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Posts posted by vapemudgeon

  1. Just something to watch out for. My neighbor has type 2 diabetes. She always has been able to keep it under control with diet and exercize, and never has used insulin.

    Since she has been vaping she has not been able to keep her blood sugar under control. 2 days ago she asked me if there is sugar in vg. I went as far as to call the company and talk to the lab, no they dont add sugar or sweetner but vg is naturally sweet. (I make my own liquid and use vg and i share my liquid with her)

    She quit vaping yesterday and her blood sugar level dropped from 248 to 147, not low enuff yet the dr said it needs to be down to 110, but 100 pt drop and all she changed was she stopped vaping says something.

    I am not sure how pg affects blood sugar levels, and not even sure if the vg is doing it to her, just i can see what has happened to her, and how it dropped with the only change being not vaping ...

    Vg is naturally sweet, i assume pg is also but i could be wrong, she would like an alternative something that wont spike her sugar, but is a bit scared now.

    Welcome to the forum Fawn !

    Yunno, I think the problem could be with the flavoring not the VG.... I could be wrong. Flavoring can have a lot of sugar in it !

    Walmart has a brand of VG called "Humco" (It's in the pharmacy section). I put a post in the DIY section that shows a breakdown of the make up of this product... done by a Pharmacist. It's apparently just vegetable glycerin and a little water... That might offer some info.

    Also you may learn more about sugar content in that section.

  2. The most interesting thing That the article brought to mind is that they pointed at the reduction of "Stop smoking" campaigns as a possible culprit ! These are the same folks that ridiculed Nancy Reagan for her "Just say no to drugs" campaign, that, by the way, paralleled a major reduction in drug usage in America followed by a spike in abuse after Clinton cut the campaign funding ??????

    Also, Rise in unemployment.... rise in smoking ????????

  3. Welcome khountrygirl, If you have questions you came to the right place ! These folks are helpful, knowledgable and a bit nutty !!!

    May I suggest a great video about getting more vapor in the forum beginner section FAQ thread.... Watch all of those, they will be very informative !

    It's a bit of a learning curve, hang in there !

  4. People worry too much!! I was an OTR Truck driver for 8 months, i cant tell you how many times ive pumped diesel with an analog lit in my mouth LOL! I remember my co driver was trying to eyeball how full the tank was so he went to look in it...well...he didnt have a flashlight to see, so he used his lighter!!! I come waltzing out of the truck stop with a hot dog in each hand and see my best buddy trying to peer into a 300+gallon tank full of fuel with a lighter lit!!! Lets just say those hotdogs hit the ground and i went runnin towards him yelling at the top of my lungs "WHAAT THE F**** ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT!!!" Lol you should have seen his face... :blush:

    Needless to say, he wasnt the sharpest tool in the shed. Lol

    ********LONG STORY BELOW, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ;) ***********

    I had crazy woman syndrome happen on a plane for something even more retarded. Here is this NERD chick with 80's style hair, 80's style glasses, 80's style washed out jeans sitting there reading some NERD book. She was sitting a row behind the next aisle over. Well my flight was delayed for 30mins due to bad weather, so we are all sitting there waiting for the weather to clear up, keep in mind, we are still sitting at the terminal NOT MOVING. So i jump on my phone and call my buddy who was supposed to pick me up in Texas and tell him im going to be about 30-45mins late.

    Well, this NERD chick leans up and says "You need to turn off your phone! Your not supposed to have your phone on in an airplane!" I turned around looked at her and smiled and continued finishing my sentence. This NERD had the balls to push the flight attendant button! WTF!!! So here comes the smiley flight attendant..."Yes Ma'am?" NERD says "He is talking on his cell phone!"

    Like a freaking 5 year old, NERD chick ratted me out! The smiley flight attendant walks over to me..."Sir can you turn your phone off please?" I said "Can i finish my conversation please!?!"

    Oh man i snapped! Here i was at the airport all day, delayed on a flight, and i have some NERD girl thinking the plane is going to blow up because im on my cell phone! I started dang near yelling at this poor flight attendant. "I have not heard the captain say turn off all cellular devices and electronics, and we are sitting at the terminal still not moving!" So like a smarta$$ i turned my head facing NERD chick and said, "The FCC (Federal Communication Commission) prohibits use of personal cell phones while INFLIGHT. ARE WE IN FLIGHT? NO? THEN IM FINISHING MY PHONE CALL." The flight attendant didnt say a word but stood there politely waiting for me to finish my call.

    NERD chick was furious!! She just dug her NERD face into her NERD book and started NERD reading. So anyways, i finished my call finally! Told my friend i was going to be late, problem solved, *Click* phone turned off. Flight attendant walked away and said "Thank you sir." I glanced back over at the NERD and gave her the stink eye :mad:.

    Later during the flight she told on me yet again! Apparently my headphones where too loud and was being disruptive. The flight attendant walked over and said, "Sir..." I looked at her with a smile, then i looked at the NERD and gave her a wink and calmly said..."I cant hear you." turned them up a little louder, laid back, put my hat over my eyes and had a nice nap all the way to Texas. :dj:

    Nice try NERD lady! nerdgirl.jpg

    NERD! :gun:

    So, the chick was apparently a....... NERD ! Right ?

  5. Hey chrisahx, I'm pretty new to the forum so........ I didn't even know you were gone but...... welcome back ! Sorry 'bout your mac... But isn't that taking USB passthru a little too far !!! Just kidding. I'm a mac man myself and even though this is just a little G3 ibook I love it ! Now maybe if I'd quit spending money on my vape habit I could get a better one...... oh, well. Anyway, have a great trip and we'll chat when you get back from being gone........ again............

  6. Well scout I must apologize for being tardy to your party ! But, WELCOME to the VT forum fam. My 2 cents is to go right to a battery mod like the VP's everone raves about here.

    I went through 2 minis (901 worked great for me) before I realized that all the vets end up with mods.... more vapor power and battery life. I finally went with a box mod (Janty stick style) and see the method to the mod-madness... But one thing is for sure.... Once you vape you'll never go back !!!!!!! Stick around you'll learn a lot here.

  7. Ok so the nurse in me is coming out. Put a little ice on your thumb you can do that for 20 min at a time with 20 min breaks, Tylenol for pain every 4 hours. watch for signs of infection and calll your dr if it looks infected.Do not pop the blister it is natures band aid if you leave it alone the skin underneath will heal before it pops by it's self.If the blister does break put some neosporin on it and keep it covered until it heals.

    As for the batty atty issue...can't help ya there !!!!

    Hey, DOC.... It hurts when I do this !!!!!!

  8. Aw c'mon guys, I'm not rude or nasty about it. I haven't had too many people confront me about it. Just one stock boy in Wal-Mart got kind of huffy at first one night but he settled down when he realized it wasn't an analogue. I have already prepared an answer for the snotty ones that want to start ****e about it. I'm just going to tell them it's a Personal Inhaler that deliveres my medication that keeps me from ripping thier heads off!

    Soooooooo, PLEASE don't forget your "MEDS" !

  9. Keith,

    I apologize for participating in the hijacking of your thread, I have no excuse, it was just wrong. I'm sorry. Please accept my apology, it won't happen again.

    Until...... the next time !!!!

    ontopicontopicontopic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Sorry to hear all that, most important thing is your wife is okay and everyone will be well soon. Keep on truckin my friend. When it rains it pours, and it's been pourin on everyone lately. A brighter side of all the crappy things going on lately is we're all not smoking a ton a cigs anymore to cope with the stress. Vape on, vape on. Take it easy.

    Well said JBRIM.... Black clouds with a silver vapor lining !!!

  11. Eh....I have mixed feelings about this. Part of me wants to be conservative and not do it in public places but the other part of me says why the hell not?! I think we need to get the word out to people about it. I don't think you need to be rude about it but you can still do it in public in a polite way. I vape everywhere I can. Part of me wants to be confronted so I can share what I've found. I guess it's really all about how you carry yourself. Almost like you're an ambassador if you will for the E-Cig community. So represent us proudly!!!

    I agree with you sarge. I was a considerate smoker and I'm doing the same with e-cigs. If after you explain someone has a problem say "I'm sorry to have bothered you" and move on... I've had more interest than complaints !

  12. OK, Ive edited my last post 3 x, so Im just posting a P.S. here- I would turn to a life of crime to keep my supply of 555 coming in. If they said tomorrow that vaping was worse than analogs, that would be a shame for R.J. Reynolds cuz I aint goin back. I know Im gettin off topic a little, but true to topic, if it DID come to blackmarket juice, Id be the Al Capone and Chris would be Bugs Moran.

    Numbers and e-juice... What a racket !!!! Fugetaboutit !!!!!

  13. for all those who dont know what that means:

    The term non compos mentis means 'not of sound mind'. 'Non compos mentis' derives from Latin, non meaning "not," compos meaning "having (command of)," and mentis, genitive singular of mens meaning mind.

    Although typically used in law, this term can also be used metaphorically or figuratively, i.e. when one is in a confused state, intoxicated or not of sound mind.

    In English law, the rule of non compos mentis was most commonly used when the defendant invoked religious or magical explanations for behavior.

    Heh :thumbsup:

    You amaze us all sinikal ! An artist and a obnoxious intellect ........ Love ya man !!!

  14. For me it is the Walrus (Paul), turn me on dead man!

    It's ALL about the Beatles !!!!!!! Yunno (Before I let this get back to TOPIC) I've had to ...GULP... forgive the artists I enjoy for their (In my opinion) twisted politics. Cause if I didn't there would be no one left to enjoy..... So.... John Lennon lives on (Paul is still my fav fab) !!!

  15. Just how old are you anyway, I assume your not a woman and therefore would not offended at my asking.

    Tonight I'm vapind Dulcis, today it was 555 and tomorrow it will be RY-4.

    I'm a dude so I have no problem telling you my age, I'm 50......ish ! Hee Haw !!!! Hey, I hear that Dulcis is pretty kick'n @&$^ ! Review ?

    I know, I know..... Ontopicontopicontopic !!!

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