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Everything posted by JagSol

  1. I still got Storm's 18mg Better Butter Rum. It's all I have left besides the RY4...I need to get juice soon!
  2. I'll be honest with you, I only had had a small few of analogs since I quit in December 09 but I'll also say this: Though I am NOT addicted, I do not know how a clove cig will be to me. The LAST time I had one was back in March when I was still a newbie and if I had one now, I do not know how my reaction will be. Analogs are so nasty and I prefer to keep it that way
  3. I was talking to my best friend when suddenly, I got my Mark's mod in the mail. He asked me what it was, I replied back: "Mark's woody." Then the fight started
  4. Not a big fan of cartos, but he's got the goods. Always check the certified suppliers here, they're very sweet and are willing to answer all questions! ^.^
  5. I think they still make that, I dunno :/ Last time I heard of it was back in the 90s, lol
  6. When I ordered my LR atty from vaporgalaxy, mine had the little letters on the gold part on the bottom of the atty
  7. OMG, this made me laugh and smile...then cough a few times...but still, it's good! Thanks, Hodge!
  8. I agree with you. Luke deserves something for his hard work!
  9. OMG, Luke....he's more than "the man." He is THE MAN! Lemme spin you a short yarn that makes me smile sweetly whenever I do. After talking to him one day, he sent me 2 bottles of free juice: energy cow...and cheesecake! After becoming enamored by the sweet decadent tastes of it, I ended up buying more juice, along with an Ego from him as well. Finally, he ends up selling clove crush, which nearly threw my taste buds into a swirling spiral of both mellowness and excitement. Which then sparked my interest for making my first ever juice review, which turned out spectacular! Now...I've found a new place when it comes to both supplies and my favorite juices! He's trying to start a VG line, which is AWESOME! If anything, if you need help with selecting a nice juice or looking for that special PV in your life, Luke's there to help! *plays random theme song* Jeez, I rant too much, lol.
  10. DUDE....any more of you listing there and I'd have to bring out a book for you to write them ALL down I'm glad there are many anime lovers out there in this forum ^.^ Makes me and Death feel not so alone in here. The best part? You guys ALL rock! Hmm..I think I might make an anime trivia contest for something! More thought will be put onto this idea
  11. Remember to not let the little ones or the pets get their hands/paws on it. Last thing I need is to see my new Mark's Mod decorated with sharpie from Nikki!
  12. Ahhh, no more pit sweat from Ben when he goes on tinychat! LOL, I'm joking...but still, RAWR! I love scents! ^.^
  13. O_______O I shall try that!...I'm weird like that, lol And it's not that bad, it's when he's out of the office building, THAT'S when I smell it. Other than that, doesn't stop me from giving little foot massages ^.^ I'm so nice
  14. Well, I just got mine...so I gotta use it tonight for Mark's sakes!
  15. I know, but she knows NOT to put things in her mouth. Even with child proof caps, I still don't rely on them so it's always a main thing to CHECK that I have all my juices before I go walk somewhere. It's hard to be a vaper and have young children around that can get themselves (and parents) a crud load of trouble
  16. O_____o That's just...yeah. It's times like this that I'm GLAD I do not enter the corporate world
  17. I got a pink ivory wood, #35...and no, I do not believe in HEXING people...what am I, a witch? *dances*
  18. I'm sorry, I had one Red Bull too many, sometimes I tend to lose control of myself. Good thing you signed that waver too
  19. I can't wait to get my Mod in the mail soon!
  20. A few years ago, my dad made a BIG shopping trip for analogs when we went to NC to see my older sister. He was surprised that you guys have cheap prices in the South. The funniest part? Trying to hide them from my younger brother!
  21. I usually stay away from my daughter when I vape. Though when my moms is driving and we're in the car, I always have my window down and have the shade covering her window, so people don't get the wrong idea if they are looking at me. I grew up to my dad ALWAYS smoking and though I don't want her taking up the habit, I can't help it but vape, even if she's right next to me (though I take extreme caution to not blow vapor in her way). I don't see it as something that MAY influence her to take up on smoking when she's older...but I think she knows better. It's actually kinda cute when I see her running after me with one of my juices in her hands and calling me, letting me know I left them behind. I've never caught her with my Ego in her mouth...but then again, she managed to pop my atty so...lesson learned: Don't trust kids with e cigs...even if they don't vape, they sometimes forget that they can turn the battery on
  22. For me, it was the smoky breath. I like a clean mouth honestly but when you know you smoked before bed and in the morning you have that dragonbreath...well, smoking makes it 20 times worse! This may be a bit...ehh, I'll wing it. My best friend is a fire fighter, so sometimes when we hang, he smells like smoke, which is ok. But when we do...what Hodge did with his wife *snickers*, his breath is what prompts me to tell him to take an extra few gulps of Mountain Dew. Now...no more smoky breath! I am Jag and I approve this message
  23. Is it worse than my best friend when he's out in the sun/heat ALL day and he takes off his shoes? Usually a blast of Febreeze helps solve that problem...for the socks and shoes, js. Hodge, that's just your natural defense!
  24. O_O Sounds like a plan, though I've never partook in FF
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