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Everything posted by kitsune

  1. Hey Speakeasy--mixing can be a challenge 2. make sure you buy food grade glycerine (baking isle at any hobby shop)--Just keep in mind glycerine is a bit sweet. 3. Adding flavor is a bit more subjective. make sure you are mixing in small amounts until you know what works. I usually start with 1ml of liquid and add flavoring a little at a time until I have the flavor I like. i.e.--.8ml of marlboro and .2 flavour art food flavoring. or you can mix using small dropper bottles and add flavoring a drop at a time. Just make sure if you are using flavoring it is water soluable. the oils are hell on the atty. 4. I only use PGA when the liquids seem a bit thick. again--small amounts. Good Luck--Mostly its about individual taste.
  2. I ordered mine yesterday--now just have to wait........ I hate waiting, I can't wait to try this thing out--it looks completely out of control.
  3. No Worries--I think most of us talk to our UK counterparts enough to know it is not a Meant to be an insult. Some of our words have significantly different meanings over there as well. Hopefully we are all mature enough to understand the intent of words and understand we can have different meanings. Happy Vaping
  4. can I order it NOW !!!!!!!!! I really, really, really want one. Green. you said works with 510 right???
  5. I find most of the liquids have a bit of a sweet taste to them--especially compared to cigarettes. You get really used to it after a bit--makes smoking taste particularly nasty by comparison. caught me off guard at first too. Like you said, not bad, just unexpected.
  6. I have also heard it used in reference to placing a couple drops on a new or newly cleaned atty to 'prime' the heating element. Applying a couple drops to a new atty helps with some of the new atty taste.
  7. Congrats to all of us that have been able to give up smoking completely or at least almost. I am on 5 months--I haven't quit for more than a week in the last 30 years--never thought I would see the day..... cough and short of breath are definately a thing of the past.
  8. in addition to regular batteries might want to consider a passthrough. I bought a USB to wall adapter that works great and don't have to be near my computer. and vaprtalk is coming out with their new passthrough with a longer cord.
  9. I vote 510. Have you sat down with him and a computer and let him look over the selections? If he is a gadget nut--he may like pick and choose, the two of you can discuss the pros and cons.
  10. Hey Joe--Love the shepards. I really, really miss my white shepard.
  11. personally I am a 510 person, don't know much about 901 except that it didn't give me near enough throat hit/power. hopefully somebody who has used the 0nic with the 510 or 901 will have a better answer for you.
  12. Unfortunately I don't know much about the 0 nic liquids, but from what I hear, you should still get throat hit and flavor. It' might be the flavor ?? have you tried a different atomizer?? personally I add a little menthol to all my liquids--adds a nice cool kick without tasting like menthol.
  13. Personally I can't wait for the vaprlife passthrough. But--if you do order a different one--you can buy a USB to car/wall plug adapter and connect the wall plug adapter into any extension cord or wall plug. I got mine at target--its actually an Ipod adapter--works wonderful. really love the USB to car charger--love using the passthrough in the car. happy vaping
  14. The case does take a few hours to charge initially, then takes 1-2 hours to recharge a battery (depending on how dead the batt is)--The PCC will usually charge 3-4 batteries before needing recharging itself. I usually just charge the case each night--haven't had the case die on me yet. For me I keep 1 extra cart, a batt and 2 atts in the case. great for out and about. ( I always keep yet another couple batteries with me just in case). My PCC goes with me everywhere. happy vaping
  15. congrats and welcome. vaping definately makes vacation/traveling much, much less stressful. Not having to figure out where the smoking area is and having to take the time to go smoke. love not having to deal with the 'damn I need I smoke'.... Love my 510 !!! do you have the PCC and or passthrough yet--if not, a definate must Happy Vaping
  16. I know how you feel...I'm a nurse too and struggle with the same issue. Smoking man has it dead on. I don't think we should recommend it in a professional situation, however I have recommended to a few that it would be worth some research on their part. I let them make the decision, I don't even tell them I vape or give any type of personal information, just an opinion and let them decide if they want to follow up on it. Co-workers however are a different matter--I love converting them
  17. Congrats on 2 weeks--feels so good to be smoke free !!!! I love my 510, also from TW--along with all sorts of other bits and pieces. Love the PCC and the passthrough. although I am waiting for the VP1 passthrough....... The VT grape is definately on my soon to be ordered list--Vaping is wonderful, but all the toys and liquids are so much fun. Happy Vaping
  18. I am going to put in my 2 cents-- I have had very good service and product from http://shop.rockymountainvapor.com I have used them for parts and liquid. their prices are very good. the have a great selection. they have recently made a move to another state, but look like they have things settled. I also use Totally wicked. They are a bit pricier but the do have some nice starter kits--especially the PCC starter kit. With the PCC starter kit, it is a good idea to order an extra main charger and of course extra battery/atomizers. always buy some extra liquid. definately the 510 started kit--an extra battery and atomizer, and a PCC. I love my PCC and it goes with me everywhere.
  19. Welcome back---Sorry about the analogs. sleep and then drink lots and lots of water to help clear out your system. You really need a car charger plug in for the USB passthrough--- http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?search_constraint=0&ic=48_0&search_query=USB+car+chargers http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8738805&st=USB+chargers&type=product&id=1201913866497 perfect for using the passthrough in the car just need to add liquid to carts or have premade carts ready to go and just change out carts.
  20. In the States---RockyMountainVapors has child proof caps on all their bottles
  21. with the 510--weaker or subtle flavors do not come through very well and can taste somewhat the same. I always keep on hand some extra flavoring--flavour art is my favorite, but have a couple Loranns that I like too. With flavors that are too weak for the 510, I use a 5ml dropper bottle--put the liquid in that and start adding a couple drops at a time until The flavor is where I want it. The burning sound like you are probably running the atty dry. some liquids seems to burn off faster. I find when I am vaping heavily I top of the carts more frequently. When I top off the cart I add a drop to the atty. After awhile you get a good sense of when to top off, I find for me its every 6-8 draws when I am vaping frequently. When vaping heavily sometimes it helps to have two e-cigs(510 for me) running at the same time and alternate between them. hope that helps a litte Happy Vaping
  22. It sounds like you are on the right track--just don't push too hard, let her find her own pace. get her looking at the flavors and the different possibilities. Personally--I love using finger nail stickers to decorate my 510's--she might like being able to personalize her new toy. she will convert--redoing the house is a nice incentive. once she decides going outside to smoke is a pain in the butt and vaping inside is so much nicer......
  23. 4 months and 2 attys that are only so, so--not dead altogether, but dying. I fianlly purchaced a multimeter for measuring my batts/atts--really has helped in determining if they are dead or just dying.
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