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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Oh no lol and you did this willingly?
  2. That woukd be funny! Here they aren't hard to catch, its mostly an excuse for most that want to come out and chill on the lake, like those that never leave hunting camp. I like fishing but not eating them its backwards for me.
  3. Oh ya! That would be great! And fish its a bottomless lake, right up your alley or... We have good fishing perch, cam loops trout salmon and a bucket biologist put small mouth bass in here.
  4. Laughing so hard I'm burning dinner n can't see to check my spellchecker . This guy poisoned 7 dogs (3 of my own) and 20 + cats in three yrs its all out war!
  5. See that's a better side since its thawing holy crap, his hottub could have floaters and sinkers ..
  6. Josh grab fishy, comp and head west! Well nw, fishing hunting and general relaxation on the lake. Rig parking available on the 10 acres ...
  7. O how funny, see men come up w these ideas.. I wonder if I could rooster tail "stuff" over a 10 ft fence... hmm. We have a yellow jacket problem so I did put a hummingbird feeder next to the fence he had a hell of a time last summer, poor guy!
  8. Lol! This is too funny, here I was restraining myself thought everyone was way too nice I had to behave.. well till josh made the comment about peeing really far...
  9. Josh I know I'm doing the same, tears running down my face
  10. Eew you have a evil side.. I like it!
  11. Barking dogs are a pain... my neighbor is a jerk too but his dogs quiet its him and his loud mouth wife...
  12. Fishys the "bad" neighbor oh how funny! That's better then what I had planned for my neighbor V.E.G. now this I might get away with, draft horse poop+potato gun bwuahahaha
  13. You took out his window?? Roflmao!
  14. Hes tough he'll make it, he was entered into martial arts hall of fame not too long Ago, he just has to process it all and get it into his mind is all. (Can't beat him into submission lol, he's to damn quick.)
  15. .lol just saw your post about snow blowing into neighbors yard, what a great idea! Lmao
  16. A bobcat, lol, I use a bobcat to clean the draft horse pasture, hmm that's an idea though.. I got an aluminum landscapers rake & a young neighbor who wants to make a few dollars. I won't ask him to pick up CIG butts though.. yuck. I am doing my best to convert people, another friend 2+ pack a day smoker, had a heart attack this weekend, just got out of hospital awaiting bypass surgery, his daughter started me vaping so were working on getting him vaping now he's so stubborn.
  17. LOL, I thought about it after I sent it, oops too late. I had a coffee can too, or put the butts in my pocket, they're everywhere! Breeding like dust bunnies under a bed. I have two huge dogs that haven't learned to discreetly go in the woods so your not alone there. (What a subject) Its spring officially, eck I'm getting a no smoking sign, so no one else leaves their nasty stuff around.
  18. I started vaping Nov.1, we had a lot of snow on the ground by then. I was just sitting outside watching the ice thaw on the lake listening to the geese and loons sing, (vaping of course), now I know what I'll be doing for a few days now, disgusting nasty cigarette butts all over the ground! I have graduated into a anti-smoker, and I like it.
  19. I enjoy "not smoking" most of all as well. But enjoy the vaping & flavors too. I'm down from 18 to 6, in a couple of months, tried an old 18 mg juice yesterday and got so sick such a headache . Had a cleaning day on old juices today.
  20. They would a had to bring lunch by golly! The local rent A cops are well not the brightest lights in the room, here. We have had issues before, told me I couldn't bring my S.D. in 2 yrs ago, cause she's a dobie.. proved them wrong then too. But S.O. guy knows if I'm debating then Im generally in the right. My other half stood behind me saying educate them Dont assassinate them, so I was trying to not laugh for most of the first encounter. Then I got tired of it. It ended well, I won! As did other vapors ..
  21. This weekend went to a country auction, on a local school yard. first pull on ecig I had a few wanna be security guys swarming me telling me no smoking on school grounds. Since I'm such a quiet reserved old woman this didn't go well w me. I decided to educate them.. which I did, their statements were; federal laws prohibit smoking on school grounds, same thing in ecigs as analogs on & on I could be arrested. Needless to say, the Answers were, Wrong! I'm vaping not smoking, no federal laws period, then educated them on the ingredients in juice. Arrest me, well ya better bring it!!! Maybe the news reporter standing nearby giggling had an effect but they backed off. Went on off & on all day & I vaped while educating, until I fiddled w my tank enough in aggravation it disassembled. Its fixed now but.. finally a real deal sheriffs officer came by that I knew corrected the situation took a hit off my leaking mess and blew it in their face, Settled. Vapers 1- idiots 0 Still stewing over this was Hoping it would show up in local news but no. Darn it! I even maintained a semblance of control thru it all. I've decided to call the owner of the security service. Just had to vent! So pissed, glad I didn't fling the tank. Are there any laws to justify their statements before I call? Searched but can't find anything.
  22. Steeping only lasted 6 hrs, back to fadoravapors watermelon dang its good!
  23. Pass through are nice but I found I had to charge mine a lot after 4-5 mos, thanks to All the help from great people here I found an awesome mod at a great price and love it. Sorry your sick, good excuse to vapor -ize your lungs more lol, I've been thinking about a mini protank, no leaking ??? Hope ya feel better soon.
  24. Thinking about it, sounds like. Wouldn't you miss the road? I sure do.
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