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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. What a tease only a hr away from home, so close yet.. If he's a friend it was unavoidable -poop occurs and there was that silver lining. Could you really sit in an office? It'd be pretty hard I bet. Guaranteed the honey do list will be there *wink*
  2. We were just discussing the in case of's 72 hr packs, things like that, we use wood heat, raise our own food, can and well Dont worry About motorized anything, have horses sheep, spin so warm clothes are not a issue, then I realized oh crud how do I charge my batteries, instant panic I was told I'd have to go back to rolling my tobacco, ugh, now looking into solar battery electric fencer conversion.. we Dont usually notice a power outtage were prepared but this could be ugly if I have no charger.. note to self need more juice and a solar panel for ecig.
  3. Zombie apocolypse lol, several mos??? I'd be set for several weeks maybe, but Im working on it, and you've just given me the perfect answer to why I need more... I do carry several batteries, couple of tanks and several flavors, as if we broke down or got stuck in the snow or zombie apocolypse ... a normal ride to town and back is 60 - 120m. A lot of nothing between here & there.
  4. Sorry can't see to spell anymore, apparently time for bed!
  5. Congrats on quitting, a bunch of great people here. Welcome to VT!
  6. This is why lock were on wins cellars and a grumpy old woman had the only key (and a mean right hook)
  7. Alright, I/it might last that long..
  8. How long? I put it in my tank and it "breathes" well lol, OK I'll try it... sigh
  9. OK I'll try... no guarantees, honestly can't imagine how but I'll put a couple bottles aside, or maybe just one. Lol
  10. Not fair, I spent my budget + this month on new toys, but have been reading the comments. I'll have to try it. If I Dont slow down on this I'll need more really soon though. Lol
  11. Absolutely, I had to try it, and the spiced apple, I can't believe the flavor he produces in his juice! Not to mention the clouds of vapor.
  12. Cleaned the leaking trophy tank, tried fadora vapors watermelon, (couldn't wait any longer) I'm ruined for any other watermelon, it isnt super sweet candy flavored its truly like having fresh watermelon, oh so good. The rooms foggy now..
  13. Didnt you say ya didnt like Texas? Its that Murphys law thing maybe?
  14. I just bought a coffee & cream as well as a mint patty that are spot on from a store here in Mt. Ecigvaporjuice.com the mint patty is so good! Prices are great and they ship everywhere. Nice people too.
  15. Lol testing? aha easter that's good. Glad it made you happy, my package sure made me happy!
  16. No they were the same as anyone can buy from a supplier, I've.got.boxes of them for tinctures. I looked them Wasn't worth the time to clean and sort. Herbal labels still in box. I've got afew of those snake oil bottles they were free left for trash.
  17. At ths auction this weekend there was a box of dirty bottles old labels no tops.. 20 sold for 55.00 I was shocked.
  18. Recycling that's cool! And its nice to see I'm not alone, I just figured I'd have to buy more so some can steep but at the rate they're e-vaporating I just Dont know.
  19. Ya mean they have to steep, these are not going to last that long I'm afraid.
  20. Your having way too much fun w this, dontcha hate when that happens??
  21. That's next! Just stuck on this mint.. I just need to order big bottles like you do, this doesn't need anything
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