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Posts posted by Richstag

  1. You need to remove the wick first. Then fire it until the coil glows red. Before it cools compress the coils together perpendicular to the diameter. Squeezing the gaps closed. Each time you co this you should see the coil glow more even and eventually from the center out very even. Then rewick. Make sure not to compress or adjust with power on. Also, find a drill bit, screw driver, syringe tip etc to slide in and out to keep coils aligned.

    Just be careful and patient at first.

  2. Probably hot spots all over that loose coil? If you use some 24gauge you won't mess up the coil wicking. Even 28 gauge is pretty resilient. What resistance are you shooting for? I am just starting to build on a patriot too. No burning at all. Very awesome flavor. Have you learned to work out hot spots with tweezers or dikes?

  3. You know I spoke to you about juice. Profit is not a dirty word though. Its like this in every hobby. There will be the affordable, the great deals, the diamonds in the rough, the elite and worth it, then the point where returns diminish. Of course there will always be DIY folks like you really getting the most.

    I found the best way is to avoid the ones that rub me the wrong way and go on happy with what I have.

  4. From my understanding micro coil is the diameter. Then there seems to be nano coils too.

    I don't buy into all of the sizes having to be locked in stone. I just grab a screwdriver and wrap mine.

    I wasn't trying to beat you up. I wasted a lot of money before I figured out how inexpensive and easy making my own was.

    Some organic still has peroxide so just check.

    I tried about three different types of organic and finally stuck with a non GMO type. Best so far for me, but surely not all inclusive.

  5. I don't like the loose wraps at all. I made one that was real even, fired from the center out and everything and still didn't perform as clean as a microcoil made tight.

    You can save a ton of money. Just get GMO free organic cotton balls and 100ft roll of kanthal. Take about one minute to make a coil and wick like you need.

  6. Usually quality of materials and craftsmanship. I have a surefire king and it hits harder and has a much tighter build than my buddies vanilla copper authentic. But with surefire you get almost non-existent service. I would say subtract 100$ for that. There's a lot more to take into account. Watch some youtubes if you can't go to a shop that carries both to see for yourself.

  7. I go thru 60 mil of straight menthol at 18 in my kfl+ at 1.13ohms on my Nemesis clone every 2 weeks.

    Thats good info to add. Mine is KFL+ at 1.6ohm. I feel like I will be able to start cutting back now that I am getting over the insanity of the first few weeks of really trying to quit analogs.

  8. Thanks for the info!

    Got the Patriot

    14515493155_041865c46c_o.jpgimage by Richstag, on Flickr

    Built a .4 ohm coil out of a single piece of 24g kanthal

    14329049917_119affa66f_o.jpgimage by Richstag, on Flickr

    I only caught the very edge of the cloud

    14514400912_5cf324bff2_o.jpgimage by Richstag, on Flickr

    This thing freaking rocks. Puts my trident clone to shame.

    The flavor is awesome.

    Doesn't take more than a second to get a BIG cloud, go longer it just gets more and more crazy.

    Great finish too. I was expecting a coated look but you can see the brushed finish. Reminds me more of gun blue. Gold post is nice too.

  9. Cool beans whoever invented the eraser!! A new trick I thought of and tried tonight. During wick change, after burning off the coil I put some alcohol on a high quality pipe cleaner and cleaned the inside of the coil and outside. It brought the flavor back to like new coil. Probably nothing new, but again for anyone new getting into this. May be helpful.

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