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    jonnoh reacted to Bebop in Warning Points   
    Ive been trying to get warning points for over a year now. No luck.

    Im pretty sure only you can see your own warning points. We can't see yours.
  2. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jasonculp in Test Complete   
    My wellbutrin story:

    My past consisted of Drug/Alcohol abuse until 25. I quit, panic/anxiety/depression took over. I went years on prescription drug cocktails. Quite a few years back ended up on wellbutrin and zyprexa. It worked great but, I decided to quit because of my side effects. I went to the dr and got the usual, I can't believe you have taken wellbutrin for this long and still smoke...I guess I was immune.

    I only drink beer on occasion, so that leaves caffine and vaping as my only vices.
  3. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jasonculp in Test Complete   
    The longer I vape, the more I find this true. My boss had to run an errand in my car today and caught me in the parking lot. He left for a couple of hours in it, and I didn't freak out. If it had been my cigarettes, I would have walked down the street and bought a pack within 15 minutes!

    It is strange how much more panicked I would get. It really makes me curious as to what is in the things that made it that bad. If it was just nicotine the result should be the same, but it isn't. I don't meant to sound like a conspiracy theorist....but.
  4. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jasonculp in Warning Points   
    I don't know for a fact, but warning points sounds like a bad thing to me...lol. I like my zero score! My wife gave me about 20 warning points today, and we only spent about 10 minutes together....
  5. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jasonculp in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    I love this conversation! My wife and I had exactly the same one the other day. "Take 1 pill 2 times a day" on day 5 she said she had 5 of the 10 pills left....

    I deal with this on the "production" end of our business. I revise my previous statement, there are stupid questions, most begin in our shop.
  6. Like
    jonnoh reacted to eGoDamus in Innokin Itaste MVP V2 - Please educate VT!   
    took the words out of my mouth. you guys went above and beyond what I was expecting when i started this thread. Many thanks, i feel like i know my MVP inside and out now.
  7. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Earthling789 in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    You perfectly described a similar conversation my brother once had with his doctor... although he was confused how he was supposed to take his meds... the doctor told him he was not to take them at the same time (meaning both every 4-hours or both every 6 hours)... one pill every 6 hours, and another pill every 4 hours.

    But, since both would be taken at the same time every 12th hour, if he started at 6am (thinking they COULD NOT EVER be taken together), he spent 30-min arguing with the doctor...

    The doctor finally gave up and told him to take the 6-hour pill at 0600, noon, 1800, and midnight... and the 4-hr pill at 0630, 1030, 1430, 1830, 2230, and skip the 0230 dose!

    AND, after he finally grasped that concept, he then over-stressed about how he was going to take them if he's sleeping
    (Worst part... he was 38-yrs old at the time!)

    Growing up, I honestly hoped one of us was adopted (I still tell everyone he was)
  8. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Compenstine in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    This one gets my vote.

    "Ok so how many again?"

  9. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Earthling789 in What would you recommend to a new vaper?   
    I would recommend myself to buy at least two or three, basic eGo-T (1100mAh) and at least three Pyrex tanks (KPT2 or KPT3 minis) to start with on day-one. I wish I'd never wasted the money on small mAh batteries and plastic Ce4 tanks! The eGo's and minis are my traveling and back-up rigs now... so they still see plenty of love...

    I've tried VV batteries, but find my sweet-spot to be in the 3.7-3.8V range anyway, so the standard eGo-T serves me just fine

    I also would have told myself to buy the MVP and AeroTanks (or KPT2 with air-flow-control bases) MUCH sooner than I did.... Actually, I would have liked to have invested money in those a month sooner than I did! That combo has served me very well these past 6+ months
  10. Like
    jonnoh reacted to fishguy1123 in Moving on uuuup   
    In my case I wanted to quit analogs for obvious reasons after 20 some years, but also to adjust my budget. I started with an itaste vv3 and then picked up a cheap clone evod batt as a back up. I managed to break my v3 (my fault) and bought a vision spinner 2, then most recently an Itaste mvp 2. All in all I find I don't need more than what these have given me. As far as tanks go, I have simple evod, kpt2 mini and most recently a Ehpro clone of the kayfun lite+ (rta). I bought it with two things in mind, 1- it was under $30. 2- I don't mind building my own coils if it meens I can save money. So far I've been able to do that, but my goal wasn't to keep up with the cool ppl, it was only to keep myself on track to stay off analogs! At the end of the day, that's what matters. We all find or goal in our own way, and it's a beautiful thing!
  11. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Tam in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    The title of the topic is, "Stupidest question ever." Question being singular: as in one. The above has a whole series of questions (plural). So, which one question was it?
  12. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from Tam in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    Take one pill three times a day
    How many?
    One time?
    No three times.
    One three times?
    How can I take one three times?
    No one of these pills three times a day.
    If I take it one time and it is gone how can I take it two more times?
    You can't you must then take another pill for each of the two more times in one day
    But you said......
    I know, I'm sorry maybe I should have explained better. You understand now?
    Yes. When should I stop?
    When they are finished.
    When will that be?
    Let's count together and we will see.
    Ok, here's three for the first day, three more for the second day, and three more for the third day. Then they will be finished.
    Ok so how many again?
  13. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from Compenstine in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    Take one pill three times a day
    How many?
    One time?
    No three times.
    One three times?
    How can I take one three times?
    No one of these pills three times a day.
    If I take it one time and it is gone how can I take it two more times?
    You can't you must then take another pill for each of the two more times in one day
    But you said......
    I know, I'm sorry maybe I should have explained better. You understand now?
    Yes. When should I stop?
    When they are finished.
    When will that be?
    Let's count together and we will see.
    Ok, here's three for the first day, three more for the second day, and three more for the third day. Then they will be finished.
    Ok so how many again?
  14. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from Bebop in Solving Karma   
    Ok off to the bank without my vaping stuff. Ok Ok maybe I'll just lock it in the car and further test my willpower.

    Lady willpower
    It's now or never
    give your strenghth to me
    And I'll shower your strength
    With gratefullness

    Maybe today we'll curse the bank AND the government! Cool! Power to the people right on!
  15. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from mkauthen in I'm in love....   
    Same solution for trolls...... First preheat oven to 350f that's 175c gas mark 4......
  16. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Bebop in Dedicated Vaper   
    Wet wick won't wick well
    Well, what wick will wick?
    When will wick wick well?
    Well, willy, when wick wry
  17. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Earthling789 in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    Wait? You're supposed to CLEAN these things??

    Seriously... I clean mine whenever they get gunked-up or I notice a film beginning to form on the interior of the glass, which indicates contaminants have made it into the juices. "Thorough cleaning" involves a little dish-soap, but a quick rinse with hot water does wonders! I always let them dry overnight, OR use an alcohol rinse with cheap Vodka (safe to vape if a drop gets left behind) to aid in dispersing water from the crevices, to speed up drying time
  18. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from Crystalyn in Moving on uuuup   
    Now we vape in the big leagues
    Threw our cigs to the mat
    Longer we'll live
    You and me baby
    A'int nothin' wrong with that

    Movin' on up..................movin' on up..........
  19. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from Earthling789 in Innokin Itaste MVP V2 - Please educate VT!   
    OMG This topic is brilliant. I never knew about these functions on my MVPs. I sorta in my electronically challenged mind, thought that it was like screwing a 100 w light bulb into a 12 v socket. It wouldn't do much because of not enough volts. But discovering I wasn't just adjusting watts to voltage and vice versa, but changing on which the unit was functioning. (Not sure I said that right) or whatever I'm doing, has given my MVP more dimensions than I even knew it had. It has made a big improvement in flavour and vapour production. Amazing! Thanks so much to all who provided this info. I shall study all these posts and hopefully become smarter.
  20. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from jasonculp in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    Because I am a teacher of ESL I am bound by international law to reiterate that 'No such thing as a stupid question' concept, but, I assure you..........

    Thanks all for the great answers.
  21. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from mkauthen in Solving Karma   
    Friday I went to the bank with the intention of using my new found feelings that vaping has become more of just a habit and fun hobby compared to the addiction to all those chemicals in tobacco smoke. I had decided to leave my vape equipment home while I went to the bank. Usually on a Friday I can count on at least 40 people ahead of me on the queue and as many as 60 so I have to leave a rather large block of time to do what I need to do. Usually I just vape with all the smokers out on the sidewalk in front of the bank and we all BS about how incompetent the bank is and what they should do to fix it This Friday, I got to the bank and there were only 2 people in front of me and I hardly had time to get my papers together to go to the teller and was out the door in 10 minutes! Sheesh!

    Karma! I wanted the long queue so I could test my feeling of being with the smokers without vaping and see if I really had cravings or was I just vaping with them out of habit but was thwarted by good luck. I'll try again on Monday.
  22. Like
  23. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Earthling789 in Innokin Itaste MVP V2 - Please educate VT!   
    HERE is a good online calculator... just enter two variables, and it will give you the other values

    I also charted out sweet-spot values (as well as limitations) for the MVP a few months ago -- Red values are outside operation-limits, blue are within operation-limits, and green are generalized sweet-spot for most juices or personal preferences:

    Here is one based on Wattage setting:

    Here is one based on Voltage setting:

    And... the operational-range:

  24. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Crystalyn in Moving on uuuup   
    I'm such a thumbs up *****. Lol jonnoh you made my night. Seriously. Lol!!!
  25. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Bebop in Peter Paul and the Late Great Mary Travers   
    I am but a servant of your idea, good sir.
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