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Everything posted by FXRich

  1. I do a melon that a lot of people like. equal amounts of watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew. Tastes pretty good I have been told it tastes like melo vibes by black label
  2. That's about what I had in mind. I heard some people drill holes in the drip tip to increase air flow and thought if it was adjustable it would be a plus. Haven't seen that before, looks like I'm late to the game.
  3. There is something that seems to work. I have noticed a girl around here sells hardware and juice out of a van, she just parks somewhere and starts selling, I hear she has good prices. Never bought anything from her myself. Would depend on the laws where you live though.
  4. I mix my own juice, with the flavoring nic pg and vg it costs me less than $1.00 per 30ml bottle, not including the bottle which is about .50 if you order enough of them. I don't trust Chinese juice anyway.
  5. Last time I went to a B&M they wanted $40.00 for something I could get online for $17.00 but they do have overhead. Online stores don't have much overhead.
  6. The reason I'd like to go with vertical coils is it would make the machining easier. Connect one end of the coil to the base and the other to the center post, if the hole the coil end goes into is large enough the number of coils is only limited by space.
  7. The only reason I was thinking 23mm is because my evic is 23mm, but not much difference so 22mm it will probably be. A big advantage to a RBA over a RTA is no glass to buy. Is there a big difference between vertical and horizontal coils?
  8. I would like to keep the price as low as possible but using 304 stainless might drive the price above $30.00 The idea of side screws is a good one. A convertible base is something worth considering too.
  9. I considered starting with Teflon drip tips, but enough of them out there already. It will defiantly be a challenge to build a better RDA. Even better would be a RDA that converts to a RTA
  10. I'm what's called semi retired, got extra time on my hands. I keep myself busy in my machine shop 2 or 3 days a week. I am considering designing a tank and I don't want to copy someone else. Don't know if I should go with 19mm or 23mm diameter or maybe put a air control just below the drip tip. I know I don't want to build replacement coils, so plan on using kpt2 coils, or maybe a rebuilbable. I do have CNC machines but know I can't compete with China. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  11. Hopefully vapers in Indiana can cross the border to another state and buy what they need, or maybe have a relative or friend in another state send it to them. As far as I know USPS, or UPS don't have ejuice sniffing dogs yet. THE NANNY STATE STRIKES AGAIN
  12. If a law passes here I'll be ok for awhile. Got 1 1/2 liters of 100mg nic juice in freezer, about 1 liter of various flavors, and lots of hardware. Only got about 2 liters of pg and vg, but don't see them banning that. Also can't see them banning 18650 batteries, or kanthal wire, which I have about 400 feet. Vapers in Indiana need to stock up before the law goes into effect. Its all about the money not about the dangers of vaping, which is very little if any.
  13. FXRich


    One reason I switch tanks is they sometimes get hot. Makes more sense to me to switch tanks let the other one cool off.
  14. In town (15 miles away) the only people I usually see with signs are union workers or high school kids advertising a car wash. Not much protesting here. God made some men small and some men big. But Samuel Colt made them all equal.
  15. Hope your neighbors don't call the fire dept. when all that vape rolls out the window.
  16. Al is part of the problem. I have been wondering how much money he makes by causing trouble.
  17. So far I have done about 15 today. I use .5X1 kanthal ribbon wire the coil master works better with round wire but ok with ribbon wire. I use 5/4 wrap on a 2 mm rod and get 1.7 -1.9 ohms, barely fits but works great.
  18. This stuff is way too technical for me, I'm still in the kpt2 stage. until recently I thought dripping was when you had a leaky tank. But I did get something in my vape mail yesterday, I got some flat ribbon wire and a coil master. Now I'm tearing apart perfectly good KPT coils so I can rewind them. I know it doesn't make sense but I have never been the most sensible person.
  19. Funny she isn't being charged with child abuse. If more moms were like that it would be a better country. I got lots of beatings when I was a kid, and looking back I probably deserved a lot more.
  20. I'm glad I live where I do. Rednecks out here wouldn't put up with a bunch of fools rioting, and starting fires and stuff. I suppose if they had jobs they might not have time to riot.
  21. I received a email from MFS today April 23rd, 2015 Dear Customer, We are contacting you as a precautionary measure to let you know about a data security incident that might affect your customer information. Potential Data Security Breach We identified that between approximately February 11, 2015 and March 16, 2015, electronic data may have been improperly obtained through unauthorized access to the website for MyFreedomSmokes ("MFS"). Specifically, on March 16, 2015, we discovered unauthorized code on the website and, although the code was encrypted, we believe that this code may have been used to obtain customer data as customers entered the information into the site's shopping cart while making a purchase on the website. This data could include customer name, physical address, email address, telephone number, credit card number, expiration date and card verification value ("CVV") number, if provided by the customer while placing an order with MFS through the website during the time period mentioned above. As soon as this code was discovered, MFS removed the code and began immediate efforts to restore the security of the website, secure customer information and determine the scope of the unauthorized access and how it occurred. We also retained the services of a nationally recognized cyber security firm and engaged in enhancements to the security of our website. MFS does not retain full credit card numbers or CVV numbers of our customers. Further, although MFS' website uses encrypted SSL links with customers and although MFS' card processor gateway during this period also was encrypted, MFS has changed its process for taking orders online and has moved to an enhanced system to protect customer information. Although we have no evidence confirming that illegal use of any personal information has occurred or that any material harm will result to any customer as a result of this incident, some customers have reported fraudulent charges on their payment cards during the period noted above. Therefore, we want to alert you this risk and inform you of actions that you can take to help protect against identity theft. My credit card has been replaced already. Knew it was them since I haven't used that card since before Christmas.
  22. No decent vape shops around here, just convenience stores and head shops. I got a pretty good stock of ego bats, kpt2 minis, and t3s. So I sell them a setup and some juice, and they usually come back for more.
  23. The only juice that doesn't turn dark on me is my absinthe I mix at 20%, don't know why, but I'm not losing any sleep over it. I get it from FW.
  24. That could be. It is dry over here and very humid there.
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