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Posts posted by Lyrical

  1. I use different color clearomizers...or if using atomizers...well it doesn't make a difference.

    Sometimes I get to the point of "eh" and just add liquid and vape. (you get some odd flavors that way)

    I get back on track after purchasing new atomizers/clearomizers.

    I definitely know the "eh" point, I've done that a few times already! I'm going to try to get over to my local e-cig store ASAP and get more cartomizers. I found some 2" x 3" ziplock bags on eBay for cheap and ordered them too. Between the two, I should be able to make up some sort of system.

  2. I was at the mall this past weekend with my daughter and just happened to see a Supreme Nicotine kiosk there. I had never noticed it before, but then again, I just started using an e-cigarette a couple weeks ago.

    I was interested in their cherry limeade flavor but when I tried a sample of it, it was good, but just wasn't what I was in the mood for at that time I guess.

    The salesman asked me to try kiwi as it is their most popular flavor. I did and I really liked it. I still like it now that I've vaped it for a few days, it's a very sweet, fresh flavor.

    I also bought a 5mL bottle of tequila bomb just because...I guess I liked the name or something... All I can taste with that one is lime. That's not really a problem, I like lime, but I would have liked somewhat of a tequila flavor as well.

    Supreme Nicotine's prices are high though. $24 for 30ml, $7 for 5ml. I guess that's to be expected of a mall kiosk though, and especially since there's only one other e-cigarette/e-liquid dealer in our entire county.

  3. To start with, I wanted to order from Alien Visions as I'd read a lot about how good their e-liquids were and I got confused and ended up with Alien Vapors.

    Placed my order late the evening of Feb. 14th and received it today - quick delivery in my opinion, considering 16th and 17th was a weekend and the 18th a holiday with no mail delivery

    I'm hoping these flavors are just some that have to steep for a week or two, because right now, they're horrible. They smell and taste very chemical-y and harsh. I can detect a very very slight odor of cherry in the one, but nothing like menthol in the other at all.

    So far, I'm very disappointed in my first online e-liquid order. :(

  4. I use one flavor in cartomisers for out and about and the other in a Vivi Nova @ home.I only have 2 flavors going at a time .Enough to keep the ability to taste them but not too many to have your problem.You might look into a label maker.Or paint pens.You could also cut or scratch a different amount of lines in the paper covering.

    I do have a label maker, I didn't even think of that! Thanks!

  5. Those of you that use cartridges or cartomizers -

    How do you keep your flavors straight?

    I'm new to all this. I like to keep at least 2 cartomizers ready to go at the same time. I've marked them with a Sharpie marker but I'm not really happy with that. I've tried to keep to the same color cartomizers and that's sorta working now but I'm soon going to have way more flavors than there are colors of cartomizers. I've considered trying to find some of the little baggies that my favorite e-cig store uses for 5ml bottles and cartomizers, that might work for me.

    Any other ideas? What do you all do?

  6. Silly me........I'm all about a bargain so I bought the 120ml 24mg tobacca with vanilla. hahaha. Kicking myself. I guess I can buy some 5ml flavors and mix my own, right?

    I accidently mixed french vanilla with candy cane and it was great. I can continued mixing the vanilla with other flavors now; kiwi, strawberry, and they're really good also! I'd guess the vanilla tobacco would be good mixed too!

  7. You will get there but if this turns into the hobby your amount spent will be close to what's saved. Not near as much but it can cost a bit. Welcome to the forum and to vaping! :D

    Thanks for the welcome!

    Hobby...addiction...whatever it's called...I believe I'm already there!

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