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Posts posted by vapemudgeon

  1. First off tryin2quit, WELCOME to the VTF.... You have come to the right place..... Plenty of friendly folks here ready to help !

    You will find some great videos in the noobie section under Beginners FAQ... If you need more just do a simple search on youtube... there is a plethora there !

    I won't try to explain refilling techniques here as the videos will do better for you.

    Most importantly I can't stress enough to stick with it ! The learning curve can be a bit tough but with our help you will get through, learn to love vape'n, make some friends and undoubtedly laugh !

    Congratulations on join'n the club you won't regret it !!!

  2. Waiting for my 1st ecig... ordered two Joye 510 starter kits and a few other things.

    Got that - still waiting, but I JUST ORDERED THE SPADE! Haven't had my first vape yet and already a collector. You guys/gals are killing me here! :wtf2: :lol:

    AHHH, the addictive personality at work ! Gotta love it !!

    Dude once you vape there's no turn'n back..... Your collection will be well used... Welcome to the club !

  3. ]

    As stated in our by-laws =

    "We cannot divulge any information regarding our initiation process, doing so will result in immediate expulsion from said forum, as well as 20 lashes with a wet pasta noodle as chosen by the administrator . The violator will also be forced to listen to 24 hours of Barry Manilows "Copacabana" at full volume, while simultaneously watching Lawrence Welk re-runs.

    Also , No member of this forum can niether confirm nor deny the presence of Geronimo's remains butied anywhere in this forum "

    Its a big responsibility guys ! :shiftyninja:

    OH, I thought it was going to be something creepy and weird !

  4. Hey Lordvapor, welcome if I haven't said so already !

    is a supplier recommended by this forum. I have used them recently and Art was great to work with. They show stock on the joye 510.... Give it a shot !

    Good luck !!!

    P.S. nhaler.com shows them too !

    P.S.S. "Expendable money"..... What...what is THAT !!!!!!!

  5. Great price for a mod. I would love to see a video review of it.

    Yeah, it has been well worth the price ! Presently I don't see the need for further purchases (Although that spade sure looks cool !!). This "Bartleby" is still hit'n great !

    And, vapersplace (Welcome by the way), as Gazoo said TGWTF (The Guy with the Fedora) has a video review !

  6. I get it from Mother-in-law constantly !!!!!!!!!!! That's still addiction over and over and over.I ignore her with grace and dignity.I'm Southern lol,I can't tell her to **** off.Everyone else I just tell them it's my new N.D.S. N=Nicotine



    Then I tell them to **** off!!!!!!!!!!


    I'm, with you vari ! I'm 51 and to HE$% with 'em all. My boss says "I decided to quit so I just quit and you're a wus if you don't" ! And I say I like to smoke and really didn't want to quit... But my lungs were feeling a bit.... nasty ! I found vaping and I really enjoy it !

    So again I say to HE%^ with 'em all !!!!!!! OH, and "Have a nice day" !!!!!!!!

  7. I have ordered from Tasty Vapor before and was very satisfied ! I love his coffee flavor. And Geoff is very friendly and helpful. I have chatted with him and even spoke to him on the phone.

    I've gotten a bit nic od'd before but want to keep vaping and never thought of hitting the doubler alone .... What a dope..... DOI !!!!

    Thanks for the tip !

  8. "Daddy, how was I born ? Ah, very well, one day you need to find out anyway! Mom and Dad got together in a chat room on MSN. Dad set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber cafe. We snuck into a secluded room, and then your mother downloaded from your dad's memory stick. As soon as dad was ready for an upload, it was discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall. Since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later the blessed virus appeared. And that's the story."


    WE'RE nerds !?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!??!?!?

  9. Christopher, I think you hit the "Hidden" nail on the head. I am so often amazed at how customers treat the poor minimum wage person behind the counter ! People more and more seem to have this "DEMAND" attitude about them and yes they are the customer spending their hard earned money, but whatever happened to the "Treat as you wish to be treated" adage ? I think customers often end up getting what they give. In other words I think we have created our own monster ! I tip my hat to those who deal with the public and thank them when they treat me right !!!!!!!

  10. You know what I would have told him? "Of course there is nicotine in the exhaled vapor" Easy.

    This sounds like the type of guy who knows there is something wrong and is waiting to hear the deal breaker. I work with assholes like this all the time. So instead, tell him the answer he thinks you don't want to say. A blunt "verbal ***** slap" as we like to call it, usually work with those types of guys.

    Just let him know that it's not perfect but many of already quite smoking by switching to the ecig. Let him know it's available in the store (this is important) but that it's much less expensive online. People are used to gimmicks coming from the Internet, if you let them know it's available in locals malls, but that the Internet sells them for Cheaper etc then it looks like your actually "having his back"

    That or just have him call the Vapor Talk Hotline. I'll take care of him.

    Now THATS why your the boss !!! Great answers Christopher !

    And speakeasy, that has always been my argument about "Second hand" smoke..... If its enough to kill then why aint it enough to addict ? DOINNNNNNNNGGG!

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