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  1. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Bebop in Is Too Much Possible?   
    It wouldn't hurt to cycle them a time or two.

    I've been doing the same thing ever since I started using my batteries. I charge them whenever I want. I don't care how much or how little I use them. I top them off after an hour or I run them down to flashing. I haven't noticed a bit of difference.
  2. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Earthling789 in Is Too Much Possible?   
    Actually, you prolong the life by charging them more frequently (without draining them down below 1/2 charge).

    Rotating batteries is a difficult thing, especially when you have a bunch of them. When I had 6-8 eGo's, I rotated them often, but then "forgot" about them as I used my MVP and MODs more... I was afraid they had ran-down in storage, but every one of them (when put on the charger) clicked to green within just a few minutes, and they are none the worse for wear (although I've given all but a couple away).

    Bebop is right... in cool, dry storage, they will lose about 1-2% charge per month, maintaining from 80-90% after a year of storage (typically). BUT, if you store one drained, it may never live again.... Always top them off before storing away or long periods of non-use... and if possible, just rotate them into your routine so they see some "love" from time to time....
  3. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Bebop in Oh What a Lonely Boy   
    I made the same promise, Jonnoh.

    Since I quit smoking I don't associate with smokers very much. Probably because they are all vapers now, lol. In that, I am lucky. But I have to say, since I quit, cigarette smoke is one of the most offensive things I've experienced and I have to cut non smokers some slack. I never realized how bad it really was. But I refuse to get all up in their face (smokers) cuz I remember what it was like. Now I just avoid it, which is pretty easy since you can't smoke ANYWHERE any more.

    A good friend of mine struggled with vaping and smoking for a year. He told me today he hasn't had a ciggy since some time in the summer. He finally found a juice and mod combo that does it for him. He looked happy. And I was happy for him.
  4. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Bebop in Is Too Much Possible?   
    I'm not a fan of the link you put up, copper. It's a little confusing and primarily deal with lap top and cell phone batteries. Nog only that but it is old and not clear if it's been edited and kept up to date. This technology changes pretty rapidly.

    Also there are a few classes of lithium ion batteries and so information may not apply to all types. There is a newer link to batteries more relevant to vaping. I'll see if I can dig it up.

    In general our batteries have a "cycle life". They don't last forever. They are prone to heat deterioration so keep them cool. Under moderate conditions the discharge rate in storage is quite low - as I recall, a few percent per month but again that can be reduced by heat. Generally speaking you can't wear them out from non use or over use. You should get 300+ charging cycles out of a battery. Quality of the original battery can be a factor. And once the battery will not hold a charge, it's done. As they age or progress thru their charging cycles, the voltage drops happen sooner and battery life shortens. Oddly enough, one of my original 1300mah Vision Spinners is still kicking and one I bought only 6 months ago died prematurely. Go figure....
  5. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Bebop in Self Control   
    im impressed mr Jon.
  6. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jasonculp in Self Control   
    Nantucket, bucket... you do have an amazing amount of self control sir! I commend you!
  7. Like
    jonnoh reacted to copper in Is Too Much Possible?   
    This may help:

  8. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from jasonculp in Ejuice spit back   
    Hmm. My mother told my my first word was 'Studebaker'. Or 'vacuum cleaner' she wasn't sure which. Anyway those cars along with many others were built in the day when workmanship was still a valuable commodity. But, I always thought the Silver and Golden Hawks were supposed to be Stude's hot cars. I didn't even know they made them with a 6 banger. Anyway, I do think 'Avanti' would be a great name for a mod, or a rock band. Actually I know this post isn't very informative, but it'll make number 14 so TugBoatTx86 can get a 'hot' designation.
  9. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jasonculp in Ejuice spit back   
    My dad is a Studebaker guy. I really like them too. He still has the one he took to college, a 1958 Silverhawk. He is going to restore it some day... ;-) It is in pretty sad shape. I would like to do it for him one day, we just have different ideas. He wants stock... I want a stroked smallblock chevy with fuel injection, a/c and overdrive. He is happy with the flathead 6 and 3 on the tree....and floor start...lol The biggest problem is I don't have the time, money, or patience!
  10. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from JonnyKansas in New member looking for a place to start...   
    Hi Jon, My name is Jon also with no 'h' and it's always misspelt! Hence my moniker. Anyway it sure sounds like you got good advise here. I too started with those (at the time about 2009) expensive cigalikes. They were such a disappointment. The batteries (white part) were unreliable, and the filter looking part didn't have any consistency of flavour or vapour production. I gave it all up as a bad job and went back to analogues and resigned myself to hacking myself to death. Then I discovered eGo twist and tanks and a whole new world opened up. I've been smoke free for about 18 months and I now feel better than I did at 12 when I bought my first pack 50 years ago. I can now run up stairs without being winded and don't get muscle cramps and my arm doesn't 'fall asleep' when I park my head on it when sleeping. And taste and smell have improved immensely. I still sometimes can't believe I can actually enjoy life without cigs cigars or pipe. I was a heavy hitter, as I smoked 2 packs or reds or Dunhill full flavour for most of my smoking career. Good luck to you, namesake, it's a good choice.
  11. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jasonculp in Ejuice spit back   
    If it wasn't for spell check, and 23 edits per post, y'all would think I was illiterate. My mistakes are not typos, they are because I can't spell. Ms Wilbanks would be upset....
  12. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from jasonculp in Ejuice spit back   
    sTingray. Jeeeeeez talk about weak minded
  13. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jasonculp in Ejuice spit back   
    That is one reason I bought it.... Marketing works great on the weak minded, like myself....lol
  14. Like
    jonnoh reacted to aufin in Growing Trend   
    You mean we won't have to be relegated to the leper colony on the Group W bench with jonnoh, anymore? Don't think I'll live to see that day, but sure is nice to think about.
  15. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jasonculp in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    I fall victim to this all of the time, please forgive me! I make fun of my parents all of the time and some of the old timers at work but at the end of the day I always turn to them when I need true wisdom.

    I am really glad that old dogs can learn new tricks! I am sure before much longer, I will be an old dog. (I feel that way now when my grand kids bring new x-box games over....except RockBand... I'm still the champ)
  16. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Earthling789 in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    I've worked IT for pushing 20 years... I've seen and heard my fair share of "computer humor", lol... It is true, that some people shouldn't own a computer... And, being in charge of several servers, I constantly hear, "the server is down"... regardless of user-error, printer-malfunction, or the fact they can't realize they're logging in with the caps-lock on

    My absolute favorite, though... A lady in the office was having issues getting documents to scan. I worked with her over the phone (which was my first mistake), and it took forever to get the basics of the problem. She couldn't tell me what model printer/scanner she was using, couldn't tell if she was using a flat-bed or paper-feed model... so I asked her to describe how she was performing the "scan" (hoping to glean some insight to the hardware).... She was quite huffy with me at this point, and told me, "How hard is this... I'm holding the sheets up to the (MONITOR'S) screen, and hitting this da** 'PRT SCR' button a million times, and it just won't scan them!! This stupid piece of sh** is worthless!!"
  17. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from jasonculp in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    My solution to being technically challenged is always to throw myself at the mercy of those more knowledgeable than me with self deprecation, like "my knowledge of computers comes from the time we were photographing dinosaurs with our polaroid one step cameras and watching movies on beta max and vcr s. I also do so admire anyone who can work in the USA in today's world. I left the work force at the top of my game in 1998 with my sexual harassment waiver on file, and don't think I could do it now. I wouldn't even get in the door because I'd be saying things like, "You want me to do what? Take a drug test to be a greeter at WalMart? Are you crazy? Greeters would probably be a lot better at their jobs if the WERE stoned! (hope I can say that here, I mean no promotion of the notion.). I couldn't survive the politically correct interaction required on the job. The things we joke about where I teach in Malaysia would get me sacked for sure. My colleagues date and sleep with students all the time. It's not even noticed. Common behaviour. Students offer sex for grades all the time too. Chinese ladies get student visas just to come here to find rich sugar daddies and this has all become normal to me after almost 20 years. And believe me we have lots of laughs at non politically correct stuff all the time. Sexist, racial, ageist, ethnic, religious. Nothing is sacred and most of it is usually self deprecating not arrow slinging. I personally think it's so much more fun than to have to watch what you say all the time. Every time I go back to America, I always worry that I'll say something out of line. There's a catch though. It's illegal to insult islam here. So guess what's the most insulted group? Yep, but mostly 'behind the barn' so to speak.

    So to get back to proper topics, I truly appreciate those who have the technical knowledge of how these vapour rigs work and understand the electronic interactions of voltage wattage and ohms. Sometimes I have to look up many of the words in some posts just to get what the op is saying.
  18. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jeanrose770 in Growing Trend   
    It is growing as fast as the Hipster Movement.
    I guess this is like the "Go Green" Version of smoking!!!
    HIpsters don't smoke...
    They Vape!

  19. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Taajsgpm in Growing Trend   
    I agree we are a sweet little subculture and that the revolution is upon us
  20. Like
    jonnoh reacted to jasonculp in Stupidest Question Ever?   
    No jonnoh, I didn't take it that way! I totally got what you meant! I sometimes have to watch myself, I can sometimes go overboard. I guess what I really meant by the post is that I do give the techinally challenged a hard time sometimes, but I excel in technology, I fail miserably in other areas, and get schooled by the older more experienced! We tend to joke like this at work, and sometimes I bring it home with me!
  21. Like
    jonnoh got a reaction from T-Bone in We're In!   
    It came to my attention yesterday that the famed Oxford English dictionary had called 'vape' the word of the year for 2014. As a teacher of ESL I probably should have noticed that, but in my defense I teach Cambridge English. My sig other pointed it out to me and I'm guessing that because English isn't his first language, he pays more attention.
  22. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Taajsgpm in Vapour's All Around   
    I think there are tons of poisons and bad side affects that we dont even realize we are putting in our bodies
    Stick to vaping people .
  23. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Bebop in Vapour's All Around   

    I can't help but think of "Love Actually" when I read that hahaha.
  24. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Bebop in One Time I Go Out...JEEZ!   
  25. Like
    jonnoh reacted to Taajsgpm in OK I Admit It   
    There once was a man from Purdue
    Who had nothing better to do
    Than to sit on his stair
    And smoke cigs without a care
    He died , what could he do?

    He could have vaped

    Shameless plug but oh so true
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