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Posts posted by charliestheman

  1. Fadora Grape after a tank rinse and rewick when I got to work this morning. Been on Fadora Strawberry and Watermelon non stop for about a week, with some birthday cake dripping Monday night testing my disposable dripping atomizers (didn't work out with the attys and my mod but the birthday cake was delicious)

    About to finish off my protank/aero base backup tank with homecanned peaches so I can clean it.

  2. I found single coils to have better throat hit and vapor for my regular vaping style on the MVP with the KFL. I used 30 guage and bumped the coil diameter up a bit and found it to work well with my cotton wick that I use. I'm scared to call out a number from memory, I may wrap another one and note the specs if it works out well again.

  3. That did it, man I feel stupid. Works great with 18650's now. Even the vendor couldn't figure it out.

    thanks a lot !

    Tell them that you'll sell them a solution. Once you get payment, link em to the thread :D

    I came in here to post "just get a bigger hammer" and see how long it took fish guy and his safety patrol to write me an OSHA violation.

  4. I just figured everyone vaped at their desk. My boss actually got me started vaping, but sometimes I'm blowing clouds and the CEO walks by and just shakes his head and smirks like "That's weird, but with the work he's putting out, why not I guess"

    The vice presidents and above almost all dip, so some of the other employees have mentioned "if they say anything about no vaping, just mention the CEO will also have to give up his or her dip/chew"

    I keep a fan in my office that blows my vapor and prevents it from building up. Lots of people walk by and mention how good it smells when they pass my door. I tell them to stand there long enough and they might get a buzz.

  5. That is a cool Idea Bird Dog. I was thinking of that, but did not know what it was called.

    LOL That paint shaker would sure do the trick I may look into one of those myself.

    I go to Lowes or Home Depot and send my girlfriend to the farthest paint isle to ask for assistance and when the associate leaves the counter, I strap my juice to the paint shaker. If you put it in a can they just think another associate is mixing something.

    I learned a hard lesson with glass bottles though, they don't do too good like the plastic ones.

    On a serious note I bought an ultrasonic cleaner from Harbor Freight and it has a three minute timer. It takes a lot of button presses to get a few hours worth of mixing. We have an industrial one but I didn't think my juice in 20 year old solvent mixture was a good idea. I started out with it in the bathroom which is in our bedroom, the night I got it. I lost 12 pounds getting in and out of bed and running to press the button.

    After wearing myself out, I sent Compenstine a PM, and haven't looked back since. I have a new standard, if it's not vapeable out of the mailbox now, it goes into the "in case of apocalypse only, and there better be zombies" box. The juice i got from another vendor that caused me to buy the jewelry cleaner, was awful out of the box, was ultrasoniced for a lot of three minute cycles, Jennifer and I did shift work with it next to the bed and a towel on top to muffle the sound for days. I think my little jewelry cleaner ran so long it caused a blackout in four or five states, I wore my fingers to a nub pressing the button, and after all that, the juice still tasted like crap.

  6. Welcome to Vapor Talk. I think learning DIY e-juice is a WONDERFUL idea. I plan to dig in eventually, I really like the idea of ordering wholesale quantity base ingredients and flavor extracts and such and mixing it myself on an "as needed" basis. Besides being ready for the apocalypse, being able to experiment and perfect flavors randomly for our own taste buds would just have to be all kinds of awesome.

    Honestly if it hadn't been for me finding Fadora Vapors and one or two others, i might have gone back to analogs until I could start making my own juice. Taste is just so subjective and unique, so being able to customize the juice to ones own taste buds and adjust to taste, along with perfecting the nic content is just the bomb dot com.

  7. I have a Nemesis (clone) mod... and I love it to death, but I've been looking into some VW/VV mods. Are they really worth it? What's the pros/cons of a VW/VV compared to a mech mod? I mean... does it really make your builds that much more better? I've noticed there are few VW/VV Mods that can handle sub-ohming, or am I just looking at the wrong places/products? lol sorry for all the newb questions... I've been only vaping for about 4-5 months now, and recently in the past month or so got in to mods.

    It's TOTALLY worth it in my opinion. My recommendation would be to try a daily driver vv/VW device like the MVP 2.0 to start with. It's a hell of a daily driver. It's not a sub ohm device though, and not what you would want for cloud chasing. It will push a Kayfun or something like the Omega dual coil dripper quite well as long as the ohms aren't too low. Just a powerful 7-11 watt VV/VW device with built in battery and charger, external charger for devices like cell phones, built in atomizer checker and ohm meter (doesn't replace needing an ohm tester if you're building custom coils), and puff counter with HUGE battery life. It's an "old faithful" type of device for me. My girl even carries my MVP for 0 nic vaping of Fadora birthday cake to cut back on her sugar cravings, and she expected to hate the form factor and now if my DNA 30 dies, I have to pry the MVP from her hands.

    It's at Vapor Beast for 34.99 with free shipping with code "YEAHBABY" in blue and silver, and runs about $40 to $45 most places.

    Now for true sub ohm, cloud chasing beastly performance, you'll want something like a DNA 20 or DNA 30 device and they run upwards of $100 new.

    There are clones out now but, but clones are clones, they don't use the DNA 20 or DNA 30 boards, or an exact clone of the board. The early reviews were poor but it was preproduiction and first run units that had problems like overheating. I wouldn't recommend it personally, but others will get on their soap box about how clones are "sticking it to the man" and if other companies sold their products at Chinese clone prices, they wouldn't buy clones."

    Clones in general is up to the individual, but these DNA 20/30 wannabe clones haven't had much positive feedback from our knowledgeable users, so I can't recommend that based on them being inconsistent at best.

    It might be worth it to you to try a clone and see what happens, personally I bought a genuine Evolv DNA powered custom mod, and it's one of the best vaping purchases I've ever made. But I understand the initial cost is high if you aren't sure if you're going to like it, it might not be budget justifiable.

    So in summary if you only cloud chase spend the money and get a custom mod with a DNA board, but if you also do normal vaping like when you're out and about, working, or any other reason that you aren't cloud chasing, get an MVP 2.0 and try it out. If you don't like it, you can sell it in a heartbeat. It's one of those things people ask other users about wanting to sell the MVP, but just about all the replies are the same "I love my MVP 2.0 even if it's just for backup I'd never get rid of it, I wish I had more."

  8. ymu9avaq.jpg Got some wire in today. I really just needed 24 and 26 gauge but I got some 22 gauge "just in case" and another roll of old faithful 28 gauge to put up for the apocalypse. When I get compenstines juice I vape a tank right out of the mail box, just because I can. I take the other juices out of my vape drawer and make them watch jealously. Kind of like making out with a hotter chick in front of your ex girlfriend. Very rewarding. Lol Jerry on a serious note, I drop a few 30 mil bottles in my vape box I carry around and put the rest in my drawer to steep, I'm usually out too or within a few Kayfun tanks when I get my next shipment so some gets taken out for immediate vape, and VERY good. I used to be a big steeper, I'd go ultrasonic chuck Norris on it with a jewelry cleaner. Then I got Fadora juice and I'm a whole new man.
  9. As you get used to it, you'll break in your vaping and the vaporizer, getting used to how each other work/breath and you'll probably eventually step the power up higher with some juices. Cartomizers/clearomizers also vary, like I'll vape one brand at 11 watts on my MVP 2.0 and another brand will be burning at 9 watts.

    Welcome to the site. The vv3 is a nice APV in my opinion. What tank/clearomizer are you using and what juice are you currently vaping?

  10. IDK. I heard Flipper had a nasty drug addiction after the show went off the air. Some shady happenings around the part of town where he was living. Don't know for a fact if he ate anyone though. Those rumors about TV stars can be blown out of proportion sometimes, imo.

    I heard he was hanging around with Lindsey Lohan and traded his whole bucket of fish for crack on Cajun Pawn Stars. Now he just goes "blehhhhh" and bobs his head up and down. It's all he did before, but now the narrator talks like a thug.

  11. Good deal, I actually came to post that I'd help him if he needed by figuring out a way to transfer things so he got his juice on time. I was really dreading swimming to an oil rig though. That would take a lot of batteries to carry and keep dry for the DNA 30, or I'd have to swim really fast, one or the other.

  12. Fadora Vapor Strawberry

    Fadora Vapor Watermelon

    The some more Fadora Vapor Strawbwerry

    Are you fu***ng kinding me? This s**t is the bomb. I know every one said it was and it wasn't that I didn't believe y'all. But everything I've tried so far has been so subjective. Equiptment included.

    Anyone out there that is reading this and hasn't tried Fadora Vapor. Do yourself a huge favor and order some. I'm trying to place my c-note order but the website doesn't like me. HELP COMP!!!!! I'm trying to make sure I get the order before I leave next Monday night>

    Hurry, Fix his Cart! He's got that oil rig money. It comes in bigger batches than us regular folk.

    I'm vaping Fadora watermelon, been on a binge spree due to the girlfriend having a flat tire last night, didn't get to wrap coils like i usually do and didn't want to mix flavors today. I was in the mood for vaping it straight, no mixers today.

  13. That's funny, I COMPLETELY agree with the O'Douls comparison, I've always said exactly the same thing. I enjoy vaping and plan to continue in the near future.

    MSMom, if it helps any, my experience was that at 12 mg (albeit on a clearomizer and an ego knockoff battery) I would vape a bit and then need a cigarette. When I stepped up to 18 mg I realized I could quit smoking, and that wasn't even my goal when I started. I really just planned to cut back, and be able to do it in the car and office, and I knew in bed would be nice too.

    But after I got the right Nicotine content, the analogs were tasting horrible and we all know how they smell, and I just really lost the desire. The first week was rough, (yet bearable), and with my nicotine level high enough I wasn't climbing the walls at work or anything. It was mostly just getting out of the habits of lighting up when I got in my truck, and going on smoke breaks with the coworkers.

    Once i got past those mental habits I was good to go. I'm not sure if me vaping inside is related to it or it's just from the chemicals, but I'm sleeping better at night too at 18 mg and no cigarettes. I've always struggled with insomnia and it's not perfect now but it's a lot better, less waking up and a deeper sleep.

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