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Everything posted by DragonGunner

  1. The possibilities of designing mod sleeves are limitless (marble, stone, wood, carbon fiber etc) . I'm quite excited about that.
  2. The possibilities of designing mod sleeves are limitless (marble, stone, wood, carbon fiber etc) . I'm quite excited about that.
  3. Tell me about it. I had no intention of buying another mod. I woke up in the morning and checked my email and had some mail from The Vaping Griffin showing off the wood fairy mod. I was like OMG so cool. I bought it on impulse within 2 min.
  4. Hey iheartvape...that's very tidy looking. How many wraps is that and what size bit was it coiled onto? Can you post a pic sometime without the cotton? I would love to see how you worked the legs. Also how is the flavor and vapor production with this build? I've always been interested in trying a dual coil on my 91%.
  5. No more mods for me for a while. I almost bought the original Akuma and the Sir Lancelot mods as they both have incredible reviews, but settled on the copper viggo mod (Todd's review tipped the balance). Good luck with the Akuma clone when it gets in. Let us know how it performs. I'm betting that it will be an awesome mod.
  6. Agreed these from Lee Ash are amazing. I love the way the magnets attach the switch to the mod without the use of any threading. Really cool and innovative.
  7. When I order juices I normally buy upwards of $300 at a time (but then again I work 10,000 miles from home and never want to run dry). When I was experimenting with juices I would always go to the below link to read reviews but going into it knowing that taste is very subjective. Most of my current top juice I have found from reading the reviews on this site. http://allthejuices.com/top-juices/ Sorry I can't help you out with the glass tank with a metal casing.
  8. Agreed 25mm???? I saw another wood mod called the Mor Crann and it was 26mm (I may get one of these eventually), I don't know...this style of wood mods just appeal to me...I really like the difference rather than just the typical SS, brass and copper mods. http://lash-creative.com/Lash_Creative/The_Mor_Crann.html
  9. Hahaha yeah the name is a bit weird so I will always refer it to as my "Ebony Wooden Mod". Not that there's anything wrong with the word Fairy.....cough cough.
  10. Sorry to keep on ranting...guess I'm just super excited. After I get mine in I will take this to a carpentry shop and see if I can have them make several wooden sleeves in various wood styles to change the look when ever I want. I think that it would be easy enough to do. The possibilities are endless, which in my opinion would make this super cool.
  11. I just bought one of these. I've always wanted a wood mod. I've always wanted a brass mod. Now I can have my cake and eat it too. They are still in stock at the moment, but I cant imagine for much longer. Limited release of only 500 and at a reasonable price (IMO). This is one super sexy mod. Edit: Oops sorry folks. The website I have below is for a 10 mod minimum. I bought mine from "The Vaping Griffen" but I bought the last one from their site. Perhaps if enough of you guys want one a co-op would be feasible. http://www.jinamods.com/ebony-wooden-mod-by-jinamods/ These sites have some in stock for $180.00. http://www.btvape.com/Ebony-Wooden-Mod-by-JINAMOD_p_722.html http://www.themodstory.com/ebony-wooden-mod-by-jinamod/ http://www.vaporkings.com/AUTHENTIC-Fairy-mod-from-JinaMods-p/jinamods-fairy.htm http://www.vapeupusa.com/Mods_c2.htm $189.95
  12. 28ga parallel coil-I think 8/7 wrap on a 5/64 bit gives about .7ohms. By far the best coil for my Russian 91%. This coil creates awesome clouds for a kayfun/russian and tastes great (at least for me).
  13. Bro I just read this. I also never knew about this app. What a handy thing to have. This will definitely come in handy when I get my 22, 24, and 26ga kanthal in without having to trial by error. Massive thumbs up. You just made my day. Thanks a bunch for bringing it up.
  14. I'm jealous Josh! My Magma is at home but my wife will have to bring it to me during our European vacation. Hopefully my Copper Viggo will get in as well (not to mention 500mg of juice and the recently released black edition Kayfun v3). I can't wait to try the magma out on the Viggo. Ahhhh the wait is killing me. You all think vape mail is slow.....try ordering something and not being able to get it for months....uhhh well I guess there is fasttech or slowtech whatever everyone is calling it these days
  15. Nicoticket: Custards Last Stand, Creme Brule, The Virus Chrystal Canyon Vapes: Mystic RY4 : Kringles Curse, Tribeca
  16. Thanks for the replies everyone. Coming here to the forum is like my therapy. It gives me peace of mind that I can talk about certain aspects of my job, because I can't really tell my wife some of the dangerous things and places that I go. That's just a no no and would just cause her more unnecessary stress. All of you are awesome.
  17. I'm sitting here in my room in Baghdad, Iraq tonight really missing my wife and 6yr old son. I've been in country since March 23rd and although its only been a little over 2 months it feels like a lifetime. A lot has happened over the past 2 months. I've taken two helo flights to Basra (a butt numbing 3 1/2 hour flight from the Baghdad Green Zone) The second trip was pretty exciting as I had to escort my VIP to election polling sites for Iraq's first solo primary elections. Although the elections went down without a problem, violence is now spreading due to the results. Truth be told I'm just ecstatic that none of our teams were targeted. A few weeks ago I had the rare but dangerous opportunity to visit a flooded area in the town Abu Gharib which is just a few km's away from Fallujah (twice, as if once was not enough). Al Qaida is currently fighting the Gov't forces and has full control of Fallujah, Ramadi and most of Abu Gharib. Al Qaida blew up a dam and everything within a 15-20km radius is mostly under water. On a lighter note I just successfully completed my 10 day weapons and fitness re-qualification for the year. It was fun but the heat at times was almost unbearable, 104-110 degrees. My fitness level (thanks to vaping) has really increased in the past 2 months. I have completed a 1/2 marathon (sorry treadmill, too dangerous to run outdoors) in under 2 hours and am now working on getting my 10km run under 45 min (currently at 48 min). It's great to feel healthy again. My countdown to reuniting with my family has begun. On June 14th I get to leave for a quick but much needed 7 day break to meet up with my family in Europe who will be on vacation. I'm not too worried about it being short because come August 1st I plan on traveling back to the US to meet them there for a nice long 1 month break. I'm so looking forward to that time off. Anyways I just thought that I would share my recent experiences. Just so you all know I'm not in the military but work as a Dignitary Protection Officer for the United Nations. My military and police days are long past, but my sense of service is still very strong within me (I guess for many of us it's just all we know). Everything I've mentioned above has been made public via the United Nations. Take care and have a great day. DragonGunner
  18. OMG! Your brother was very lucky. I'm glad he had the good sense to call you. Many of these staff who build are just newb builders themselves and have no clue about safety. They just want the sell.
  19. I'm rocking a 28ga kanthal parallel coil (5/16-I forget how many wraps) at .5 ohm in my R91%. The flavor is great and it really spews the vapor (the most ever from my my russian). Now just waiting to get my 22ga, 24ga, and 26ga kanthal and my Magma to get delivered to me this summer to try out some new builds. I havent read through this entire thread but have you guys played with parallel coils?
  20. Funny I should see this thread. I just ordered the copper Viggo. I did a lot of research on various copper mods....I almost bit the bullet and bought the Lancelot mod as well as the Akura mod, but in the end I think I ended up with the right choice. I will not polish mine, nor do I care if it gets nicked or dinged. I buy things to use and not for sitting pretty on the table. This goes for all my toys. I buy nothing for collections.
  21. I just ordered the Copper Viggo mod by VapeJam. I hope it arrives before my wife leaves for Europe where we will meet this summer. I'm really excited about this mod.
  22. I have the authentic flip and it's an awesome bit of kit. It's my daily driver at the moment.
  23. I'm vaping a twisted 28ga kanthal parallel coil build 6/7 wrap for .3 ohms. She's not pretty but damn flavors and vapor are none that I've experienced yet. I put her in a trident clone and had to really fight to get the wires to fit (almost gave up but so glad that I didn't). Now just waiting on my new magma rda from Paradigm mods to try out some builds (its at the house but my wife will bring it to Europe when we meet for a quick vacation).
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