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Everything posted by ROOR

  1. Good to hear positive things!
  2. The vent for the SB is under the button. Yes much like the BB. The mod isn't what exploded it was the batteries. Normally that is due to user error. Plain and simple if you cant manage batteries DON'T USE HIGH VOLTAGE! Both those mods are awesome, just don't be a noob!
  3. Yea that cannon is owned by truelove from Nu-vapor he is a great guy he has over like 50 mods, he is a collector. It runs at i think @ 8.4 volts! Thats a lil much if you ask me but hey sure looks nice!
  4. So a bunch of really cool ppl are hosting a vape meet-up this Saturday in Houston, (i think its just outside of houston in katy) if your close of just want to come here is some info! http://www.nu-vapor.com/forum/showthread.php?1726-Houston-Meetup-Roll-Call Im trying to get off work for Saturday night(shouldn't be to hard being that i haven't been in to work in 2 weeks ) so i can drive down from Austin with a broken leg! I hope to meet some of you guys! <3 ROOR
  5. Here you go this should help a lot! good luck and grats on your ego! http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/videos/view-19-what-is-direct-dripping/
  6. also doing this will get rid of that burnt taste, and maybe its just me but it seems to make my attys last much longer! i haven't had a single one go bad, other then the 2 i got that were defective! so good luck!
  7. Really it all depends on how well you take care of them. I have the first atty i ever used for about 40 days now and it still works great! I must say i have a few different attys i use for different flavors so im not using the same one all day, but yes they should last you longer then a week. Have you contacted your supplier? Maybe they will replace them for you... Its worth a shot. I am useing a 510 so i cant say much for the M4, But make sure you are not running them dry. That will kill any atty faster then anything. I hope you have better luck!
  8. the juice box mod could solve all your dripping problems its a little pricey but from what i hear totally worth it!
  9. Hey try www.madvapes.com you should be able to find pretty much everything your looking for. Also once you do decide to make some let me review one!.. GOOD LUCK BE SAFE!!
  10. Those threads are only there to help the wicking IF you use carts if you only drip u can remove them.. you can also remove the whole bridge for dripping i have tried and know many others who your really like it. this is what i do! i normally wait until the atty gets that really bad bunrt taste that comes after about 2 weeks of vaping from those threads going bad then i remove the bridge. this is how i do it ! PHEE303 IS PRO!
  11. it could also be something in one of those lame search bars that that take part of your browser. Try this. Boot your pc in safe mode with networking enabled log in as admin and then run this http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ its a free virus and malwear remover. I think it is the best on the market and its free i don't even purchase any because that is so good. another thing u can do is go to a previous restore point from a time before when you know you didn't have that problem. good luck! i hate when my pc is on the frits!
  12. Good question i would like to know as well i always just leave bottles sitting on my desk. Maybe im doing something wrong?
  13. HAHAHA WTF! i don't think i wanna buy any KY, ASTROGLIDE flavored juice!
  14. Everything about that place is a rip off $25 bucks for a atty? ...pass
  15. yea i tried that and no luck BUT i will say good thign we have some cool *** suppliers cuz i got replacements coming! thanks for the advice tho!
  16. Welcome vBear! It looks like gdub and jeff took care a lot of your questions. I just wanted to say almost all of us started out just like you, so no we have nothing to sell you. But we do enjoy helping others have a healthier life. For me i went from a pack a day to 1 cig the day i got my first kit to 0 the next day. YES IT WORKS! After about a week i got some really good advice that really opened my eyes and i will pass this along to you jedi! I look at vaping as a reward as opposed to smoking a analog. and after about 2 weeks it really set in. I never really feel like i quit smoking just traded brands for a better tasting more healthy brand! Also the hardest thing for me to over come about the cravings for a analog was i never had anything to compare it to. So as you know your body will tell you when u want a cig because that is all it has known, so now when i get that feeling i know it isn't a cig it wants its a vape! But its still that same craving for nicotine. i just have never had another option for anything else until now. I don't know if that makes sense but its kinda hard to explain. I know if you are truly ready to give up analogs you will be able to with this. One thing i had in my mind is i knew this wasn't going to be smoking so i didn't care about looks and feel, it was easier to get my head around making a switch. If you can go with that mind set i think you will be better off with having a battery mod that will last you all day. Either way BEST OF LUCK! we are here for you anytime you need it! ROOR
  17. Both it happened to a old one and then a new?!! i tried cleaning the old one but nothing! i don't get it
  18. So i can see my atty glowing red but it makes no vapor? whats the deal its dead i guess?
  19. Hey guys i was wondering if anyone knew of a place to order a cheap usb wall adapter that does 5 volts 2 amps. Im not really good with all this stuff so if anyone can point me in the right direction i would really appreciate it. Thanks a ton guys! <3
  20. NICE! They just cant hold us down! As long as we all stick together!
  21. Here is the video this should help a lot for you.. Good luck just stick with it! http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/videos/view-19-what-is-direct-dripping/
  22. For direct dripping you want to use about 2-3 drops but make sure ur dropping them in the atty end not into the cart, there is a good video of chris explaining this. (sorry im at a friends house and cant search for the link but look in the videos section or maybe someone else can find it for you really fast) good luck! welcome to VT! roor
  23. I found mine at target. They were hard to find, they had a huge rack all Lipton tea. But there was only one flavor in the PTB so it took me a min to spot them out. I like the mod but i just drip i feel like i never get all the juice from the carts. that's just me though.
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