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Everything posted by Burn

  1. I have been tracking on this one as many of us have. The size is of great concern, just gauging its size based upon its relation to the 18650 in the picture is seems huge. The other big feature is the warranty, it is as complicated as the Provari is plus it has a "micro pump" for the JD. I would be very concerned if the warranty was less than the ProVari 1 year commitment. Finally, not being able to handle anything above 80% VG eliminates a good deal of popular juices you can use with it. Those concerns for $300? I am anxious to hear the reviews but I think they may have priced themselves out of the market with a device that has design limitations and size issues. Edit: Also I wonder how much of the pump overhead will reduce the battery life?
  2. I vape a homemade Honey-menthol tobacco most of the time. In the evenings I will switch up to Boba's Bounty. Pretty much one of the other but mostly the honeybaccomenth concoction I came up with.
  3. OMG, this list is TERRIBLE!!!! Eat a snack?? has the author even been a smoker? Why not add "drink a beer" and "have sex" while your at it....
  4. there are 2 types of tanks that I am aware of. 1 is known as the MAP tank, it uses a C2 style cartomizer that doesn't have any of the poly fiber filler. It uses some braided nylon type of wick the problem with this tank is gravity. The wick has to pull the liquid UP into the atomizer, which rests on top of the device. loved this device for the first 3-5 mls I put through each cartomizer and then it would inevitably get burnt and I would toss it. The other type is known as the Liquidator, this one does use the Boge poly fiber cartomizer that you may have tried. The difference is that you cut slots in the BOTTOM of the cartomizer and gravity pulls the liquid to the atomizer. I have been using this for about a month and not a single burnt cartomizer yet. I don't think a tank is a great 24/7 solution, I use it when it isn't practical or safe to drip. I agree with the part about variable voltage mod, I wouldn't use anything without regulated voltage.
  5. Do you really think people are collecting the same types of mods? Perhaps you are correct and perhaps its a matter of perspective. I own a Joker, Provari and a precious. While the all may seem like the same on the surface, I think they are all quite different. The Provari has the incredible battery life, the joker is the "light" one and the Precious is the smallest and has an autofeeder. I also have a Mark's Mod too but well...that one is simply special. My wife also looks at my collection of laptops (6) and thinks it is ridiculous but I think it makes all the sense in the world; some are linux, some are windows, some are macs, some are 32bit and some are 64bit, etc. I do different things with them and they all get used frequently. I will admit, I love to collect PVs and computers and I probably have more than I need but I certainly don't have as many as I want either. =)
  6. I feel ya, brother Brian, it is certainly weird not to have a new device in 6 months. I am waiting for my damn precious v2 to arrive (long story...). However, I am in the same mindset as Jeff. It has to be VV and nothing new has really appealed to me. Diamante is too long and the only feature I find useful is the pulse so I would prefer a pulse Joker but even that is kinda "meh". I did have good luck with the Liquinator tank system. Been about a month and it is working great. Come on modders! I am burning to buy a new pv but it has to be better than the Provari. The only way I see my Provari getting replaced is if either 1) new mod does the same thing as Provari, including batt life, but smaller and lighter or 2) has a reliable auto juice feeder. Maybe there is another enhancement to vaping that we haven't thought of yet but I personally think the innovation development of the PV is kinda tapped out.
  7. I am surprised how much 901 love there is here. I personally was horribly disappointed by them. I thought the performance was dreadful but there are plenty of people on this thread who's opinion I respect that like them. Moral of the story, you won't know until you give them a try.
  8. What items have your purchased that has enhanced your vaping experience? Not necessarily looking for mods but anything goes. Maybe there will be some nice little tips shared. Way back when I started vaping, over a year ago, I picked up a "bottle buddy" from Ms. T's Bakery essentials. It is merely a small square zipper case that goes on your keychain (or whatever) I use it to carry an extra battery and atty. I used to carry juice in it. Really cheap ($5) and quite frankly was one of the handiest things I can remember picking up. I don't use a purse (typically...) so having something that is always with me that can carry a few small essentials was really useful. I bought a backup a couple months back but the original is holding up very well and it really isnt too big for me to keep in my pocket as a keychain. What are some of your favorite things? http://www.mstsbakery.com/categories/E%252dcigs-and-Accessories/Ms-T%27s-Bottle-Buddy/
  9. regulated wattage is a pretty slick idea, that I really like. No battery indicator? WHAT???? and you can't carry a spare battery? That is a step backwards, in my opinion. The dripping concerns and the fact it is really ugly makes this a non starter. I rarely see a mod I don't want to or wind up buying but the chance to be stuck with a dead battery, especially without warning is a deal killer. Heard a lot about this mod and was thinking about trying one but the battery issue scares me off. What about when the battery finally dies? then what? The warranty is for one year on the battery? I hope that is a typo because the battery should be good for a few years. No info on this review or the site about a battery replacement? Too bad, was really hoping for a new mod, this one isn't it, for me at least. (addendum: found another listing that says that it does have a battery indicator and the the manufacturer will replace the battery for $25) Nhaler has it listed as sold out....
  10. I am a direct dripper and will do that whenever I can but I don't like dripping and driving so I have been looking for an alternative. Cartridges are terrible, Boge cartomizers were great at one point but they burn too easily unless you are frequently dripping or refilling them, which doesn't serve well as a direct drip alternative while driving. I then got an ego Tank and I can not get the flavor or performance to be suitable. Next came the MAP Tank mod which is perfect, for about 5 ML and then no matter what I do, the flavor goes south very quickly. I picked up a Precious Lv2, with the auto feeder, it works great but the unit was essentially DOA after 3 hours and I am now waiting on a replacement (since march!) The MAP was the best but only getting 5ML per carto was pretty frustrating. I recently received a Liquinator Tank Mod. This one uses the BOGE carto again but this time, they cut slits in the bottom of it so that the liquid that surrounds the carto is constantly being saturated. It has not flooded the carto for me at all. The flavor and performance is great and the carto has not burned in 20 ML. I think this may be the perfect solution and wanted to share it with VT. They do charge 5.95 for shipping then proceed to ship it first class... That is my only gripe and in the end it isnt really a big gripe. Cutting the slot is very easy if you have a dremel or in my case, I use a drill with a dremel cutting disc. Link to the site: http://www.vaporescence.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=334 Video of the mod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-49YN6RzXg&feature=player_embedded
  11. Nothing to it, I do it frequently. I carry my liquid in my pocket and don't have any issues. Putting it in a baggie would be to the letter of the rules but I have yet to have a problem. I have flown with an e-cig at LEAST 30 times in the past year and havent had an issue yet. I did have to give a demo of my ProVari last week in Detroit as it really does look like a detonator but they still let me through. I have found that if I get asked about an ego, it would be in a small town, like Medford, OR or Greenville, SC but major city airports are very much used to it. I am careful when on the plane but the real area is security and it won't be a problem for you. Be friendly, explain what it is if asked (doubtful) and act like you have done it before. It really isnt a big dead at all. =)
  12. I own quite a few mods and this is my favorite. It is quite heavy and I still haven't got over that but it hasn't stopped me. I use it 80% of the time, I only leave it at home if I am walking around or don't have alot of pockets. Other than that, it is the best mod I have have used. Great battery life which is key for me. A++
  13. Burn

    Bad News

    in a private establishment you really dont have any expectation to vape,pick your nose or take off your shoes. It is really up the the owner to determine what they allow and it is up to us to respect that, as a community. This thread has been done several times and I always come away with the same reaction....so what??
  14. Same here, I rolled my eyes when I saw the title in the rss feed and then declared it "thread of the year" when I read it. Well done, very funny and quite true....WTF is my precious?
  15. I noticed that too when I ordered from them, it was a nice touch. The juices I received didn't appeal to me so I haven't return but I have always held them in fond, if not high regard due to their personal touch.
  16. Not to be a wet rag here but I do work in technology security for a living. Jailbreaking iPhones can lead to a number of security issues. If you don't have any personal/credit card info then it probably wont affect/hurt you. As iPhones are essentially miniature laptops, many people do store personal info on them. This is far more of a PSA as I know most arent aware. What you do to your phone is your business, just passing along some info. http://iphonejailbreaktools.com/5472/jailbreaking-ibm-mobile-phone-cloud-security-issues-can-impact-it.html and http://ipod.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=ipod&cdn=gadgets&tm=25&f=00&tt=12&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//pcworld.about.net/od/securit1/Third-iPhone-Worm-Targets-Jail.htm
  17. I will also say that Provari is excellent. However, you do need to understand that it is really heavy, compared to others. If you don't care about that, disregard, it does matter to me so I use Vaperlifes Joker when I am out and about or working. The joker is very light and I have 2 of those as well. I am not familiar with Jolly's mod but I think that as long as you can get decent life and you are comfortable holding it, you really can't go too wrong. The performance, by design is similar if not identical. The feature and physical attributes are the only real difference, IMHO.
  18. I have both, they are very different. I like them both (beez more than Xpress) but to answer your question, they are quite different and not similar at all. To be honest, if you were to ask me my favorite honey tobacco maker, besides my DIY blend, it HAS to be VapeRite. They are the ones that got me started on my honeybacco binge are great quality and the flavor balance is very good. His is called Honey Horn Tobacco. Beez does not have a tobacco taste, in case that is what you are looking for but it is nice, I consider it a "dessert vape".
  19. Something has changed at TW, I received an international transaction fee from my last order 3 weeks ago. The fee was $1.70 for a $54 transaction. I have ordered from them AT LEAST a dozen times and this is the first time. I also noticed that you can not pay from paypal anymore. My suspicion is you are now being charged by an international (British) bank and therefore you get the fees. I also pay an international fee for the Club Penguin website membership each month as their bank is out of the country.
  20. There is nothing like snuggling between a pair of twins to cope with grief. Be strong and god bless.
  21. Very similar store to the others, I started out with "food flavors" and after about 6 months or so none of them were very appealing. I started to try some tobacco flavors and found them very satisfying. Some of the earlier flavors that I loved I can not even vape anymore and only "once in awhile" I can find myself vaping some of the old flavors. Yes, Tastes can change quite a bit as you get away from smoking. Once the change happened, my taste has been quite stable and I have found my permanent "all day/all time" vape. What you are experiencing is common, if not completely normal.
  22. Most work environments are private establishments and the management can legislate it in any way they wish unless it infringes on your civil or labor rights. Not much you can do and regardless of how we feel about it, defying the rules of the company not only introduces risk to your livelihood and perhaps sets back the vaping cause to a degree. There is a lot that is unknown by the general population and also by our community about e-cigs. Fear of the unknown has driven human nature for as long as humans have existed. Pushing our ideology that they are "safe" to anyone who opposes them will likely only further to feed the fear of what we don't really understand. My company banned them last month and I was asked about this prior to the announcement and I honestly couldn't offer anything to my peers about it besides my beliefs. In the end all of us, including myself, agreed we should not allow their use in the office because they made many people, including visitors to our office uncomfortable. I firmly beleive this was the correct decision for our business even if this meant I could no longer vape in sight of others.
  23. I had a Buzz, in fact, it was my first VV mod so I will always remember it for that, I did a review of it last year you can find here: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/6307-the-buzz-final-review-update/ I can not find any information on the site about warranty, I think you would want to find that out first especially for such a "new" device. I think it was released within the past month or 2. The owner is a nice guy, I do recall speaking to him about the Buzz and enjoying the discussion. I did sell my Buzz because i had the opportunity to have 2 Jokers and didn't need it as backup but it worked just fine and I liked it, even if I wasn't crazy about the looks of it. This device surely looks better. The batteries are a bit uncommon for e-cig mods and the kit doesn't specify how many you get with the kit. You will want 4 so you are not waiting for them to charge. Doesn't seem to have a drip well but can't tell for sure as there is only one picture of the device. It is probably safe to assume that because it is so new you are getting the "first gen" model and for me, that must have a good warranty and you should consider the price of return shipping. As far as battery life, it is rated the same as the original eGo, I would expect 3-4 hours of run time. Mah ratings can be deceiving and my estimate is a guess, of course. It is priced to move and the design looks pretty good and familiar. I would suggest contacting the owner to discuss the mod with him, I expect he would be forthcoming to you. If you are the first to get this (on V-Talk) please write a review for others to benefit. I did find some reviews of the mod over at another (and inferior) forum as well as a you tube video, in Japanese. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=infinity+mod+review+notcigs
  24. IMHO, trying to match or come close to a particular flavor is a losing game, just too difficult. I have taken a different approach. "Hmmm, I like supplier X's honey tobacco" I started with a good sweet tobacco and then bought some different honey flavors and tried combinations of them and at different proportions. Touched up with a few drops of menthol and a tiny twist of clove and I have what is my "perfect" signature vape, tailored for me. Can't get it anywhere else in the world but in my lab and it suits me even more than the original suppliers. The point I am making is that chasing the perfect vape for YOUR tastes is far easier than trying to match a particular brand/recipe. I think alot of people become frustrated when first mixing, I relieved my frustration by taking a pragmatic approach to it.
  25. In a recent thread I did a comparison based on my experience, with both of these models. You can find that here: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/10765-your-opinion-on-what-pv-should-i-get/ I agree with Christopher that the Provari is worth the price. However, we are both techno-hoarders and seem to buy the latest technologies so experiencing them is often "worth the price" =) Warranty is important but I would also suggest that service is equally as important. E-cigs and especially mods, are emerging technologies and these companies do not have extensive R&D or QA teams to put the product through its paces before it is released to the market. I know the Joker had a redesign and adjustments post launch and the Provari has had at least 3 changes to the circuit board programming in the past 2 months. This is pretty normal so don't be too bummed if whatever you choose needs a repair. I have sent the Provari back twice and my Joker back once and in all cases, the service was very good. I think it is primarily a matter of which device suits your needs.
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