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I've never been a smoker, but I am looking to vapors to help me quit a strange bad habit I have of eating newspaper. I have been trimming the relatively inkless margins off newspapers and eating it (and smelling the rest of the paper - love the inky smell) since I was in 8th grade. To make it worse I work at a newspaper now and there are free boxes of old papers and trash copies just sitting around free for the taking all the time. Doctors have never been able to help ... they say my health, vitamin levels, etc, are normal so I should just stop but I'm hopelessly addicted to it.

Can anyone help me with flavor suggestions that would be closest in flavor to newsprint paper? I am looking for nicotine free (could paper have nicotine in it though? Is that why it's so addictive?).

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I seriously doubt that the news print has any nic in it, that would be a huge liability for the manufacturer as nicotine can and is absorbed through the skin.

Just my opinion but I don't think trading one addiction to another is a good idea. Vaping is still so new that no long-term studies have been done to prove that it's totally safe. We former smokers of traditional cigarettes just know that it's less harmful than what we used to smoke before. I would never suggest to a non-smoker to take up vaping, it's still too new and we don't know if there are any long term negative effects that could occur later on.

As far as I'm aware, there are no flavors like news paper available. You'll find lots of fruit, candy, tobacco, bakery...you name it and you should be able to find it as long as the flavor is something that is ingested on a regular basis -- unlike news paper. Sorry! :(

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The best suggestion I could give is to contact some vendors and the like to try to get someone to create for you a flavor to your liking with a 0 nicotine level.

With that being said, I agree that trading one habit for another is not helpful, and it would be too likely to get a nicotine addiction accidently while vaping in my opinion. Good luck hope you figure something out!

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I've actually seen/heard/read?, don't remember how, of this some years ago, so you're not alone. Considering what's in printed newspaper, I can see why you'd like to quit. If you think vaping will give your hands something to do and take your mind off it, who am I to tell you not to try.

In terms of a flavor, I can't be of any help. Sorry, wish I could.

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You have Pica... It is a disorder where you crave non-food items. The disorder typically affects children more than adults, but it is believed that upwards of 20% of the adult population chew or consume non-food items, in an attempt to gain specific, vitamins or minerals which are missing from their daily diet.

Before you trade one addiction for another, or just add to your repertoire... I would seek the advice of a doctor... have some blood tests run, and try to determine if your addiction is related to a vitamin or mineral deficiency, or purely psychological. I just don't think vaping will stop you from eating paper... because it will not replace the "thing" you're getting from paper.

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