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Everything posted by Vacker1229

  1. Cool, Thanks this is something I reeeeally need. I like a lot of sweet flavors but my favorite snacks tend to be "salty" so buttered popcorn sounds like yuuuuummmm to me. EDIT: Well of course did my research and this may be why people have stayed away from this flavor -- you must of heard of the "microwave popcorn lawsuit" anyway there is an ingredient that has some folks concerned. Here is a link to FlavourArt flavorings that addresses the ingredient in question. http://www.flavourart.it/expresseng/contents/en-uk/d27.html
  2. Absolutely a work of art !! Wow -- and it vapes too!!!!
  3. Hah!! it does look like a suppository!! I actually was a participant in a study at Stanford for FDA approval. Back in '88 or '89 or '90 (too long ago to remember) for the Nicotrol inhaler. Study had 500 people, all demographics, 18 months of use at no cost to us and no pay other than free devices. Checked my oxygen level and took blood every week, answered questionnaire re: depression, could not change diet or exercise and slowly (monthly) they lowered the nic level. Half the group had placebo and half had nic -- I was in the nic group as I had (non-smoking and smoking) friends who wanted to test it and most either coughed or got a buzz. By month 18 there was 0 nic and the study ended. About a month later I had a couple of puffs of analog, then a whole analog, then a pack and I was back smoking analogs within a couple of months. I think cuz it was a medical and behavioral modification study I wanted to complete the study as I was brought on to do, so i did but of the 500 I vaguely remember ~175 dropping out for various reasons, I chose to stick it out.
  4. Nice find Jeff, this Bill has been changed -- very much -- as you can see with the crossed out and italic text. Although (again if I am interpreting it correctly) it is all about distribution to minors. BUT (and yes there is always a BUT) this again could be changed many more times before it comes up for passing which I believe is in Sept (please inform me if I am wrong).
  5. They got me!! of course I never would have clicked on Buy Now had you not told me. hardayharhar
  6. found this http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/moodinq-tattoo.shtml
  7. Wow!! Fabulous review Velius, given your thoughts I will be sure to follow through with an order from VaporLites. I will also remain aware of shipping delays. Although it is always difficult to not stamp my feet like a child when awaiting my goodies to come. A follow up report would be good if you have any issues in the next couple of weeks of useage. Thanks again
  8. Battery Unit: I use the Spade which is available at VT Store (see link above) battery life is long Adapter: use 510 to 901 adapter ring as the Spade has 510 fitting Atomizer: 510 attys and 901 attys (i prefer my 901 attys) about a month of use with regular vaping, more if you are a lightweigh. Juice: I have no issues with PG so that is my preference, Sometimes add USP glycerin to thicken it up a bit, but that dilutes mg and flavor level, although ups the vapor level. Cartridges: I mostly direct drip on atty but sometimes use a cart. As these things are all MY personal choice, stay tuned for others to chime in with their choices, as this vaping thing is all about options and what you like. Heck there are 200 brands/types of analog cigarettes!!
  9. I wanna go too!! Anyway I don't have the SD but I do use 901 and 510 attys regularly and yes the 901 takes much longer to break in and vape away the primer fluid. Also seems the primer taste is different in different manufacturers. But that could be just me. Don't give up as I am sure you will like the 901s.
  10. Hopeing you are feeling better. Since your post I have talked with 3-4 people who get migraines and what an education I got. Apparently there are tons of triggers, the one that stands out the most is stress then combined with something else. Something else seems to be foods and smells and light and sounds but everyone is different!! Wow!! overwhelming information. Good luck finding your trigger, and take care of yourself.
  11. Hope you are feeling a little better now. A friend gets them but I don't know much about them. She says "her" triggers are stress (of course), chocolate and artificial sweeteners. Hmmm, the sweetness in the juice could be an artificial sweetener, don't know. Hope you are well soon!! Get well wishes to you.
  12. Yowzer!! E-Smokey Treats I have not bought from them since April '09 guess I better git ma butt over thar!! Thanks for that "cup o' joe" I've been cravin' --
  13. thanks for the update, I agree with the above. As for coffee, I am always looking for a "cup o' Joe" coffee flavor. thanks for the review, keep 'em coming.
  14. Well I just try to be a little cautious with information that can be used against my vaping pleasure. Now you have me thinking about overdose and I would like to clarify all of the symptoms: Breathing trouble Changes in alertness Confusion Convulsions Diarrhea Dizziness Fever Hallucinations Increased thirst Irregular heartbeat Muscle twitching Rapid heartbeat Sleeping trouble Urination - increased Vomiting Thank you
  15. Good to know -- keep me posted fellow menthol fan.
  16. I'm convinced!! I also like menthol in my juices, I actually use liquid menthol drops as the menthol crystals are a little overkill in taste/essence/flavor/smell. Need coffee, black, no cream, little sugar. Good to the last drop!!
  17. Sorry Jeff, I can take a hint. Okay back to more important matters. More Hair, Less Hair, Back Hair, Ear Hair, Nose Hair, UniBrows, and of course fingernails--->lol
  18. aaawwww, I feel badly for Ash. Hope everything turns out for the best, prayers to all 3 of you.
  19. Well now nana, now that you have graduated from "Dog Poses 101" it is time for you to put those longer stronger nails to good use -- Get a dog or a man with a hairy back?? (...oh that IS ...Grow My Hair Back)
  20. That is how I understand it too. Kinda the double whammy o' nicotine. There are sooooo many threads that discuss the dangers of nicotine. Even on this forum there is a thread about getting nic on your skin and the adverse reactions it can produce. This is an extremely unfortunate incident of nicotine poisoning and no one deserves to go through this. Reminds us all to do the necessary research. ~~~~~~~~~~ Speaking of research, all this being said from the start of this thread I would presume that those dang FDA research people will add this to their campaign as just one more reason to ban. Gosh I can almost see the headline now! A little fuel on the fire, as they say. ~~~~~~~~~~
  21. This is not good, thanks for the info. I had asked if anyone had experience with these guys in the "Review Suppliers" thread. http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/topic/4794-vaporlitescom/ I had gotten too busy to place my order, and boy am I glad now!! So maybe they meant 5-10 business days to prepare your package, then 5-10 business days to get around to shipping it, then 5-10 business days to arrivve? Let us know how this goes.
  22. Yes and Jeff will be here soon... in the meantime what should we call this pose?
  23. Yep!! that is doggie porn!! My doggie rolls on her back for a tummy scratch, at least I think that is why she rolls on her back?
  24. Wow!! So sorry you had to go through that. There are warnings on nicotine patchs and other cessation devices that warn not to smoke when using them. Could cause an overdose of nicotine. It would seem that cigarettes give you all the nicotine you can handle then to add more would be dangerous.
  25. I too have not noticed any hair growth but my hair always smells clean now. Definately have faster growing and firmer nails. My dog is happy with my new found scratching ability.
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