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Dse 905 & Screwdriver Questions

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Hi my favorite experts!

My birthday is the 14th so I get to buy a new toy. The spade looks gorgeous, but a tad outta my price range LOL. I've been lookin at the Screwdriver and the DSE905.

905 has a gorgeous black version, but that version has no cutoff switch. I guess the question is how important is a cutoff switch?

I like that although I'm spending more for a kit, I'm going to get MORE POWER (can I get a Tim Allen AR AR AR ?) and the replacement batteries are less expensive.

So 905 is prettier in the black version, but what would be the other differences between the 905 and the Screwdriver?

I could probably look at others as well, I mean it's almost time to replace my attys ANYWAY but... it wasn't when I first started looking LOL.

I've been googling and searching the forums, and I'm not using the right terms or something because I am not finding much on these products lol


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Hey Teri, nice to see you posting again. By the way, you forgot to tell us how old you will be on the 14th. :innocent:

I don't have a screwdriver, but I do have the DSE905. In black. I like black better. From the pictures, they look a lot alike, but I don't know if they are. I do like the feel of the 905 in my hand and it works good, but I like my eGo better. I do have the adapter for the 905, so I use my 510 attys with it instead. I just don't care for the 901 atty. For me, they just don't put out enough vapor.

Also, my 905 does have a cutoff. I don't like cutoffs. At all. If I'd known this one had a cutoff, I wouldn't have bought it.

I don't know if that helps you at all. I'd say if you like the black better, you could easily go with the 905 instead of the screwdriver. I doubt there would be enough difference to make one a lot better than the other. But I could also be very, very wrong.

Edited by nana
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Thanks Nana!

How is the battery life on the DSE? The info says "up to 2 days" I'd be happy with one day LOL but what is the life in REAL actual vaping?

Interesting note on the 510 atty too. I always heard the 901 and the 501 were pretty close.

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Hi TJ, I had the 905 V2. It was ok, but like nana, Im not a big 901 fan. I don't know what your price range is but I would recommend the eGo over the 905. I don't have the Scredriver, but I saw that Totally Wicked has the kit for $99. You can get a complete eGo kit for less than that. Please let us know what you decide. :)

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Hi Jeff!

The EGO looks great, but I'm also looking at maintenance prices. I haven't found a price on the replacement batteries so I'm a little leery LOL.

I haven't been researching the EGO much however, since I was initially wanting to stick with the 901 attys so as not to waste them. But I'll still have my sticks to use them on, so I suppose that isn't such a huge deal.

I'm already loving all the ideas and opinions I am getting

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I'd say go for the original Screwdriver for build quality. The original Mk1 Screwdriver now has an improved mechanical switch, and is available in silver, black or gold in 901, 801 or 510 versions.

BETTER STILL - at the moment Screwdriver bodies are BUY ONE GET ONE FREE: http://www.cavecom.com/screwdriver/shop/shopindex.htm

(The free one always seems to be a gold one by the way, mine was - I bought a black 901 version and got a gold 901 version free)

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I'd say go for the original Screwdriver for build quality. The original Mk1 Screwdriver now has an improved mechanical switch, and is available in silver, black or gold in 901, 801 or 510 versions.

BETTER STILL - at the moment Screwdriver bodies are BUY ONE GET ONE FREE: http://www.cavecom.com/screwdriver/shop/shopindex.htm

(The free one always seems to be a gold one by the way, mine was - I bought a black 901 version and got a gold 901 version free)

Thats $60 US plus shipping. For a little more I can get a kit with batteries and charger. But I'm interested in why I would need two bodies? Other than the waaaaaaaaaaay coooool factor that is LOL

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OMG now i've seen the Janty stick. HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! rofl... I'm supposed to be getting CLOSER to a decision not farther away LMAO

My problem with the Ego is the price of the replacement batteries. Right now life is good, but I run a small business, and it's a feast and famine kinda life. I need to be able to afford batteries when I'm in FAMINE mode.

Other than that I love the look and the reviews it has gotten. I suppose I could buy extra batteries while I'm in FEAST mode, but then I have to research the shelf life of these things.

One thing about analogs, they are simple. no research ROFL. However, I think I'd rather BREATHE.

So now I'm juggling janty stick, dse 905, and screwdriver. I'm almost afraid to look anymore I'll end up buying the WORLD lmao

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Thats $60 US plus shipping. For a little more I can get a kit with batteries and charger. But I'm interested in why I would need two bodies? Other than the waaaaaaaaaaay coooool factor that is LOL

Well, suppose you (gulp) lost one? I honestly think that the Mk1 Screwdriver is the best "value for money" (ie price + quality + service) 3.7v PV around - I've had one for nearly a year without a single problem. The two-for-one offer plus a "spares kit" from trog will give you two high quality devices at a reasonable price... (you could save money by buying the atomisers/batteries/charger from China of course)

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I've heard a few stories of the 905 falling apart, so you have to keep that in mind too.

I think the Janty Stick only uses the 801/302 atty (someone please confirm), so not sure you'd be happy with that if you're using a 510 now.

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Why would you need two bodies? Teri, pay attention here, backups, backups, backups. You can never have enough backups.

As far as the battery life for the DSE905 goes, I don't think I'd believe the up to 2 days thing. Now I could be completely wrong, but I've been using those batteries in my VP2 since last November and I get an easy 12 to 16 hours of vaping time with them. That's not counting overnight hours when I'm not using them. From others have said 8 hours per battery is about average. I've had them last only about 10 hours for me, but that was with some pretty heavy or even chain vaping. Unless you are a very light vaper, I can't see the batteries lasting that long.

As far as the eGo batteries go, yes they are more expensive than regular 510 batteries are. They cost twice as much. But you get more than twice the time using them between charges, too. Regular 510 batteries last me about an hour to an hour and a half. My eGo batteries last me 5 to 6 hours of heavy vaping. I'm going to get a couple more batteries to be sure and have plenty of backups. If you were paying attention before, you know how I feel about backups. LOL If money is tight, you could buy an extra battery once a month until you had the backups you want. Or buy one when you have the money and then another in another month when you have money again. There are ways to get the backups without going broke all at once.

I absolutely love the look of the janty stick and was really right on the verge of buying one. But then I saw it used the 10440 batteries and those batteries did not work out for me. If it used the 14500 batteries, I would have one right now. And would probably like it even more than my eGo, but alas, I knew those batteries wouldn't work for me so I just have to enjoy looking at pictures of the janty stick. <sigh>

Like I said before, I've never owned the Screwdriver, so you'll have to listen to profbeard on that one. I am impressed that he's had his for a year now and had no problems. I've only been vaping for 5 months and haven't had anything last even that long yet.

Since you already have 901 attys, it probably makes more sense to get something you can use those with instead of switching to something like the eGo. I'm just a big 510 atty fan, so everything I consider has to at least be able to use the 510 atty. If you go with the DSE905 or Screwdriver, you can someday get an adapter and try the 510 atty with it, too, so that gives you another option.

Good luck on your decision Teri.

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TeriJo..Before you go and spend alot of money why not take a look at some of Grimm Green's videos and see what you think?

He's done them on the spade,ego,jantystick,pretty much every device out there including the 905 and SB.

They are some really helpful videos. I've learned alot about some of these things just from his reviews.

And then you can get a look at how they work and make a better decision.

Just my opinion, hope it helps a little.

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Why would you need two bodies? Teri, pay attention here, backups, backups, backups. You can never have enough backups.

As far as the battery life for the DSE905 goes, I don't think I'd believe the up to 2 days thing. Now I could be completely wrong, but I've been using those batteries in my VP2 since last November and I get an easy 12 to 16 hours of vaping time with them. That's not counting overnight hours when I'm not using them. From others have said 8 hours per battery is about average. I've had them last only about 10 hours for me, but that was with some pretty heavy or even chain vaping. Unless you are a very light vaper, I can't see the batteries lasting that long.

Good luck on your decision Teri.

Right up to 2 days is very vague, which was why I asked a real live vaper LOL but the life sounds more reasonable than the hour I am getting when I am going crazy lol Especially when they take TWO hours to charge.

And the batteries I was comparing to the replacement batteries for the 905 which are quite reasonable. Tho the Ego looks waaaay cool LOL

There are adapters so I can use my 901s on the janty stick (according to the site) but really, my attys wud need replacing anyway so trying the 501's can't hurt.

Snubber... great Idea... I've seen some of them... as well as Parked's :)

I may get the TH I'm missing on my 901s from any of these I'm looking at I think :)

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OMG now i've seen the Janty stick. HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! rofl... I'm supposed to be getting CLOSER to a decision not farther away LMAO

One thing about analogs, they are simple. no research ROFL. However, I think I'd rather BREATHE.

Now that is funny! :hrhr:

Just my 2 cents TeriJo...Wordup has an Ego package with 2 batts and 2 atty's, and various carts for $85.00. I did a lot of research myself, and settled on the Screwdriver, until I found a good price on the Ego. I highly recommend it! I plan on having a Screwdriver sometime soon, but I'm real satisfied with the Ego.

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I have the VP Series, eGo, a 5 volt box mod, and the DSE 905. The DSE 905 is my least favorite. It is cheaply made, the battery doesn't always fire, and if I wanted to vape at 3.7 volts with 900 mah then I would just use my VP2. I don't see myself using it again unless the others break.

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I have the VP Series, eGo, a 5 volt box mod, and the DSE 905. The DSE 905 is my least favorite. It is cheaply made, the battery doesn't always fire, and if I wanted to vape at 3.7 volts with 900 mah then I would just use my VP2. I don't see myself using it again unless the others break.

I agree about 905 build quality. If you like the 905's look, buy a proper Mk1 Screwdriver instead - the build quality is excellent - see this thread on ECF:


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Now that is funny! :hrhr:

Just my 2 cents TeriJo...Wordup has an Ego package with 2 batts and 2 atty's, and various carts for $85.00. I did a lot of research myself, and settled on the Screwdriver, until I found a good price on the Ego. I highly recommend it! I plan on having a Screwdriver sometime soon, but I'm real satisfied with the Ego.

Well I ASKED for everyone's 2 cents! hehe. And I am getting such wonderful advice from you all!!!!!

It's sounding like the Screwdriver. I like the Ego but replacing the batteries and atomizers is expensive. I can believe it is worth it and all, but if I hit a bad spot and can't afford to replace them there am I on the analogs again.

The Janty Stick sounds fannnnnntastic but I haven't seen anything written by anyone that's had it more than a month so, I dunno. LOL Janty stick has less expensive batteries, but folks say getting the atomizers on is a tight fit.

They also say it's user error when things break but ....I'm not good at getting things completely straight when doing things like that I've learned, so it's more likely I'd have problems with it than others. I am conceited and all, but I DO know my own limitations and foibles. lol

I so love the advice I get from you all!!! The DSE 905 V1 fell apart in the reviewer's hand... the v2 he liked better though not the cutoff switch, said it was sturdier - and the V3 I've seen nothing on at all.....at least not as identified.

So it is looking more and more like getting a Screwdriver is the way to go for me.

I can pick up adaptors as I go to try other attys too, if I recall. (I'll have to look again but I think that what I read) That's true with all of them tho. While watching the reviews I picked up that lots of people really like the 801 carts and attys.

So All you screwdrivers HATERS ....time to put in yer nickel and tell me why THAT sucks :))

Thanks sooooo much you darling people!!!!!

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I can pick up adaptors as I go to try other attys too, if I recall. (I'll have to look again but I think that what I read) That's true with all of them tho. While watching the reviews I picked up that lots of people really like the 801 carts and attys.

Arno (Awesome Vapor) sells the Screwdriver with adapters for all 3 atty's included. Although I see he's out of stock right now.

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So it is looking more and more like getting a Screwdriver is the way to go for me.

If its any help, I had the JS (V2 I think). Was great for a while, then it just seemed like the attys kept getting clogged. Back to the 510 and variants (megas, spade) I went.

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Arno (Awesome Vapor) sells the Screwdriver with adapters for all 3 atty's included. Although I see he's out of stock right now.

Yes, his daughter put me on the list of who to notify when they come in :) As long as I don't get all antsy before then and spend lots more on it all separate LOL.

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I think if I was gonna buy a Screwdriver cavecom would be the way to go - what with backups and all. I don't see how you could go wrong myself. But TeriJo, if you don't like having two, just go on ahead and send your extra to me! I'll give it a go. :)

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I think if I was gonna buy a Screwdriver cavecom would be the way to go - what with backups and all. I don't see how you could go wrong myself. But TeriJo, if you don't like having two, just go on ahead and send your extra to me! I'll give it a go. :)

LOL I don't have a PROBLEM with having 2 bodies, just that I'd wind up paying the same or more once you convert the pounds to dollahs, and THEN have to wait 2 weeks or so at the mailbox. LOL If I wait for Arno to get them in see, then I get a good price AND once I click the button I gits em fast.

It's semantics, I know... lol but once I hit the buy button I am in WAIT mode. If I don't hit the button then I'm in "still looking mode". It's all what's happening in my pea brain, as opposed to what is really happening lol

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You all totally ROCK! I've gotten such good information from you all, as well as good links, etc.

I'm seriously thinking about the Ego, because from my forum searches and all, some of you have had them for quite a while and are still crowing about them.

I'm summing this up here because sometime someone is going to do a search on these products.

The DSE 905 reviews were mixed, which is normal, and Grimm liked the V2 better than the original, but didn't like the cutoff switch. There is a V3 out without the cutoff, and I ASSUME it's with the sturdier construction but haven't seen a review on it.

There's also a review on making it a 5v and that at 5v it rocks, but boring the body out to fit the other batts is way beyond MY abilities thank ye kindly. I'd surely destroy the thang. LOL

The Janty Sick v3 acts as a PT as well, I luv that feature, but I think I'd have trouble with switching atomizers. I have trouble holding a key straight to get it in the LOCK when I'm in a hurry LOL. That's a Teri limitation more than a STICK limitation, but . . .

The Screwdriver is tried and true, but expensive (for me) out of the box. I can get 2 bodies at cavecom, but then I have to get the batteries and charger. If I already had the batteries and charger, THEN it would be great. And I suspect the shipping adds even more to the price. I can get the batteries and charger stateside, of course, as well as adapters and all as I want them. By the time I do all that I might as well get a VP or a Spade.

I shouldn't be so concerned with the LOOK as I seem to be, I know, but the screwdriver LOOK just doesn't fetch me. LOL

Sometimes I think I get so involved in the research (for my computer toys too) that I forget I actually want to BUY something in the end LOL.

Again thank you all for your thoughts, advice and great links!!!!!! VAPOR TALK MEMBERS ROCK.

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I owned a 905 for about 5 days. I loved it, it took over my vaping and got me to switch from my pure PS Protege. I had it in my pocket and it broke. The tip totally broke off. I couldn't even solder it back together. I love the 901 atomizer, so maybe this was a plus for me that I didn't need an adapter. I don't like having to use adapters, I feel like I lose some of the experience. The new Sticks are nice.

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