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Posts posted by vapemudgeon

  1. Eggs are good for you no bad for you. The world is freezing no its warming........ People shoot at anything they aren't involved in. I googled nicotine and lung paralysis and found plenty of information on the subject. Just browsing it seems it was all in regards to smoking. So, is the claim, due to nicotine or any of the other thousands of chemicals in cigarettes. Lets face it chronically ingesting any foreign chemical into your body, whether it be nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, smog or nuclear waste can't be good for long term health.... But neither is driving on the freeway !!!

    No one gets out of here alive !!!

  2. I've been vaping for almost 2 months. The e-cigs I tried first weren't very good so I was still smoking a bit (3-4 a day). Then I got a mod, still a few cigs a day. And then I got 510 atty's for my mod and.... 2 days without a smoke. I had one today (ick) it may have been my last.

    The moral of the story. I think everyone is different. Until they get it dialed in equipment wise, the satisfaction may not be met. The hard part is muddling through the myriad of options out there and finding the right "Personal" fit.

    This forum was the difference maker for me... These great folks got me to the right stuff !!!

    I'll say it here "THANK YOU ALL" !!!!

  3. I thought I was computer savvy but I can't figure out how to get a picture small enough to post as a profile pic. Could somebody suggest a cool avatar that I could post. And please make it simple for me to attach because obviously I am an idiot. :withstupid: Thanks in advance.

    Well, this may be the blind leading the blind, but what I did was browsed through google images and found what I was looking for (A grumpy old dude !) that was roughly the size required. I drug the image to my desktop, then loaded it at the prompt on my profile page. It was automatically adjusted for size (I think). I'm now computer expert sooooo, I hope that helps.

    If I haven't already, WELCOME to the VT fam !!!

  4. For me it's usually about half a day or so before my atomizer really starts kicking in. Usually about 3 weeks is when things start to drop off. Then again these atomizers have a mind of their own.

    Boy, I'll second that ! Multiple atty's in the same shipment, all act differently !

  5. What I hate is when people don't understand or dislikes what you are doing, they feel it is THEIR right to ban it for our own good.

    10 points for the one who guesses the ideology who is mostly responsible for this type of KNEE-JERK reactions.

    Suffice it to say that we are on the same wavelength !!!

    Great minds think alike !

  6. Typical "Knee-jerk" news article...... The WORLD is a carcinogen for cry'n out loud. I love how these people jump to uneducated conclusions and judge something they don't like while at the same time justifying whatever vice they may enjoy.... Hypocrites......

    Sorry 'bout the rant !

    I painted big red ARROWS pointing at the nipples on my forehead !!!!!

  7. Hey MissNina, WELCOME to the VT..... This is my second addiction !!

    My $0.02 is that the 510 is probably the best starter (Be sure to get the PCC for battery charge convenience). I started with the blu (Yuck!) then the dse901... better, but..... I have gone to a battery mod (With 510 atty's) which is what I have found most veterans end up with.... They really are great (Not trying to make your decision more difficult).

    Get the 510, get your feet wet and research the mods for the future !

    Believe me once you vape, say by by to the cigs... You'll love it !

    Be sure to check the Noobie section FAQ forum there are some great videos that will help you get started !

    Welcome to the fam !!!!!!

  8. Welcome ddavelarsen to the VT forum.

    Since I don't know exactly what unit you are using I'll just offer general information. If your cart separates from your atomizer, do so and use some tweezers or a paper clip to pull out the stuffing. You should be able to put 8-12 drops into the cart (Depending on the size of the cart). then carefully replace the stuffing. If the top is still dry put a drop or 2 on top. Be sure to wash your hands when you are done.

    My recommendation though is to direct drip 1-3 drops right on to the atomizer. You should get 6-10 good hits from that. As we say here "Drip, vape, repeat". It's quick easy and effective. Some might say that if your battery is unprotected (A small hole in the bottom) you risk flooding the battery. I have done this exclusively for some time and have not had this problem.

    Info overload I know ! If you go the the Noobie forum section you will find a heading for "Beginner FAQ" there is some great info there including direct dripping. Also you will find videos on youtube for refilling and dripping.

    Good luck and again WELCOME to VT !!!!!!

  9. I'd like to point out, just in case there is a "G" confusion.

    PG is Propylene Glycol and that is what is in your carts.

    VG is Vegetable Glycerin and is probably not in your pre-filled carts.

    The two will mix and vape, you'll just have to make sure that you stir it up well.

    I just thought I'd clear that up in case it was an issue with the "G", the two are not the same.

    Dude, you hit the "G" on the spot !!! DHO!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I feel I need to send out a big thank you to Christopher & all the folks at the vapor talk forum. I just realized it's been over 1 month since I quit analogs and I could not have done it without you. I promised my son that I would quit by his 12th birthday (Oct 29) and would not have been able to do it without all of you and reading all of the positive feedback and posts from this forum. So thank you and keep vaping. Mark

    Now THAT is an inspiring story !!!! Pat yourself on the back as well... YOU did the work... Congratulations !

  11. Well, the so-called "war on drugs" being such a resounding failure, I don't think there's too much to worry about as far as acquiring hardware or juice... IF you're willing to risk it. A legal ban in CA is certainly bad news, and could set the movement back years.

    On the other hand, I can think of no product ever threatened by a ban which is, in point of fact, so benign and harmless in nature. It would be a stinging indictment of our loss of liberty in this country if the powerful few manage to ram this ban down our collective throat.

    This thread could get my rant going about how the America we grew up in is no longer a reality, that we may have already lost the essence of what "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is all about, thanks to the machinations of the monied. But I'll restrain myself at the moment.

    I can tell you this -- if e-cigs and/or e-juice become impossible to acquire, I will NOT go back to smoking, I'll quit instead (I believe it would be much easier now that I've lost my taste for tobacco). I'll never again pay their goddamn sin taxes, nor allow the manipulations of corporations to force me back into that habit.

    Canada is looking better every day. :thumbsdown:

    Dude, I think either e-cigs or juice IS banned in Canada

  12. I'm not trying to split hairs here, but...

    I have wired several gas stations and I had to learn a few things, I have also installed certain Class 1 Division 1 and 2, um, things (leave it at that), Gasoline stations, pumps and tanks do not explode with the exception of the one in the movies that are packed with explosives! All gasoline stations are fitted with special equipment and apparatus that prevents a massive explosion like you would see in a Burt Reynolds movie. Cars can run over the pumps and drag them across the lot and it still isn't going to go up in a fireball.

    Gasoline fumes are dangerous because they are heavier than air and they will collect in low areas, this is also why you have to raise your gas water heater when installing it in a garage or utility room that would also store a gas can. Diesel fumes are not ignitable via spark but the fumes from Diesel rise as they are lighter than air and do not cause a whoosh as the air is displaced in the form of a concussion as with gasoline fumes.

    MAN ! Is there nothing you don't know something about....... AMAZING !

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