back from the hospital.

Something weird always happens with my tastebuds or something when I have seizures now. Well, I can't remember what my juices tasted like before the seizures. But I KNOW they didn't taste like this. It's like I'm not tasting them right anymore, they don't taste the same. They all taste incredibly similar, as a matter of fact - TO ME, they seem almost identical right now. The following flavors:


Honey Wood

French Vanilla Tobacco (I couldn't vape that for a week prior to the seizure because the tobacco taste was too strong)

Milk Chocolate

No Bake Cake


Mint Chip Ice Cream

Something in those seizures screwed up something, and I don't like it!

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This is the first time I've EVER had more than one seizure in a day - well, except the first time the seizures came out, I had a couple of petite mal seizures in the hours leading up to when I had the my first grand mal seizure, ever, but we didn't find out about those until after the fact, and that was back when I was 16. And not only did I have more than one, but I had THREE. So yeah, my brain is scrambled a bit. Well, a lot a bit. I can't remember hardly anything from either Tuesday or Wednesday, and just a bit of Thursday. So my mom says it makes sense that my taste could be screwed up, as it all processes through my brain, and my brain got right scrambled three times.

The whole taste thing - I'm trying to get it through to my hubby that its NOT the same thing as the difficulty tasting I had before - I mean, from the first pull I remember taking any time Tuesday, until well, um, this morning, every juice tasted just about the same. Just slight differences, but not enough differences so that I can tell what I'm hitting without knowing (currently, I'm back on 618, but today I managed to get adventurous and tried out french vanilla tobacco (still can't fully taste that, but I'm not getting thwacked with tobacco taste like I was before the seizure, so I'm pretty sure this is post seizure brain scrambling causing this).

I'm SOOOO unused to this much scrambling (never having had more than one at a time before except for the petite mal seizures leading up to my first grand mal seizure when I was 16, that I didn't find out about what was EVIDENTLY petite mal seizures until I came back to school after being in the hospital over the weekend and hearing friends' stories of me "spacing out" in class towards the end of that day. I remember very, very little of Tuesday, the day this all went down. I remember talking to hubby while I was recovering from each of the first two seizures - snatches of those convos. Then I vaguely remember the ER, but ironically, my most clear memory of Tuesday was, ironically, calling a dinner order in to Pizza Hut - heck, I don't even remember the whole phone call, just making it - and then getting the food from the delivery driver off my front porch. I remember getting my food onto my plate, and maybe taking 1 bite. I don't know if I DO remember a "after" convo after my "dinner" seizure, or if my brain is filling it in for me, but taking my first bite of that pasta was my last clear memory of Tuesday. Wednesday, no seizures, but I only remember five minutes from the day - my mother in law sitting me up on the couch upstairs in her house watching TV on the heating pad. I at least remember Thursday, but I can't remember why on earth I was at the grocery store with my mother in law.....

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