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New KPT 2s suddenly very tight draw


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The new ones I just got are really like trying to suck a very thick milkshake through a straw. It seems I remember that being a discussion not long ago but I don't know how to find it. It seems to happen about when the juice is 1/2 way down the tank. One tank when I took it off it had a lot of juice in the top of the battery, Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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I always have juice on the top of my battery no matter the tank. They are tighter than the old version, and several I have in rotation have very different draws. Not sure why except small inconsistencies in production maybe. 5 of mine are perfect but two have noticeably different and much tighter draws with the same liquid configuration and coil resistance.

Edited by bcartervol98
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That is the first thing I did when I got home yesterday but I have not tried to see if it worked yet. What was so strange was when it happened with the red tank I put the blue tank on with a different juice and it was thick too. Plus they have never done this before and I have been using them for a few weeks. I did start off this rotation with all new coils so I guess it could be the batch of coils I used this time. So, as Tam said, I changed the coil. All so far are pulling good but they all have a full tank. We will see sometime today if the new coils worked.

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What could cause this B? If it is not the juice or the coil what other part could alter the draw? One other change I have made is I went for 70pg/30vg to 50/50 and dropped the nic level to 18 from 24. I really hope this is not permanent because I really don't like this tight draw.

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