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Nicotine question

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My wife who still smokes cigarettes and occasionally vapes asked me a nicotine question that I could not answer so I hope those with more knowledge on the topic can help out.

I vape with 12mg of nic in my juice. Her cigarette pack says that it contains .6mg of nic. So if she vapes my juice with 12mg of nic will she ultimately be getting more nicotine in her system from my juice as opposed to smoking her cigarettes?

I would like to put her mind at ease by vaping. Thanks in advance.


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This is just an opinion based on my experience. When I was smoking it was around a pack to a pack and a half a day of Marlboro Lights, which is around 12 mg of nicotine. When I first started vaping it was with 24 mg of nicotine (similar to a pack of Marlboro Reds). It was the extra nic that I was getting initially that helped to get me off the cigarettes and not miss it so much. Once I got past the first couple of weeks of vaping and totally off the analogs I started cutting down the nic to 12, sometimes 6 - 0 mg now. I go up and down depending on what's going on in my life and what I want/need at the moment.

In my opinion it wouldn't hurt her at all to start with the 12 mg. I'd even recommend an 18 or even a 24 to get totally off the analogs. The rest is downhill from there.

Just my two cents, her experience may vary. :)

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Nicotine isnt the evil people think it is because its associated with cigarettes .Nicotine is actually in quite a few vegetables such as eggplant and tomatoes & bell peppers .( I know tomatoes a fruit trying to make a point though) It all comes down to many variables .even though the pack of cigs says such and such amount per one - how long you draw , how long it takes to exhale , are all variables to take into consideration when you figure out what the intake should be .

A light Is said to contain around .09 mg of nicotine( I smoked 30 of them a day.) so that puts me @ 2.7 mg of nicotine per day.

Now the nicotine is marked 1.2 mg . that is 1.2 mg per ML . SO, I use about 3 ML a day. so I am vaping 3.6 mg worth of nicotine per day. a pack and a half of light cigarettes is what I was smoking per day

now I dont always use 1.2 mg of nicotine at night I go down to .6 .. If I were only using 1.2 I would be vaping 3.6 mg of nicotine

*edit to add *

I would rather vape clean nicotine from juice,than nicotine laced with arsenic , from cigarettes .no mater the amount .

Edited by Christie
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The pack of cigs your wife has is .6mg of nic per cigarette. so if she smokes a pack a day she is consuming 12 mg of nic a day ( plus over 4000 chemicals) :(

Nicotine in ejuice is either marked as % or mg/ml. 1.2% = 12mg per ml. If Christie is vaping 3ml a day then she is getting 36 mg of nic a day not 3.6.

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Nicotine isnt the evil people think it is because its associated with cigarettes .Nicotine is actually in quite a few vegetables such as eggplant and tomatoes & bell peppers .( I know tomatoes a fruit trying to make a point though) It all comes down to many variables .even though the pack of cigs says such and such amount per one - how long you draw , how long it takes to exhale , are all variables to take into consideration when you figure out what the intake should be .

A light Is said to contain around .09 mg of nicotine( I smoked 30 of them a day.) so that puts me @ 2.7 mg of nicotine per day.

Now the nicotine is marked 1.2 mg . that is 1.2 mg per ML . SO, I use about 3 ML a day. so I am vaping 3.6 mg worth of nicotine per day. a pack and a half of light cigarettes is what I was smoking per day

now I dont always use 1.2 mg of nicotine at night I go down to .6 .. If I were only using 1.2 I would be vaping 3.6 mg of nicotine

*edit to add *

I would rather vape clean nicotine from juice,than nicotine laced with arsenic , from cigarettes .no mater the amount .

Hear hear, Christie, on the vaping clean nicotine. Just remember, if a person is considered a "high volume smoker" - I think more than a pack and half a day, the recommended nicotine patch is something like 20 - 24 mg of nicotine to be delivered over 24 hours.

And yeah, depending on what strength of cigarettes she smokes, I would start her off at a 24 or an 18 mg of nic, and then slowly step her down. And how many inhales, how deep she inhales, how quickly she exhales, etc., all make a difference in the amount of nicotine that is aborbed, because of the amount of time the smoke is exposed to the mucous membranes in the mouth, lungs, and nose. I started at 24, now I'm down to 18, and after I get paid, I'll be dropping down to 16 or 14 (although my honey wood is already @ 15 mg. My partner in crime ordered the sample pack at that strength, and that's what I got used to in that flavor. But my 618, we started out at 24 mg of nicotine, because that was all they had other than 12 - which 18 - 24 is about your light cigarettes. Both brick and mortars that I shop at ask you initially what you smoked and how much a day and recommended both flavors and nic levels based on that. Actually saw one woman come in and say she went through maybe a pack a week.

The pack of cigs your wife has is .6mg of nic per cigarette. so if she smokes a pack a day she is consuming 12 mg of nic a day ( plus over 4000 chemicals) :(

Nicotine in ejuice is either marked as % or mg/ml. 1.2% = 12mg per ml. If Christie is vaping 3ml a day then she is getting 36 mg of nic a day not 3.6.

That's what I thought, too, Jeff - because otherwise, why would the "high volume smoker" nicotine patches be at over 20 mg/day.

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Most excellent ways of explaining the nicotine to her. Thanks very much. So overall by vaping she may actually be taking in more nicotine, but that in and of itself is not so terrible considering that she will be knocking out the all of the other harmful carcinogens. Once weened off of the analogs and she feels comfortable then at her own pace she can adjust the nic levels in the e-juice to suit her own needs.

When I think of myself I can honestly say that I am a nicoholic. I have dropped down to 12mg of nic in all my juices, however I still for the most part chain vape. Honestly I just love vaping with all the different flavors and combinations of devices out there. Perhaps its just me but for the time being and the foreseeable future I dont want to quit vaping. I actually find it fun.

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One more fun fact about nicotine: in a study (sorry, but I don't remember where I read this but I think it was an accredited medical journal?), nicotine, in and of itself, was found to be highly addictive but not more harmful than caffeine.

Take that for what it's worth as it was only the findings of one study, but I found the results to be interesting. So nicotine could be fairly harmless, it's just the 4000+ carcinogens that cigarettes contain that's bad for you. :)

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The pack of cigs your wife has is .6mg of nic per cigarette. so if she smokes a pack a day she is consuming 12 mg of nic a day ( plus over 4000 chemicals) :(

Nicotine in ejuice is either marked as % or mg/ml. 1.2% = 12mg per ml. If Christie is vaping 3ml a day then she is getting 36 mg of nic a day not 3.6.G

Good call Jeff thanks! (my bad )

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Most excellent ways of explaining the nicotine to her. Thanks very much. So overall by vaping she may actually be taking in more nicotine, but that in and of itself is not so terrible considering that she will be knocking out the all of the other harmful carcinogens. Once weened off of the analogs and she feels comfortable then at her own pace she can adjust the nic levels in the e-juice to suit her own needs.

When I think of myself I can honestly say that I am a nicoholic. I have dropped down to 12mg of nic in all my juices, however I still for the most part chain vape. Honestly I just love vaping with all the different flavors and combinations of devices out there. Perhaps its just me but for the time being and the foreseeable future I dont want to quit vaping. I actually find it fun.

Truthfully, to me, there is no harm in chain vaping - I do it myself a lot. Lowering your nic level may be key, though. Granted, I'm not like most people, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder along with Bipolar AND epilepsy, and a couple of other medical conditions, and I'm also going through a complicated chain of med changes right now, so I don't KNOW if the increased nicotine, or the med changes but I AM having increased anxiety. So I'm stepping my nic level down another notch - but right now, before stepping it down, I'm at an 18 nic level on all but my honey wood, which is 15.

One more fun fact about nicotine: in a study (sorry, but I don't remember where I read this but I think it was an accredited medical journal?), nicotine, in and of itself, was found to be highly addictive but not more harmful than caffeine.

Take that for what it's worth as it was only the findings of one study, but I found the results to be interesting. So nicotine could be fairly harmless, it's just the 4000+ carcinogens that cigarettes contain that's bad for you. :)

Not sure what study you read. It IS a stimulant, but it also dialates the blood vessels, slows or completely stops digestion/indigestion, heartburn, or causes more trouble with GERD, it can induce adrenaline release (thus the possible reason for my increased anxiety attacks), can block the production of insulin, you still get the cholesterol changes you would get off analogs - increase in LDL, and lowering of triglycerides.

Also, nicotine is toxic, and is used in pesticides - granted, in higher concentrations than we use in e-cigs, but that's why most e-juice bottles warn you not to ingest it - it's poisonous.

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Okay, if an analog supposedly contains .6mg of nic, there is no way you can consume that .6mg unless you took the whole analog in one hit. Most people allow more to burn up, than they inhale, whereas 'all' the juice is inhaled.

So, IMO, trying to compare analog nic consumption with juice nic consumption is as futile as herding cats.

Now, if you want to compare nic consumption 'per hit', then you may have something, as only then can you compare 'apples to apples'.

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