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Posts posted by vapemudgeon

  1. It's no rules on topics, but we like to keep most of the stuff on the forum at a certain level of morality. The curse blocker is still activated there, so don't expect to be able to say ****, ****, ****, ****, or **** or even ****** ******, because it will not let you! The area is out of the reach of the search engines and anything that is said in there stays in there it's kind of like Las Vegas in that respect. And yes it is pretty dead there, maybe with some new members we can liven things up in there. The regular Vapor Lounge is a much more interesting place than the private forum. I will generally post there if I want ask a particular question of a certain member and have the optional input of the board staff, but I can do that in other areas also. It's really nothing special but it's something to shoot for I guess.

    How about ****, ****,****** or *******&^%$#W) ?

  2. OK, I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch. But after three days, I have absolutely no interest in analogs. Out of pure curiosity, I tried one last night -- and yuck. Couldn't even finish it. In fact, I was sad that I had to wait to get my next vape session in (don't want to OD on nic). Who knows, maybe someday down the line they'll appeal to me again, but I really hope not.

    I'm honestly just blown away by how much more I enjoy the vaping experience. Yes, it's a little more fiddly than I thought it would be, but the sheer level of customization is astounding. You can tailor your vaping to your exact specifications. Fantastic.

    I have to say that I'm completely delighted with the Spade so far. My starter kit from TW has sat completely idle since I got the Spade on Friday. Oh well, it's good to have a backup I suppose. Also Chris, your Mentha is REALLY good stuff.

    OK, enough with the gushing. I have 3 quick (I hope) questions:

    -How many spare attys do you guys usually keep around? I have 5 on order, which will give me 7 total that I own for now. That seems like a decent amount, but what's your 'trigger' number that prompts you to reorder?

    -When you direct drip, what's your usual indicator that it's time to put some more in? And how many drops do you usually put in? This is for regular 3.7 volt vaping, not 6v (haven't tried that yet and I assume there's a difference).

    -I've been switching between direct dripping and using carts. When using a cart, what I've been doing is after a few puffs if I notice the vapor dropping off, I just add a few drops onto the little wad and I'm good to go it seems. Is this OK, or should I periodically do a 'full charge' of the cartridge?

    OK, one last bonus question. Where's the best place on these forums to ask about a particular vendor's juice? I'm curious about a couple of them but haven't seen a particular review.

    Thanks so much guys and gals. I've been struggling for months with how to kick the cigarette habit. I can't tell you how encouraged I am after just 3 days.

    It warms the cockles of my heart to hear that Galex ! It really is amazing isn't it !

    I really wish more beginners would just go with a mod.... Everyone ends up there anyway right ?

    7 is a pretty good amount of atty's to have on hand... some will last longer than others. I don't have a specific number that I stick with, I've just gotten into the habit of ordering one anytime I order some juice which I do every payday. That keeps me on top of it.

    I drip exclusively. I drip 3 drops and vape until the flavor/vapor drops off, then add 3 more drops..... Occasionally I will need to remove the atty and blow through the battery side into a paper towel as it gets a bit clogged up.... I vape at 3.7v on a 510 atty as well.

    Just be sure to keep the filling wet if you drop on the cart.... But I think you will find empty cart direct atty dripping to be the easiest.

    There are sooooooo many juices to choose from that I keep trying different ones all the time.... I have found that most suppliers offer sampler sizes.... I have lots of those.

    But I must say that the best I've had so far are VT's Dulcis and Midnight !


  3. Hi LZ, welcome to the VTF... As you see we don't mess around here ! You ask ya get answers.... When I get a new 510 atty I get the same thing.... Thick, white, metal tasting vapor... I just puff it hard a few times (Don't inhale) then drip and go. The new atty's are coated with PG to protect them and it just needs to burn off... Don't puff too many times as it will overheat the atty... Just a few, 3 or 4 and you should be good. It may have a little of that funny taste for a bit as it breaks in.

  4. I've looked for these answers but can't find them:

    1) Why not a wireless passthrough?

    2) What's the carrying case that is preferred?

    3) Where do you put your ecig when not vaping? A stand? A clean ash tray?

    4) How do you mark your various flavors in the carts so you know which is which?

    Hey HM, how'r'ya ?

    The pass through has to be plugged in to get the power... The internet and cell phone get a signal from the ether.... Electricity has to pass through a conduit.

    I bought a "Case Logic" soft mini camera zipper case... It works great ! It has little net pouches that I put extra batteries, atty's and mouth pieces in. It also holds my little mod and a small bottle of juice nice and neat (Got it at WalMart)

    "Not vaping"?....... Not familiar with that term !!!

    I direct drip...... No marking.... Some flavor mix if I switch but it passes in a few tokes !

  5. Hey Deko... WELCOME to the VTF ! I, like you and many of us here have never done the "Forum" thing .... Be careful, as posting is almost as addicting as the nic. But thats a good thing... We have a blast here. And you will be amazed at the information you'll find here.

    Like smokingman said, if your looking for another unit I would definitely look into a mod... You will end up there anyway so I say save the bucks and get right to it ! I have a box mod but will be doing the "Spade" soon which you can get right here (Vapor Talk Store).

    Check out the FAQ videos here at the forum for tips and tricks including "Direct dripping" which most end up doing as well.

    Good luck and ask when you need to....

    Again, welcome to the VT fam !!!

  6. The bottom line is if you vape a lot the standard unit batteries just don't last very long. That is why most of us move on to a mod at some point. When I was using a 901 I had 3 batteries that I took with me to work and by the end of the day they were all dead. They would last about 2 hours good and fading for maybe one more..... I really suggest looking into a mod. Believe me you won't regret it !

    Oh, I almost forgot.... I don't think you want to leave your batts charging for too long.... Besides it won't help !

  7. LOL...Jeff has to be nice to me, I'm his mother-in-law!!! And thanks for the welcome :>

    Well jj he'd better be or he'll have a lot of splain'n to do !!!! Right VTF fam !!!!!!!

    Oh, sorry smokingman....... Ontopicontopicontopic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. As kind of a touching follow up to this story that I just heard from one of my friends that is a Deputy that worked with this man, when the officers father was on his way here after getting the news, he got pulled over for speeding in Dallas Tx. The officers father told the officer that pulled him over, that he didn't mean to be rude, but could he please just hurry up and write the ticket as his son was an officer and was killed responding to a call and he was trying to get there. The officer in Dallas stepped back, saluted the father, and the father received a police escort the rest of the way here. Every time they hit a county line, there would be another officer waiting to continue the escort.

    I realize that many people do not like cops, and some of them for good reason I suppose after coming into a contact with a "bad apple". However, I do believe that not all officers are power hungry bullies, and the vast majority of them do what they do because they really want to do what they can to make a positive difference in their community. I just wish the rest of us could learn from these officers, that even in other counties/states, believe in a brotherhood and stand united together.

    Wow ! I literally had to compose myself after reading that before I could post.

    When I hear anyone complain about the "Cops" I remind them that those "Bullies" are the ones we call when we hear a bump in the night.... Their Bravado/Swagger is what allows them to do what most of us won't..... I SALUTE them !

  9. I'm going to wait and see what happens with the atomizer before I contact Parked but I'm more willing to ask for a replacement for the atty if it is a dud then the Spade. When I got it it was sealed in plastic, I don't think you could notice the imperfection through it, and I doubt it was Parked that sealed it. Even if it was Parked that sealed it, I'm not going to be an A hole over this little imperfection. I'm more interested in Jeso's plans to do repairs then replace it. You know that feeling when you get attached to something but want it fixed instead of replaced? That's how I feel about it. Painting it may work. It isn't a big line going down it or anything. The scratch or maybe I should say chip is on the line that separates the battery from the rest of the unit, it isn't much thinker than the line, and about half the length of the diameter of the button bolt thingy. Above the chip is a hard to see little circle that is lighter than the rest of the unit. If I had a paint(maybe model paint) the same color then it could be painted over just by making a dot on both spots. It wouldn't look perfect but would be harder to see. What kind of customer service does Parked have in your opinion? What do you know about Jeso's future repairs? He definitely needs to get rid of this dull aluminum color. Black and gold is all it needs. I'm going to paint the cart gold and then put two black lines on it like a cig butt to see how that looks since the carts are cheap.

    Dude try a dot with a Sharpie.......... Done !

  10. Hey I want to join the love fest !...... I don't know how I missed your previous posts but welcome jj...... This cast can answer your questions so ask away ! All I can do, really, is hijack threads....... HA !

    bajan..... Does the "Atty" funeral include a 21 vape salute !!!!

  11. Great thread SmokinHammer ! You are sooo right. I never thought that I would have to check a "FORUM" everyday just to see how everyone's doing. It is a testament to Christopher and his staff for creating a truly "Family" environment where we do feel like.... well.... Family !!!

    So I'm with you SH..... "Thanks to all who post here" !!!

  12. Hey chrisahx ! Though my juice experience is not all that extensive the only one I know that offers either/or (PG/VG) is tastyvapor.com..... Geoff, offers some really "Tasty" juice and a unique product called a doubler.... a none nic juice that can be used to cut or vape as 0mg. It's worth a look !

    Though I'm reading more and more suppliers are going to offer VG juice . I think I read that Christopher was looking into it too...... (I hope I'm not speaking out of turn !)

  13. The vapor isn't bad. It's kinda weird, it just doesn't seem as thick of a vapor cloud as I'm used to.

    Like I said, add a few drops (Start with 4 or 5) of VG to it. That will thicken it up a bit and improve vapor. Beware, too much will decrease the flavor.

    Is it clear ?

  14. Yeah brother I've noticed that. Some are definitely thicker than others. I think I like the thinner/clearer ones better. I don't know how to explain it but they seem to burn cleaner. The VT juice is like this. The thicker juices feel like they clog the atty. That being said I do add a few drops of VG to everything to improve vapor production.

    Each vendor must mix differently.

    I know this doesn't answer your question but its just my experience.

    How did this juice produce ?

  15. What he said. Obviously you type faster than I do! :)

    Dude I'm He%^ with the hunt'n peck ..... Oh, sorry...... Ontopicontopicontopic !!!!!!

    See tryin these folks are here to help

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