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Posts posted by vapemudgeon

  1. I got my "Bartleby" November 13th but I decided to wait for a bit before posting a review of the "Bartleby", a 3.7v box mod by cybervex. I wanted to be sure to put it through the full vapemudgeon wringer !

    First let me say that Jay at cybervex was very helpful and kind from the get go. I e-mailed him with some questions before I decided to order and within an hour he wrote back with answers and recommendations as to what would best suit my needs. Now the real test was the fact that I can be a bit of an obsessive compulsive ! Sooo, 'ol Jay had to put up with a plethora of successive and ever more redundant emails before, during and after placing my order ! Jay took them all in stride and never came across as frustrated by my pestering. He replied to all promptly and friendly. Though he did charge me a rather exorbitant fee for "Therapy"..... !

    The order was placed on a Saturday and I received it the following Friday.

    The package contained : The box mod, 2 protected 3.7v rechargeable batteries $50 (Standard shipping is included. Priority available for $6.50). I added to my order the available USB cord for an extra $2.50

    When I received the unit I was excited to use it and was delighted to find that the batteries were already charged and ready to go (I'm sure Jay didn't want ANYMORE emails !). My inspection of the unit found very meticulous craftsmanship with all of the internal organs being securely installed and neatly protected.

    O.K., enough of that, lets get to the fun stuff ! To this point my vaping experience had included the poor performing blu and then a not much better performing dse901. Now the "Bartleby" can be ordered ready to receive either the 510, 801 or 901 atty. As my existing unit was the 901 I had atty's so that was the option I went with. Upon first toke I was blown away with the improved vapor performance ! It offered at least double what I was used to from my 901. I was overjoyed !!! Then as a few days went by the performance began to get a bit inconsistent. Now, I do think it was probably that way from the start, I probably just didn't notice because it was such an improvement over my 901. I (Tearfully), was disappointed ! Though thinking back My 901's had quite a bit of mileage so......

    But then, the dark skies opened up and the angels sang as the VT forum GODS (On the mod forum) gave me a vision that 510 atty's sent from heaven would be the answer to my prayers. So, with trembling hand (And the afore mentioned tear filled eyes) I went to altsmoke.com and ordered a 901 to 510 adapter and some coveted 510 atty's. For three days I sat on my curb, modestly vaped and waited for Burt the gun toting mailman (Ya don't give Burt no s*** !)............................. And then, three days later, he came. As he turned down my block I rose from the curb and began to run towards his approaching mail jeep.... In slow motion I ran towards him as he putted towards me... like the movie "10" we came ever closer until I saw Burt remove his can of dog spray from its holster and aim it out of the jeeps sliding door............ I jumped into a hedge and cowered (As we all do) until heat-pack'n Burt filled my mailbox with little pieces of joy. As soon as the coast was clear I RAN to the mail box, tossed the bills to the wind and retreived my little package of salvation. I took many paper cuts that day my friends as I tore into that red, white and blue package of love ! I attached the adapter to the 510 atty, gently threaded it to my "Bartleby" and....................

    Oh, I'm sorry, I lost myself there for a minute ! Well, anyway, suffice it to say that I have finally entered vaping nirvana. This "Bartleby" with a 510 atty is an awesome unit. I am continually amazed at the throat hits and clouds of vapor hit after hit (Especially now that I have added some great VTS juice) !

    I suppose I should now talk about the battery life of the "Bartleby".... But I honestly don't know what that is. I purchased a Motorola cellphone car charger with a compatible plug to the one recessed in the unit and use it in my work truck and then use the USB cord that I purchased with the unit while I'm surfing the net and voila never a dead battery.

    So, if you're looking for an inexpensive battery mod that is sturdy and offers great performance, I highly recommend the "Bartleby" by cybervex ! I obviously do also think the 510 version would be the model of choice. It would be a great noobie first mod !!

    I'll say here that not only am I a bit goofy, I'm also a computer knucklehead ! I don't know how to post an image, so heres the link to find out more about the "Bartleby". We'll see if I get that right !!! http://eboxmods.blogspot.com/

  2. 72 years old and hasn't had an analog in 2 weeks since I got him the 510. He's been smoking analogs since he was 16! He's a retired VP of Engineering so a technological gadget was just what he needed to quit smoking. Thanks to all the VT folks who helped me pick the right e-cig! :thumbsup:


    Well, now THAT warms an old mudgeons heart !!!!

  3. I'm practically drooling here. I'd love to order all of VT juices. My only problem is I would want to actually taste the flavors. Since the only flavor I can taste so far is menthol, I'm afraid I'd be disappointed.

    I have not really tasted any of the juices I have tried before but I got Dulcis and Midnight you will definitely taste them ....... OH YUM !

  4. Well, thanks to the kind folks on this great forum, I got my vaping equipment dialed in.... working great ! The only thing missing was taste. I've tried a few juices but nothing hit the spot. Then after a recommendation by Christopher to try Dulcis, I waited, not so patiently, for the VT store to open. When it did I jumped right in and placed an order. I got the Dulcis 16 and a shot of Midnight 16.

    I got it today, and with shaky hand gently placed a few drops of a beautiful liquid gold Dulcis on my 510 atty.... I closed my eyes and took a nice 8 second draw and......... WOW ! The throat hit, the vapor.... for a brief moment I thought I was on fire !...... Sorry I got carried away there for a second. The Dulcis is fantastic ! It offers a semi sweet tobacco essence that is more satisfying than anything else I've tried and the throat hit is so great that I've had to shorten my hits to about 5 seconds so as not to knock myself over !

    Dulcis has really topped off my vaping experience ! My only complaint is that it doesn't come in 5 gallon buckets !!!

    Now for the Midnight... Vaping this juice is like enjoying a fine glass of wine at the end of a long day. I would almost feel like I was doing something wrong if I used it during a work day... I think I would fail a breathalyzer test right now ! The throat hit is very smooth... almost warm and the vapor is thick and........ well I'd better stop there ! Just a suggestion : No one under 21 should be allowed to vape this stuff ! Oh, and instead of a cap may I recommend a cork !!!

    Suffice it to say that Midnight will be my evening, surfing the forum, vape !

    To Christopher and his VT Store staff... CHEERS to the quick, great and personal service... Thanks guys !

    So put that in your PV and toke it !

  5. I think the key is to NOT stress about it ! Any less analogs you smoke per day is a victory. Now that I have a mod for battery life, the right atty's (510's) and some quality VT juice I had one cig today.... and I put it out half way through ! I attribute all of those advances to the VT Forum (Good information is power).

    Anyway, If you want a smoke, have it. Dial in your equipment preferences, get spare supplies and vape.

    Soon the smokes will be a thing of the past !!!

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