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Posts posted by robv1978

  1. My VTR did the same thing. I never forced anything on to it or over tightened, it literally just happened. I'm so freaking mad because I really like the device when I'm fishing because I thought it was rugged. This is the first year I haven't bought fishing cigars because I was comfortable knowing this could handle it even though it's my only device that hasn't been dropped LOL

  2. I have been vaping about 4+ years. I have bummed an occasional analog from my friends when we were hanging out. It didn't make me pick up a pack. I really didn't mind the taste, it wasn't as good as my vape though. The second hand smoke is what really bothers me now. I think most of those friends have either quit or made the switch now. It has been several months since I last had an analog. I don't let it get to me.

    I'm the same way about second hand smoke. Not so much being next to a person smoking but the stink in my clothes kills me.

  3. It's NOT psychological. It's physiological. Cigarettes have anti-depressant qualities. Make no mistake, it's not just about the nicotine.

    Actulay in my case it was psychological, I'm well past the withdrawl and cravings of the other addictive compounds in cigarettes. That stuff has been out of my system for years, I just saw a friend of mine get his face cut and having a smoke seemed like the "normal" thing because the people I was with were all smoking. It's the same thing as going into a bar with friends and swearing your not going to drink but you have one or two anyway. Our brains are wired to the norm of the situation. As an EMT/FF after a bad call we all lit up and hung out. So that moment after a high stress incident combined with my peers smoking due to the stress my mind reverted back to my norm.

  4. I guess I should've mentioned that I have been vaping about 3 1/2 years and smoked very little after I started. I haven't bought a pack since I started vaping, just the one or two when I still did the bar scene. But, that stopped after around 3 months even when I was still going out. So, I haven't had a cig in a little over three years other than that one.

  5. A few weeks ago we had an incident at work. I'm a corrections officer and a fellow officer got his throat and face slashed. After the inmate was taken out of the facility "for his protection" a few of us were standing around talking about the incident. Everyone was smoking, even the nonsmokers, just because of the stress of the situation. My ecig just wasn't cutting it and I bummed a Newport. It tasted like sh** and, even though I didn't enjoy it, it helped take the edge off. I know the effect was purely psychological I was wondering if anyone else fell back to their old crutch. I haven't had one since and this is the first year I've gone fishing without the occasional cigar, just my PV. :-)

  6. This should be a fun topic.. Premium E-liquid cost vs quality. By now most of us have tried a ton of E-liquid's but what makes a "premium" E-liquid premium. I've tried several organics and high end juices and I honestly can't tell the difference between juice from reputable U.S. vendors and other high priced vendors.

    IMO the cost doesn't make a difference in quality as much as quality ingredients do. One example is chocolate based flavors I've tried. I bought a $30 bottle of premium organic liquid and the flavor still tastes artificial and chemically based. Then I tried a substantially lower priced juice and the flavor is spot on with no chemical aftertaste. Then there are other flavors that are without a doubt better. I personally find that higher end fruity flavors have a more natural flavor but I've also tried fruit based flavors from a cheaper vendor that are amazing.

    So, what are your opinions and remember that taste is entirely subjective.

  7. Research the amp limit of the battery if you plan on sub ohming. A lot of people hate on ultrafire batts but tons of people use them. As long as your device is vented and you feel comfortable in your knowledge of much mods and coil builds I say go for it and keep us posted.

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