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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2011 in all areas

  1. Jeffb

    The Best Day Ever

    Just another unfulfilled campaign promise
    2 points
  2. Erika

    Cone Or No Cone On Your Ego?

    I had the cone cover on the top of my ego and was having a hard time drawing on my cartos. i took the cone off when filling it and forgot to put it back on. i noticed it is much easier to use without the cone. is it bad to leave it off??? any risks to doing this or is it ok not to use it? Thanks! Erika
    1 point
  3. flowersbl

    Are You Kidding Me

    Only after 48 hours I noticed something it wasnt immediate but I woke this morning went straight for the E smoke and started my cup of coffee and while I was burning through that tank at an alarming rate I noticed that the coffee tasted a little different. HOLD ON.... I dont remember hacking this morning.. where is that thick mucous in the roof of my mouth!! NO LOOGIES!!! Are you KIDDING ME!! ONLY 2 DAYS!!! Ha Ha Ha Lovin it
    1 point
  4. juliery

    One Year Today!

    Wooohooo, I am so happy for myself....vaping ONLY for one year today!!! I actually started on Valentine's Day last year, late in the day, after my husband gave me a starter kit. I acted like a TOTAL jerk about it...like he was trying to FORCE me to quit. I LOVED smoking, loved EVERYTHING about it. Smoked heavily for 30 years. When I worked and could no longer smoke in the office I would literally chain smoke the entire way to and from work and through entire breaks and lunches. I smoked like a chimney....people called me "the chimney". Fortunately I suffered no ill health effects from smoking. Of course God only knows what could pop up down the road from it, I hope nothing, and I hope I stopped in time. But today it has been one year since I have smoked any cigarettes...I haven't bought any or had any I later found. I threw them in the trash...found a couple stashed packs here and there. It is hard to believe that I don't miss smoking, I don't want to smoke, I LOVE vaping. The flavors are still a work in progress, just lately finding stuff I really love, now that I have my taste buds back. I can't believe I would have smoked at least 20,000 cigs more had I not stopped. On the counter I put in 50 cigs a day, but often smoked 60 and during stress way more. So 20 grand is a conservative estimate. I am so happy for all of us who have found this way to avoid smoking! I am so glad to have "met" all of you...it is a huge encouragement and makes vaping tons more fun to have vaping friends. IT is fun trading and sharing liquids with Nina and soon Sharon. Thanks to everyone who makes this forum the fun and informative place it is....oh and Jolly too, for making me a couple mods and PTs that will make this experience EVEN better, and he has answered my endless questions about so many e cig related things. I truly appreciate the time you guys take to welcome, help and encourage other people. This is truly a wonderful "community" of vapers! Sorry to get so gushy!!!!
    1 point
  5. flowersbl

    Are You Kidding Me

    Last night was tough, I had an old pack of smokes just laying on the table and I kept thinking about them last night maybe it was the wine but I told my wife to go get them and hide them or destroy them or whatever just dont let me get to them and she did and I have pulled through yet another day.. Thanks to all of you for your comments
    1 point
  6. They can be cleaned. mine is fine now. I just have to get another needle, cause mine broke.
    1 point
  7. Jolly

    Please Help With Boge Cartos

    the issue between draw on atty with cone and carto with cone is that they have a paper wrapped around the carto. remove paper, use googone on the sticky stuff left over. presto chango draw is better.
    1 point
  8. while i do believe that smoking is a huge health risk, obviously, i also believe that smoking is getting the blame for many environmental factors as well, such as, i have seen the rise in childhood asthma in families where no one smokes and never allows their kids near smokers. if my child had an ear infection (which was chronic for him) i was told it was because i smoked but if my friends child got one (also chronic but no one there smoked) no one was to blame personally i do believe smoking is a health hazard but i also believe it is the fall guy for other factors
    1 point
  9. I also suspect it causes globlular warming and prevents world peace.Just living near or spending too much time on a freeway would expose you to those risks as well we better ban freeways.I wouldn't want to go back to smoking but I don't see how it is not for people to decide what risks they take.Seat belts,crash helmets sensible diet,extreme sports all fall under the same category as far as I am concerned.
    1 point
  10. Really cool video. One that I think all large companies and managers should watch. Cool stuff
    1 point
  11. juliery

    Are You Kidding Me

    When I smoked I NEVER coughed or hacked or had to clear my throat...>NOTHING....30 years of smoking, no cough. BUT when I started vaping I was coughing like a crazy maniac, tons of phlegm. All that moisture of vaping was loosening up the garbage that was in my lungs that I didn't even know what there. I talked to my doctor about it, he TOTALLY supports my vaping and he said that the vapor was loosening up stuff that wasn't ever loose enough to cough up. So after a few weeks of that, I was fine. It is amazing how fast you start getting healthy. Congrats.
    1 point
  12. I don't see why you can't boil them like any other carto. I wouldn't just run mine with hot water. In ANYthing containing liquid you can have the growth of bacteria...especially since you do put your mouth on it. I have been boiling the same cartos for a year....I wouldn't think it would matter. A carto is a carto.
    1 point
  13. wouldnt see why not i tend to let normal cartos sit in hot water for about a day, spin dry, and then sit for another 24hrs by the exhaust of my pc or xbox to make sure they are dry. as for those i would say it may be a bit harder to get that all cleaned out. give one a shot and then go from there.
    1 point
  14. nana

    How To Wire A Mod?

    Madvapes has a whole bunch of instructions on their site - under "how to" on their home page. Here's one to look at... http://www.madvapemods.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10
    1 point
  15. I see a new movie title. "Dripping Miss Daisy"
    1 point
  16. AARONH

    People Are Funny...

    So I got one of my salesman to order and Ego this morning from VT....he's excited. Then just a while ago, I had a set of customers in my office doing financial paperwork on thier new truck, when they spotted my Ego on my desk....asked a bunch of questions, I educated them...then the lady flips me her Mastercard and says "can you order me one of those from here, I'm not too computer smart!"...lol....I gladly ordered her Stainless Ego kit from my work comp and sent them on thier way.
    1 point
  17. I agree. Take a tally at the end of the year to see how much you save, start-up costs with e-cigarettes are quite high, but cartridges are cheap.
    1 point
  18. Well...I hope I got everything I need...I ordered 1 Provari 1 18650 extention cap 1 charger 2 high drain 18650 batterys Looks like lead time is 3 weeks....and it was $220.00 for all that. Not bad since I have saved almost $700.00 in analogs! Now all I have to do is forget I ordered it, and when It shows up, it will be like a surprise!
    1 point
  19. As everyone said is so true ! I sit back and remember how everything was while smoking and I didn't like it. I made a list of reasons to stop smoking to always go back to when things get hard. 1. Walking up a flight of stairs with out my heart pumping like crazy. 2. Chest hurting me from chain smoking. 3. Coughing all the time and throat hurting. 4. Not being able to Cary my kids in my arms. 5. The Bad smell on me and everything else. 6. Being a little on the heavy side worrying about a Heart attack. 7. Not spending enough time with my kids " always leaving to smoke". 8. Getting yelled at by my Doctor. 9. Whiter teeth 10. Shorthing my life span, and not being around when the kids get older. Man I really can wright 100 or more things about why I quiet smoking and let me tell you MONEY has to be in the higher numbers like in the 60's ! IF I have extra money I spend it on vaping and if I don't I save until I do so. Vaping has saved my life and many more people and I am great full for it everyday I wake up and kiss my kids and wife ! So for the price of vaping will never out weigh the price I paid for my good health ! So I never think about turning back, and pray for the people who don't like vaping to not turn back to smoking especially do to money ! God Bless all my vaping Friends !
    1 point
  20. Nicotine strength in eliquid is in mg per ml. So 16mg is 16mg per each ml. Generally, you would get about 1mg from a cigarette. Given that, 1 ml of 16mg eliquid would equal about 16 cigarettes. However, there has not been any studies on how much nic your body absorbs from vaping and it's debated. You'll find that vaping is not like smoking and usage varies greatly from person to person. Many of us find that we tend to vape more often than we smoke. Personally, I vape all the time, because I can. I don't take vape breaks like I did when I smoked, so instead of taking a break every hour to have a cigarette, I vape a few puffs regularly. Others try to vape as if they were smoking. Just depends on what works for you. For dripping, you normally will get 5-7 hits from 2-3 drops... again, this will vary. As for overdosing, just listen to your body. If you get a headache, or nausea, it's time to back off. Oh - Welcome to Vapor Talk!
    1 point
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