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Help - very stressfull situation.


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Um, I don't want to share exactly what this stressful situation is, but it's likely I'm going to be at the hospital all day and a family member is going through a massive health crisis.

This is when I would be chain smoking analogs, can anyone give me any hints to help avoid this? As it is, provided I can get a ride to the hospital tomorrow (it's in St. Louis), I'll be taking my davide, plus all my evods and all the flavors I keep in my cabinet with me, plus both my sticks....(please don't let both my batteries go dead on me, they''ve been screwing up today).

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Take your highest mg of nicotine juice with you. You can vape in a bathroom in the hospital but you won't be able to chain vape for long. The higher mg helps to get your nic and go on for a bit. Take a charger or two with you. Even if you can't get a full charge you can get a partial if you need to.

I don't normally vape 24 mg anymore but man, it came in handy when a family member was in the hospital for a prolonged stay. One time I got a little break so I went outside to get some fresh air and vape a bit. A security guard came rushing over telling me I couldn't smoke there (total non-smoking hospital campus). When he found out it was an e-cigarette he apologized and told me to carry on.

Good luck tomorrow. I hope you get the best of news and a short hospital stay. :)

Edited by Tameiki
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Well , I would certainly bring a throw away blu if youre having battery troubles you dont need the stress of malfunctions on top of all that ! And I will say , remember you can smoke any time you want . it certainly isnt forbidden youre a grown woman! you just WOULD RATHER vape instead and you made that choice for yourself . I wouldnt go into a stressful situation thinking you cant do it . because if I can do it , anybody can refrain from smoking .

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What I'll likely do, if I'm going to be there all day, I think, is take my charger with me. If she has her surgery tonight, she'll be in intensive care by the time I get there, if what is most likely to happen happens. So we'll be in a waiting room most of the time. So, I'll be taking my nook, taking all of my vaping mats, and hoping for the best. If she's not in ICU, well, I can plug it in there instead of in the wall of the ICU waiting room.

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As a follow up, what do you guys vape when you are stressed? After going through an evod full of milk chocolate and one of french vanilla, and one of honey wood/turkish honey tobacco, tried going to my davide with the 618 in it. Even with 1 piece of tape it's still a pretty airy pull after coming off the evods, and the 618 is a fairly light flavor.

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What I vape depends on what I'm in the mood for. My go-to has been Feels like a Nut for months on end now. I vape that when I can chain vape. When I need to take a quick couple of hits and put it away? My 24 mg of Mojito does the trick. I add a little extra peppermint and a little more sweetener to give it the smoothness I like.

I've noticed that the tightness of the draw from the Davide can change with different drip tips. When I use a ming vase type it's very airy. Change it over to one of the longer ones and it seems to tighten the draw -- for me. YMMV.

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Yeah, phone charger, anxiety pills (already had one today), pain pills (and all the pills that go with it), ALL of vaping stuff except for the 618 (since we share that), and I may go with my old tried and true trick of adding a shot of fr vanilla tobacco to the 618 to sweeten it up a bit. Depends on how the day goes. Oh, and I have my nook, too. And a jacket, because it's freaking freezing in that surgical waiting room

Oh, and don't call us superstitious - we were so cold when my dad had his surgery 4 years ago, we got a shawl to keep us warm. It's come iwth the family every surgery, so we're swinging by mom and dad's to pick up.

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I'm so sorry to hear you're having a family emergency. :(

When my hubby was in the hospital, I vaped happily away in the bathroom, and I vaped stealthily away while at his bedside. Just be sure to wear a blouse that is easy to blow your vapor into. Stealth vaping is a little bit hard to master, but so worth it in times like these. Make sure the drip tip lifts up into the inside of your upper lip (a little tiny bit), to catch the wisp before it leaves your mouth. Hold the vapor as long as possible, then blow any remaining inside your blouse. (take small draws, of course, so you don't cough or feel like you're going to explode your mouthful lol).

I stealth vape now, even when I'm waiting for the Dr. for my own checkups. Just be sure to refrain when anyone is coming.

Having a higher nic level on hand for times like these is priceless advice.

I'm sort of going through the same thing at the moment, stress wise. Between the stupid nazi bill-SB-648 battle (WE WON!!!!! YAY!!!!! CORBETT DROPPED THE BILL AN HOUR BEFORE THE MEETING!!), and my oldest brother dying, the stress has been tremendous. One day this stress will pass. I am a Vaper, even if I grab a smoke here and there. I don't smoke the entire cig, just a few icky puffs, so, even if I go through a pack, only 3 puffs per cig were smoked out of the 10-15 that I normally would have otherwise. (what's the math here? 3 puffs x 20 = 60 puffs in all, instead of the 10 x 20 =200 puffs it would have been had I of not switched to vaping). Your body and tastebuds will tell you to "drop that sucker, it's awful!!". Your security blanket wants you light up another one. Take some super delicious flavors with you so you look forward to your vaping, not your lighter, and you'll be fine.

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Today wasn't the long day I was expecting, they ran more tests, including vein mapping, trying to get more options, hoping to avoid the nuclear option. Looks like she's going to have SOME type of surgery tomorrow, we just aren't sure which. I went there with my sister today (before we found out she wasn't having surgery), and I did good, just had about 1/2 of one of her analogs, and the only thing that didn't keep me from coughing it out was the menthol flavoring....'cause at least it had some flavoring, lol. And I HATE menthol!

But when I go up tomorrow, hubby will be taking me after he's moved oldest son into college (about 20 minutes from here).

And wow, I just found the perfect flavor to flavor transition! Was vaping my honey wood with just a touch of turkish honey tobacco, and switched over to my 618, which wasn't doing it for me this morning, and the transition was prefect. Sometimes I have trouble going from some flavors to others.

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