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Posts posted by sasetrase

  1. 7ml or 4ml would you suggest? I figure the 4 would probably be enough as I don't go through THAT Much vapor at a time.

    What the hell is the tube sock they are wanting me to pick up with it? Is it just a carrying case/cover for the tank?

    As far as carts go for it, what options are available there? Is it just like a boge you stick in there after punching it? or do they corner the market and only allow you to use their size carts?

    Also, thank you Kit. You have been extremely helpful in all of my vaping endeavours.

  2. Quick answer: No, neither has any benefit of being less harmful to you than the other.

    Not that I am aware of, PG is an oil derived dispersant, nothing too terrible except that it is derived from petroleum :(http://en.wikipedia....ropylene_glycol

    VG is about the same thing, VG typically isn't derived from vegetables, although we still use the term VG what is usually meant is Glycerol, also known as Glycerin(e), and it is typically derived also from petroleum. Neither have been found to be cancerous, both are used in food additives/medicinal uses for various things. Skin protectants/moisturizers/ect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycerol

    In my opinion neither has a significant damage to the environment or to the body over the other. It is simply based on how you like your vapor to perform that would determine your usage.

  3. To start, the Totally wicked "Tornado" Is just an ego-T, so that may help you out with your searches and such. (Though I suspect you already know that ;)

    The Ego-T was notorious for having atty issues, but never anything as bad as what you have experienced. I would go to another vendor or talk to TW about it. You shouldn't have 2-3 bad attys in a bunch...there are always some bad attys, but never 50% hopefully.

    I might suggest upgrading your setup from the tank system, Ego-C or A VV device (such as the Lavatube) could be viable options.

    I would HIGHLY SUGGEST you get some cartomizers as backups so you don't have to go back to your analogs...that is terrible that you had to do that...I feel horrible for you... pick up some of these from anywhere you want. http://vaporcrave.co...roduct-p88.html

    Boge LR attys are a really good alternative to the tank system and they will work with your Tornado batts. They are 510 connection, the same as your ego style battery. The beauty of the batteries you have is they are very interchangable and you can easily use many different options on them.

    Let us know if you have other questions ;) Good luck to you, and always have carts on hand in case of atty failure.

  4. Ok, so I don't know if you have any experience with the Ego-C, but this uses the wick to pull liquid out of the tank. I am ASSUMING, that removing the wick would probably not work in this type of atty. I have dripped onto the coil before, but the liquid tends to go through the air flow hole and onto the battery connection.

    Simply playing around with ideas for fun, I typically just toss attys and am wondering if there is a way to reclaim them. I will try removing the wick and seeing ;) I have a few with terribly burnt wicks, which were burnt onto the atty coil that I won't mind losing. I shall play around and see how things go. Will post back with results/thoughts.

  5. Rebrand and resell! COME ON GUYS! WE CAN'T LET THE ORIGINATOR MAKE ANY MONEY! Anyhoo, thanks for noticing that. Now looking back I can see it... PRobably get the Lavatube kit from lavatube website when I am done playing with my liquids and stuff...maybe get it earlier so I can drip, have never done any dripping and when I start experimenting with my mixes It will be challenging to do so on my Ego-C (the only unit I currently own) I'll have to look into 510 atty and dripping. With the Lavatube then I should definitly get the 510-Ego adapter then. correct?
  6. Would anyone recommend the Galaxy VV mod (http://www.vaporgalaxy.com/The-Galaxy-VV-Mod-Galaxy18650VV.htm) over the Lavatube? I don't want to hijack this thread, but this is basically the exact same thing I am looking into. Provari is just a bit over what I want to spend considering the fact that I will probably break it 10 days in... once I am capable of keeping a solid device safe I will upgrade, but I want to try out VV vaping before jumping off teh cliff. Thanks guys!

  7. Is the cone not moving from the battery at all? I have had some difficulties with my cone base becoming very stubborn and not wanting to remove from the battery. I simply used a pair of pliers and removed it with some extra torque/grip.

    I have also had a Joyetech Ego battery start spinning on me, where the black part spins on the metallic button part. Basically destroyed my battery. I didn't notice the battery was spinning until it was too late, I had dropped that one previously so it was my bad there.

    If the cone base spins, but simply won't come off the threads are stipped then, and you can try to get them apart via pliers/other tools, but your battery/cone base are probably done for in that case.

    Regardless, if you are using your original Ego-C cone/battery, there may be a warranty involved? Haven't bothered to look into that yet as I haven't had any errors that were due to manufacturing, always my user error so far. The cone/battery should always be able to make contact if properly seated...sad day that you are unable to make the connection.

  8. Hey Ego-C users!

    Has anyone had issues with wicks being a tad too long or short?

    How much wick do you guys like touching the coil? Do you even let it make contact?

    Has anyone found a suitable replacement for damaged/broken wicks? And if so, how do you place them in the spike?

    Rubbing alcohol, boiling, or just running under water to clean your wick/spike?

    After cleaning do you feel that they have to be broken in again or do they work pretty well out of the gates? Do you experience a loss of flavor after cleaning your attys?

    Just experimenting with some of my older/dying atties and seeing if I can play around with them some more. I have been just tossing and replacing after they give, but maybe someone knows of some other things.

  9. I love my attys, but carts are much more convienient. I use LR attys on my Ego-C and the taste and throat hit are excellent, but I love carts for just sitting and hitting it hard as well. The carts tend to give me less flavor, but in my opinion last a bit longer. ATtys can get wrecked with just a few days of a 20-50% vg juice in my experience.

    I like the EMDCC's a lot, Boge carts are excellent and if you get the LR's the flavor is just about on par with an atty. Gotta try them ALL! Pick whichever you feel is best for the occasion, I like having both on hand just for fun-sake.

    Good luck in your search. Lots of fun to choose from!

  10. I have grown to love the weird looks I get when filling in public. I was recently on a greyhound traveling and filled up my Ego-C tanks and man o man did I get some strange looks. I used to donate plasma so I have a pretty decent scar on my right arm from the 17 guage needle they use, and I love telling people I shoot up whisky/heroin/anything that I can make up on the spot. I usually let that sit for about a minute and then tell them it's just nicotine and I am a professional chemist testing a new product ;)

    I love greyhounds and barber shops because you can be whoever you want for the time.

    Provari is a solid choice from what I hear! Congrats on making the step to MODS! A big step into ensuring your life is long and healthy. Just be sure to treat it like a woman and you will be fine.

  11. Used blu for about 8 months. It was great for parties, and just to kill some urge, but I still frequently smoked analogs. I didn't know they were 510 compatible, that is good news ;) It's nice to know if I am ever in a huge pinch I can run down to grab some.

  12. I'll check out tractor supply, something just doesnt sem right about using tractor supplies in my tasties ;) Ill pick up some cotton candy and a few more flavors... I really need a solid tobacco...of course the best is to mscerate your own....but flavor will work. I just need the undertone of tobacco, not a forfront flavor. Oh the possibilities ;)

    PS, I will cut the 100 to 50 immediately, and then to 24 very quickly. Childrun in the home...gotta be real careful. It all stays in my safe, in my locked room, high on a shelf, but yet something crazy terrible could happen and it is simply safer to cut it to 48 asap, and then 24 very quickly.

  13. Pulled the trigger...I have Aquisition Disorder....so yeah... but assuming I don't kill myself with the 100mg/ml nic liquid, this should do for awhile ;)

    Cart Items SKU Qty Item Price Item Total

    LA -Blueberry Flavoring (Size: 6ml) LA-BLBERRY 1 $2.49 USD $2.49 USD

    LA -Caramel Flavoring (Size: 15ml) LA-CARAMEL 1 $4.45 USD $4.45 USD

    LA -Creme De Menthe Flavoring (Size: 15ml)

    LA-CREMDEMENTHE 1 $4.45 USD $4.45 USD

    LA -Pomegranate Flavoring (Size: 6ml)

    LA-POMEGRANATE 1 $2.49 USD $2.49 USD

    LA -Pralines And Cream Flavoring (Size: 6ml)

    LA-PRALCREAM 1 $2.49 USD $2.49 USD

    LA -Vanilla Flavoring (Size: 6ml) LA-VANILLA 1 $2.49 USD $2.49 USD

    Menthol Crystals .25oz MENTHOLCRYSTALS 2 $3.95 USD $7.90 USD

    Syringe with 18ga Needle (Size: 3ml)

    SYRINGE-18G 2 $0.95 USD $1.90 USD

    TFA -Sweetener (Size: 6ml) TFA-SWEETENER 2 $2.19 USD $4.38 USD

    UnFlavored Nicotine Smoke Juice E-Liquid (Strength: 100mg, Size: 250ml, PG/VG Mix: 100% PG)

    NIC-100-250-100PG 1 $45.95 USD $45.95 USD

    USP Grade Propylene Glycol (Size: 1-Liter)

    USP-PG1000 1 $24.95 USD $24.95 USD

    USP Grade Vegetable Glycerin (Size: 250ml)

    USP-VG250 1 $11.95 USD $11.95 USD

    Subtotal: $115.89 USD Coupon Code (20OFF): -$9.19 USD Shipping: $0.00 USD Grand Total: $106.70 USD

    But, considering the amount of liquid I can now produce, I will have saved a substantial amount of cash in the long run. ANyone have suggestions for a good sweetner?

  14. Hey guys, I want to get started with a LITTLE DIY. I do not want to go 1000% balls deep quite yet, but I do need to be able to sweeten some of my liquids, make some of them...something else. (EX. I have a caramel that will kill an ox with throat hit and horrible taste, I would like to be able to experiement/learn to fix that...I have 30 mL of that so...)

    I am a menthol addict, and I recently found my all day vape in a house methol that is sweet. I vape this stuff like candy and have crushed 30 mL in about 4 days of 24mg/ml strenght, along with my others that I switch hit, cinnacide/ultimate vanilla/Nuport/candy flavors of misc. I vape 24mg.

    I need a few things I know, and I know you guys know of a lot of things I need that I don't have any idea about...so here goes my starting list, please add insight, additional things to purchase, and where to purchase said items from.

    1. Flavorings. (no idea where the suggested supplier would be, any suggestions? Loranns seems to be a favorite but I have a hard time finding one that seems decent.)

    a. Menthol

    b. Caramel

    c. Vanilla

    d. Tobacco

    f. Cotton Candy/Sweetener of some type.

    2. PG (about 5 oz to start?)

    3. VG (about 5oz to start?)

    I have rubber gloves/syringes/some bottles, 5ml and used 30ml ones, which should be plenty for my little mixing thing I want to do...\

    Thoughts tips and tricks are appreciated, I am still getting aquainted with the threads in the forum, please bear with me as I learn. Thanks in advance guys.

  15. I have found myself moving to the LR attys, but of course it depends on the juice. I try it with both SR and LR attys and decide which I like better. The hardest part for me has been breaking in all these attys...I rotate a lot of attys and some aren't even broken in fully (or at least don't taste quite right) after two weeks... I am currently feverishly breaking in a new LR for my Tob Menthol from tastyvapor. I want this juice to be PERFECT so terribly...Just not quite there yet. I have found one of my main staple juices in menthol so far, but really want to make this one work.

    This is my first official 80/20 PG/VG juice now. I think everything else has been 100%PG, this is taking a while to break in and I am still not sure of it. Does VG lower the taste/throat hit or is it just my imagination? I am still working on the whole PG/VG relationship...we're in an open relationship right now and I am afraid to commit, she's still not talking to me.

    P.S. Atomic Cinnacide is incredible. I load that into a red tank and it just screams Awesome, (Along with the taste!)

  16. I have never informed anyone that I smoke unless it was a friend/ someone who doesn't really care. No one needs to know of my habits (They don't ask how often you clip your toenails do they?). Insurance companies have never asked, and if they did I wouldn't tell them. No doctor knows that I used to smoke, and now that I don't it is not a problem.

    I ingest nicotine, and studies have been done that range from it being as cancerous as uranium, to no health risks; from it being as addictive as heroin to the level of coffee (I don't buy that one. It is definitly stronger than coffee...) Without evidence that Nicotine is alone bad for your health. I do not consider it smoking. There are 7,000+ chemicals. 250+ of which have been found to be harmful, and 70+ which can cause cancer.

    Considering they consider a smoker as ingesting 70+ cancerous toxins, and I ingest only one POSSIBLE toxin, they cannot compare the two. If they don't have provisions for that distinction, I make my own.

    This outlook is of course only for use by those of us with loose morals when dealing with healthcare. I do my dangedest not to lie, but in this situation. I make an exception.

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