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Well I Have Learned My Lesson


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So today my atty quit on me. That wouldn't be such a bad thing, but the other atty I had was dead as well! I'm in the military and staionef overseas so the quickest I can get replacements is a week. Luckily I already had an order for 8 attys that I placed two days ago. But I had to resort to analogs today unfortunately! Actually I find myself craving my eGo more than a cigarette. I wasn't gonna buy analogs at first but my only other option was the patch or gum and that crap is expensive! So I am waiting and praying that my orders get here quickly. The lesson is order a ton of attys for backup. Actually I also bought some cartomizers to use as my backups just in case ad well! This will never happen again. 1 week with no analog and I'm hot with bad luck! Oh well back to vaping next week!

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I am so sorry !!!!

Building a backup supply takes a bit of time. but as you have discovered--backups, backups and backups.

Its even harder being so far away from supplies. I am so sorry you had to go back to smoking ( even temporarily).veryangry.gif

I really hope your shippment gets to you fast !!!

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Hi, it's a shame that it's so much easier to go get a pack of analogs than it is to get supplies for a pv. Try not to be hard on yourself that you have to smoke analogs for the time being. There's a little learning curve that comes with e-cigarettes, and as others have expressed, backups are a key part of vaping. Hang in there!

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So today my atty quit on me. That wouldn't be such a bad thing, but the other atty I had was dead as well! I'm in the military and staionef overseas so the quickest I can get replacements is a week. Luckily I already had an order for 8 attys that I placed two days ago. But I had to resort to analogs today unfortunately! Actually I find myself craving my eGo more than a cigarette. I wasn't gonna buy analogs at first but my only other option was the patch or gum and that crap is expensive! So I am waiting and praying that my orders get here quickly. The lesson is order a ton of attys for backup. Actually I also bought some cartomizers to use as my backups just in case ad well! This will never happen again. 1 week with no analog and I'm hot with bad luck! Oh well back to vaping next week!

I know the feeling man, I was stressin earlier this morning about something with my wife and I smoked one of her analogs, I recommend with you being stationed overseas to order a bunch of liquid as well and attys bcuz this all may come to an end soon, Thanks for serving our country, I have a cousin that was in Iraq 5 months back, he's happy to be back when I seen him at my mother inlaws birthday. Good luck. :thumbsup:

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How awful for you, that really sucks. :(

If you can, try to keep those dead attys. They come in handy for making your own mod, and eventually your own attys. Maybe they're not dead, just sleeping and need to be cleaned, dryburned and rePrimed...

Wish I could send you a batch for your stockup.

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i had similar problems my first week of vaping. not anymore. now i hoard supplies. i'm currently holding 40 LR cartos, 6 cartos, 5 LR attys, 10 attys, and @ 200m of pre made juice plus the pg, nic, vg, and flavor to make juice for a couple of years. i also keep 4 backup batteries for my silver bullet and have an ego with 2 batteries and 5 cig style 510 batteries. i refuse to get caught with my pants down again.

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Well an update to the story. It has a happy ending. Never in my time smoking would I ever imagine 1) That the appeal for having an analog would be SO LOW and 2) That I would give away 2 packs of cigarettes because a kind friend hooked me up with an atomizer. :) Now I know I gave the analogs away for free but I didnt want them at all in the first place. TEN years smoking never done that before. I smiled as I happily enjoyed my return to vaping. I am happy to be back! WOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Now back to creating my backup supplies. Thanks to all for the kind words and support.

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