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I have been vaping for about a year and cut down to 4 to 5 cigs per day but still struggling to go beyond that

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Hello, I started vaping about a year ago. Due to ecigs, I have been able to cut down on analogs a great deal !

I went from smoking a pack a day to 15 a day , then 10 and now I am down to 4 to 5 cigarettes.

But I have reached an impasse and I am really struggling to let the cigs go entirely. So I now have a counselor

with Quit for Life ( employer requirement if I ever want discount as nonsmoker on the insurance policy ).

They, of course, cannot recommend or talk about vaping. They cannot even discuss the vaporizer or anything prescripton wise either. They will only talk about the patch, lozenges and gum, none of which I can use due to skin problems and my dentist said No to the nicotine gum and lozenge. Vaping is all that works for me and the only thing that has helped me.

What I am having trouble getting past is when the urge is strong, vaping just does not take away the strong urges.

I find I have to take 2 to 3 puffs of the analog cig and then go back to vaping.

How did you all get past this and do it successfully? When the urges are very strong, how did you learn to cope with the fact that vaping takes much longer to satisfy that urge than does regular smoking. Or maybe I am not vaping correctly ? I am wondering if I need a higher nicotine level as I have been using 11 mg all along as I never, ever smoked more than a pack a day and often just 15 max per day.

I really need some input with what works for you when:

1. The urges are bad and time is limited and you try to settle that urge a bit. I am an emotional closet type smoker and not a social smoker. I guess you could say I almost always used smoking like an anti anxiety medication.

I struggle with anxiety and insomnia due to a chronic illness. So I smoke when anxious or depressed more.

2. When I am around some family and friends, they do not want me vaping in front of them so I have to sneak some vaping in a restroom or away from them and hide that too from view. So I need to get some quick hits that will last to curb the urge..thus far, the vaping only craves about half the urge.

3. How are you all coping with the irritablity or depression or anxiety of withdrawal. ? I have a great family and husband but they would rather not talk about this issue or quitting..even though they are all either ex smokers or non smokers. So I have very little of a support system. They all just tell me, Well Quit All ready but Don;'t be Talking about it. Just do it . So it is tough for me as I have so few who lend me support, they just are disgusted with me that I smoke still and they do not want to ever talk about it. My husband quit cold turkey and he disapproves of nicotine replacement therapy. He thinks vaping is a crutch. But he says whatever it takes, go for it but I cannot talk about my struggle because he thinks if he quit, the world can quit cold turkey. And my sister just nags me about the smell and how my clothes smelling like smoke inflames her allergies and how it affects her. She only wants me to quit so my house smells better and because she does not like the smell. She refuses to lend support until I quit.

4. So I guess I am looking for some ideas, input, and so on as everyone who is close to me is not comfortable with this topic or are lifelong nonsmokers who think people can quit smoking as easy as they gave up sugar or soda.

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Also, apologies for the long post. And I just realized that I never post this personal of information on the internet.

But smoking is an addiction and I have been encouraged by my Quit counselor to confide in some ex smokers who

can lend me the support and help I am currently lacking.

Another E Cig question that may sound dumb but isn;t it true that you do not vape like you smoke ? Ie you do not take a puff, inhale, exhale. Instead you take a 4 to 5 second drag on it and keep it in as long as possible, then exhale? I may be doing something wrong.

As when I do it the way i saw on you tube as far as how to vape, if I inhale the vapor, I start couging. I take a long drag but then it has to just stay in my mouth and not be inhaled.

What do you suggest? Does just keeping it in my mouth for a long time and then exhale work as good as inhaling? Or should I take shorter drags like I do smoking to avoid coughing? All I know is that no matter what brand or method I tried in the last year and I tried several...I cannot seem to quench the cravings. And I was not ever a heavy smoker and I never smoke anything but light cigarettes and never more than a pack..in the 30 yrs I smoked...often less than that. But I cannot get rid of the urges. They are still bad in the morning and before bed mostly.

I have tried the ones online suggested here and before that , tried others in the stores and I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but ecigs are great, fabulous, wonderful for cutting down or when I cannot smoke for some reason and I am down to 5 to 7 per day but I cannot completely quit. I am discouraged as I have been working on this with ecigs for almost a year. I feel like an abysmal failure as most of you all starting vaping and quit on the spot or shortly thereafter. What is your secret>

Edited by MayMirabella
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I may have to go back and look at some technical terms but what does throat hit mean?

Is that what I am looking for and not doing it correctly to get that? Is that what helps calm the urges.

Ecigs are great and help a lot to cut back drastically but when the big urges hit, I need to start with analog then to ecig.

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I personally was so ready to give up analogs that I have not had any issue whatsoever. I am at the point where I prefer my e-cig to analogs, but what it took for me was finding the right liquid and set up. I tried all the fruit flavors and some other sweet flavors and none were satisfying to me at all. Once I got my first order of Traditional Tobacco from Sweet-Vapes in 80/20 24mg nicotine I never looked back, the urge went away. I am fond of the taste of tobacco. I see so many on here that say they try and stay away from it, but for me it was imperative to have something similar and for me, this is it. As a disclaimer there are plenty that do not like this flavor, and in no way am I trying to get you to order from them, just sharing what worked for me. I never had any irritability or anxiety, in fact I have all but quit taking the anxiety meds I was on while smoking analogs.

My wife also has quit, but it was not as easy for her. She kept a pack in her purse and smoked it over the course of a week when she first started vaping but then found her "satisfy me" flavor in VapeDudes Spearmint and Strawberry Fields.

Personally I think it is mental, not physiological, since you are still getting the nicotine (probably more than from analogs) and any withdrawal is from habit.

What type of equipment are you using? One of the things I hated at first was constantly having to worry about having batteries charged starting with 808 stick type from the mall. Then I got a eGoT 1000mah starter kit with 2 batteries which shortly led to two Vision Spinner 1300mah so now I never have to worry about one dying and being without one.

You will get there, its a mindset. Its not easy, and each person is different.

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I have found a slow long draw into my mouth followed by an inhale-quick exhale is the ticket. Throat Hit is what it sounds like, the feeling of the vapor hitting your throat like smoke would form an analog. I use 80-20 or 70-30 liquids all 24mg for the throat hit and have found the sweet spot on my spinner for my 4 flavors I go back and forth between. I use the Traditional Tobacco more than anything but also like a few other flavors.

I asked the same question and since nicotine is quickly absorbed there is no need to hold it in. In fact, that reduces the vapor you exhale and makes it less like "smoking" when you need a substitute right now.

I am now 42 days without, my wife is 38 days, and for both of us the craving is all but gone. It takes time, and everyone has a different approach. My wife takes a drag, inhales, takes a drag, inhales, takes a drag, inhales, then exhales. I feel like I get a better hit if I take one large slow drag then inhale-exhale rather quickly.

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Another thing that has made a HUGE difference is the clearomizer I use. I started out with CE4 Visions (V2), also called Stardust, and have since switched to Kanger T2 also called eGo CC Longwick Clearomizers with replacement heads. They have two breather holes in the bottom for air to mix with the vapor, but I have found putting a small pieceof tape over one of the holes to be the perfect delivery system. They never leak out the bottom or get gurgly like the CE4s did and are the only ones I use today.

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Thank you B Carter. My Quit Counselor did say every person is different and unique in terms of how they quit, when they quit,

and the level of anxiety and withdrawal experienced. So what you are saying makes perfect sense. I think also because I am retired and much of the time, homebound, it has been much harder for me than my husband who is still working and also he does not have a sleep disorder like I do. Insomnia nights which happen at least once weekly with my disorder, are the worst for the urges and smoking.

I noticed you were using 24 mg nicotine and I only ever used 11 mg, maybe i need to increase my nicotine levels. That may finally help me get to the point where I am not relying on analogs and ecigs both.

Also there are some fascinating new studies out there about how some nicotine replacement methods work better on men than women and some work better with women than men.

Edited by MayMirabella
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OMG 11mg is very low imo. I started with 18 and that didnt do it. I couldnt feel the "hit" at all and was unsure. Then I got 80%pg-20%vg in 24mg and that was the ticket. Its no wonder you are still having cravings as a heavy smoker using 11mg. What PG/VG% are you vaping? What type of setup do you have?

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I find I am so much more productive because there is no need for a smoke break. I cannot even stand the smell of it anymore, after only 42 days without. It is not even remotely appealing and I smoked a pack and a half to two packs a day for over 27 years. This was my first attempt to quit. Not only that, even the trial and error costs of liquids not strong enough and that I didnt like, I have now more than recouped my total investment in savings from buying analogs and I am in TN, only about $4 a pack.

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Sounds like you have a lot of negative, and toxic people in your life. Sorry for being blunt, but its no wonder you cannot quit with your loved ones tearing you down when they should be supporting you during this endeavor. Even though you cannot get rid of these people in your life (coming from a toxic family myself, I do understand), you do possess the power to block them out. Do not verbally engage, because you can't win with these types of people. If there is one thing I've learned from a lifetime of dealing with my own addictions, demons, and negative people, it is that this is something that had to be done on YOUR terms. And remember, above all else, remind yourself that YOU are worth it and are doing this for YOUR own benefit...not anybody else's. As for how I quit.... Personally, I switched over to Vaping the second my first kit arrived in the mail. Like you, I never smoked more than a pack a day, so I started with 24mg for the first week (which made me hella sick). Then went right to 12, and have stayed there until recently acquiring a Genesis atty (those things will knock you for a loop when properly set up, LOL). I've also had a good group of friends around me who encourage rather than tear down....unlike my family. And, I've had this forum, and all the good people here. The membership here has helped numerous people out with everything from quitting the cigs to navigating the thousands of products being sold by hundreds of vendors. If you need anything, just ask. Someone will be glad to jump in with an answer. Good Luck, and Happy Vaping!!!

Edited by CascadianExotics
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First off, Congrats for switching (mostly) over to vaping!

I agree with the great advice the others gave you and have only a few other things to share.

You might not be getting enough nicotine, as suggested, and I would seriously picking up a stronger dosage. Many of us, in fact, use several different mods, with several different mg levels in them. For instance, when you have to go hours between vapes, a 36mg in one of your setups will help you get through those dreaded hours. I have to use 50/50 vg/pg mix or else the TH is too strong in mostly PG version. Everyone is different. If your 36pg is too strong, then pick up some 36mg VG and mix until you find your comfort spot. (90/10, 80/20, 70/30, etc). Devote this one to break times and so forth where you can't vape like you wish to.

Meanwhile, In another setup, use your 11mg for the steady vaping sessions. You can improve the hit by improving your vaping gear. For instance, if you are vaping a good but gentle Joye 510 or 808, I would save that for night time use when you're relaxing and chilling and pick up a Vision Spinner for typical day usage. The gentle batterys give you approx 3.2--3.7v of power, but the Spinner can go from 3.7 -- 4.8v of power which really helps. The draws we take are also shorter with these. With the gentle batteries we have to take long slow draws (great during chilling time), because the juice takes longer to heat up. With the Vision Spinner type of battery we can take short draws because the battery is able to heat the juice quicker. It's the difference between low and high heat on your stove when you're trying to boil water.

Those 4 or 5 cigs that won't leave you are the challenging ones. You'll have to challenge yourself to omit one of them at a time and super celebrate when you finally do it. The hardest one for me was the bedtime one. Even though I had gone all day without a smoke, I couldn't bear the thought of not having a cig for such an overnight length of time. Many a night I stayed wide awake vaping, on purpose, just so I wouldn't have to have that nitey cig. I roll my eyes at myself, but that was me. I accepted me and I challenged me eventually. And when I finally went to bed, without my nitey cig, I awoke in the morning with the flavor of Apples dancing on my tongue. Wow. The first one in the morning was suddenly replaced by more of that wonderful apple flavor that only my apple ejuice provided. I accidentally killed 2 birds with one challenge. :)

You'll get there. It's a matter of finding the right, for you, setup and juice. You have the "want to", now it's just a matter of the "can do". In the meantime, count all the cigs you have NOT smoked... yeh... pretty darn sweet. But I know it can be sweeter, just don't give up yet. Best of luck to you!

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  • 1 month later...

I had the same problem. I realized that I needed to up the nicotine level in the juices I was buying. I started with 12mg, then to 16, then found 18 did the trick. Only been 5 days but my only "urge" is out of habit. So I have kept my routines but instead of smoking, I vape. The habit of lighting up can be overwhelming at times, so keep your willpower muscle in shape!! After a week, I hardly notice it anymore. Good Luck!!

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I had no real issues getting off analogs. I was a pack a day smoker for over 25 years. I was down to 3 cigarettes on the day that I bought my first kit, 1 cigarette the next day, and on the third day I forced myself to only vape. Quite simply...it just takes willpower and to stick with the eCig. My fiancee has had a tougher time going analog free, but is slowly getting there and admits that she just hasn't forced herself to do it yet. I can tell you this...a counselor is not going to give you the willpower it is going to take. You have to want it and you are going to have to fight with it. Regardless of what they tell you, they're not going to be able to help with that. Good luck to you!

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I myself didn't have any trouble as I went with the highest nicotine the store sold at 26mg and have stepped it down to 11mg. I'm 33 days in and haven't even considered an analog. I honestly think starting high with nicotine and then stepping it down is the best way to go. If its too much you can always go down... But it sucks the other way around I have found. Just my 2 cents but seriously good for you for trying so hard! Just one more big push and you will home free!!!!

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Some of it has to do with the individual. Some people quit right way, other's continue smoking and vping for a while. Other's try vaping and it doesn't work for them at all, though a lot may have to do with the setup. It is important to get a good first vaping experience. My fiancee is currently working on switching over, she has cut down on the analogs, but still feels the need to smoke a few a day. For her, though uping the nicotine (which I sigguested) doesn't appear to be the answer. Indeed she feels anything over 18 mg is too harsh for her. In fact she is wanting to go down on the nic level. We both vape a 50/50 PG/VG mix. Works for me, but she might need less PG.

I would certainly agree with the previous posters. Uping the nic level or increasing the PG content should give you a greater throat hit. And more of a cigarette like satisfaction.

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I also had no problems switching over, my wife would tell you I had no faith in e cigs like most of us have no faith in our government. I smoked at least 1.5 packs per day, sometimes more. I started on 16mg and within a week I upped it to 24mg. The day I got my pv I gave away a half pack of stinkies. Now I'm 50+ days in and still no stinkies. It was rather easy for me to quit but I was ready to if not for me I'm doing this so my kids 5 and 6 can have me around for a long time. My hardest thing was finding juice I can vape instead of smelling like a burning ash tray. But it can be done not to mention cigarettes contain urea errr I mean pee.

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But it can be done not to mention cigarettes contain urea errr I mean pee.

Ha. Regarding urine, alot of the e-liquids have that yellowish hue to them. Maybe the vendors are just pissing in bottles and sending it to us to vape. Just kidding of course! :popo::yes:evil:

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