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Everything posted by Ray

  1. That's the difference between a Chef and a fry cook
  2. So, the flavoring in juice is just food flavor, like Mom used to use in the kitchen?
  3. This is the cheapest I've found so far. http://shop.rockymountainvapor.com/category.sc?categoryId=33
  4. AAAAAHHHH Tragedy shouldn't be funny, but that hilarious. I probably would have wrecked slamming on the brakes.
  5. I'd recomend a 10ml each of 18mg,24mg and 36mg. Then she can decide which is better. You don't want to start too low or you won't get the satisfaction. And you don't want too much of the wrong strength.Of course you can always cut the too strong with a lower strength. I started with 24, tried 18, now I want to try 36. Maybe even the 48 if the 36 doesn't get me where I want to be.
  6. Yes, they don't seem to go into a lot of detail on their site or give good descriptions, but the atty's I got today have the low bridge. The bridge is waaay down there compared to the 3 DOA's that had the real high bridge. If you order from them, I would contact customer service to verify what you want before ordering. They're usually pretty good about getting back to you.
  7. Just recieved my 3 801 atty's and they are the low bridge type. They rock!! I had ordered 3 last week and recieved 3 DOA high bridge ones. Contacted C/S at RMV and Dave replaced all 3, no questions nor do I need to return the deads. Now I need to find the adaptor to put the 801 on my Spade. Think I'm getting off topichere. Just trying to keep jeffb on his toes
  8. NANA!! How'd you get hold of my numbers? Guess we'll just hafta share, now I'll only be able to buy half of everything in the store.
  9. They're are my exclusive place for juice as well as some of the spare parts. Exceptionally good prices and service.
  10. More confusion for ya. If the size is important, the eGo would probably make you very happy. Small, long battery life(longer than the Spade from what I've read about it) and great vapor. I'm going to get 1 eventually. Like you I want to try them all as soon as I hit the Powerball. I use the 510 passthru and have an 801 passthru but I'm waiting on the 801 atomizers. The 801 holds a LARGE amount of juice, which is what I'm looking for. Hate having to refill all the time. I use the Spade when I'm not near power. Good luck with what ever one you get.
  11. I agree with everything say about those jerks, but this line reminded me of the Rum running movies. I could be a Juice Bootlegger with a trunk full of RY4 cruising the back roads of America.
  12. Looks like they're in Shanghai, China. I don't think I'd trust US Customs to let them through. Just my paranoia coming thru.
  13. Wonder if my boss would spring for one of those.
  14. How bout "Big Metal" My wife calls my Spade the BONG. She'd call a VT/PT a Hukka or something.
  15. HA HA. Mines correct, I was just congratulating Dreamquest on her 6 days
  16. I found AC/DC USB charger at walmart made by the Energizer bunny with an output of 12v @.8A and it works great for my 510 pass thru with the inline battery. I use inside and in my truck. Model PL-9920V $20.00 The 5v adaptors are only about $10.00 but you can only use them in the car. Not sure if VT store sells the power supply for their big PT alone. Good luck.
  17. I'm thinking dork Unless you really like pipes. The cigars and pipes use thsame batteries as the PV's. so the hits would be the same, and the cigars I've seen are either black or wood grain. And pretty big from the looks of them. I have a Spade and wouldn't want anything bigger, but I'm giving the 801 pass thru a try to see if it gives a bigger hit. That's the atty they seem to be using on the VT/PT. Huge carts hold lots of juice. I had 3 801 attys, but 2 were DOA and 1 lasted about 4 hours before dying,but the supplier is sending free replacements. While it was working, it produced huge amounts of vapor comapared to the 510 Spade.
  18. 6 days and cruising along. Good luck
  19. Started wit 24mg and still using it. I think a side affect is that it keeps me awake. Never to get to sleep before 2am since I started. I just ordered some 18mg to see if that helps, but I've got lots of 24 left if the withdrawls start up. I went from a pack a day on 11/28/09 to no analogs by 12/07/09 and don't have any craving for the analogs, as long as I have my Spade close at hand that is.
  20. As hot as i can stand with my hands? and then blow it out gotchya! ty!
  21. But walking really slow, had to do it twice to get it right LOL
  22. Exact same question I asked when I joined. Click someones banner, choose your symbol and fill in the info, click create banner. Right click the top box of text(Banner) and select all.Right click again to copy. Go to your profile and edit your signiture by pasting the text and then save. I had to do it again just now to get the right sequence down. Welcome to the forum.
  23. Very cool looking. Kinda looks like something Barney in Mission Impossible would make. Maybe McGuiver
  24. I wish the FDA would read this. We should invite Obama to the forum. He still smokes, I think. All in favor of Vaping in the Oval Office raise their hands.
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