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Posts posted by vapemudgeon

  1. OK. Im an avid movie watcher. So lets see what the last 2 movies are that everyones seen. Now, mind you, I RARELY go to the Theatre, Im more of a DVD guy. About the ONLY time I go to the movies is when The Bourne Movies come out. Great action movies, a more realistic James Bond type. But, for the last 2 I saw, today we watched

    1 - The Taking of Pelham, 1,2,3 with John Travolta and Denzel Washington. VERY very good movie. Ive seen the original from the early 70's which is a classic, and a 1994 remake with Edward James Olmos, which was eh -just ok. This new one is the best movie Travolta and Denzel have done in a while. Worth renting for sure. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

    2 - Hardwired with Cuba Gooding Jr. and Val Kilmer. Good Plot, good premise, but the acting, kinda cheesy. Val Kilmer acts like hes trying to make it a comedy, and its NOT a comedy. Im alittle picky, so, Id say go ahead and rent it,just not as good as I thought it would be. So, whatve you guys seen lately ? And include Theatre as well as DVD. :thumbsup::thumbsdown:

    I'm a movie fan as well, but admittedly a bit of a snob.... My son says I don't like anything. Here are my 2 most recent

    1. AWAY WE GO - An indie with John Krasinski, Maya Rudolph and a great cast of cameos.... A fantastic dramedy ! One of the best I've seen all year!!!

    2. DUPLICITY - Julia Roberts and Clive Owen. Very convoluted. It was deemed a big budget flop........ For a reason !

  2. Just got on this site and ordered some doublers. pretty good prices. Think I will just go this rout and let someone else mix them up. Got pina colada and banana cream YUMMMMMM Has any one else tried any liquids from this site?


    Tastyvapor coffee is my current fav ! And Goeff is so great to work with !!

  3. I read some where that if I do this not to use a flavor with any oil in it that it can shorten the life of the atomizer is this true? VG. Add about 10-20 drops of flavoring per 10ml bottle.

    Is this correct?

    Well I haven't started mix'n my own juice yet. I have added VG to high nic juice to improve vapor. Not really sure if it's working. Anyhoo, doing some mixology research I have read warnings about oil based or high sugar flavorings, and it does appear that either have been known to have an adverse affect on the atty. Though I'm pretty rough on my atty's and they just keep working... Ya just gotta keep them clean. Well thats my nutshell of knowledge !!!!

  4. Sorry about this question but newbie here... I know from my wilder days what everclear is but what is VG??? :blush:

    As I understand it e-juice has either PG (Propylene Glycol) or VG (Vegetable Glycerin) as the base. Each is the producer of the bulk of the vapor. Some are alergic to PG or are concerned about it for other reasons. So VG is being used more and more. I posted in the DIY forum today about where to get it cheap if you plan on mixing your own juice or adding a few drops to your existing stash does improve the vapor !

  5. Although I'm not a battery expert I don't see why not. Higher mah will give you longer battery life, although usually the higher the mah the bigger the battery will be. (Although not always by much)

    I did a check and they do seem to be bigger by like 0.something mm. I wonder why that ?

  6. I recently ordered a box mod that uses a 900 mah 14500 3.7v protected battery. I did some shopping for spare batteries and found that there are higher mah's available that appear to be the same size. Is there any reason why these couldn't be used ? If so, then why don't they put them in originally ? Batt masters please chime in !

  7. Be patient nemesis. For me after smoking for more than 30 years the learning curve took about a week of a few smokes and a few vapes. In no time I found myself craving the great taste of the vape ! A tobacco/coffee mix is just... Heaven ! The tough part is getting the right unit and juice for you. But, with the help of all of these kind folks on the forum, you'll get dialed in and then....... smokes, what smokes ?


  8. Thanks guys. I was thinking Exotic for taste but you say Dulcis for hit....... guess I'll have to do both !! I live in an isolated town in Cal and don't know where to get Everclear... any suggestions ? I can't even get VG here. I figure VG online and moonshine down by the crik.........

  9. Welcome to the forum! Personally, my favorite juice are Vapor Talk juice and truesmoker juice. I find that they produce the best vapor and throat hit across most model e-cigs. There's also a caramel macchiato flavor made by LiquidXpress for dietsmokes that I've been dying to try. Everyone's reviews say it's great. I'll probably go buy a bottle next week.

    Wow ! Thanks for the quick reply. I figured I was the only one still up !

    I was planning to try some VT Exotic but thought that the vg juices were supposed to produce more... I do want to support the forum !!!

  10. O.K., Noob here ! I've already made my beginner mistakes i.e. blu (Waste), 901 (Better... but not much). Then after reading this great forum I realized that if I really wanted to leave the analogs behind I needed performance. So I have a 3.7v box mod on the way (Budget !!!). I want to match it with a juice that will provide a heavy vapor... When I hit, I want to know it. I get the whole "Personal preference" thing, but would like some suggestions. Thanks all !

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