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Everything posted by elem187

  1. Thats all I really care to vape.... Arno's Banana is pretty good too.
  2. I have not heard a single good thing about any e-cigs that look like analogs... 99% are crap knock offs trying to cash in on the popularity and only there to sell a crap product to someone who hasn't done the research (I'm guilty of falling for the hype)... completely unhappy with it, complete waste of money. After that BS I did some reading on the net and found the majority of all the great reviews came from the joye 510 and now I couldn't be happier. I ended up getting my 510 from arno as well... but I also been mix and matching with different color atomizers and batteries from other suppliers. My brother ended up getting his joye 510 from ecigexpress , IMO they have the sharpest looking 510's out there, just about any color.. just wish I knew of it before I bought mine.. I'd have a slick looking stainless steel one.
  3. It might help not to call them electronic cigarettes... Maybe call them personal Nicotine vaporizers ?? By calling them cigs, it brings with them the negative stigmata of smoking tobacco..
  4. Do you have your VP1 unit in your pocket while not vaping and perhaps not noticing that the button is being pressed continuously while sitting or standing in a certain position? I had my e-cig in my pocket while helping a friend move and didn't realize every time I was bending down to pick up a box my e-cig button was being pressed and slowly killing the atty and using the charge in the battery... I didn't realize it until it felt like my leg was on fire... I burned up the atty, and singed some leg hair :P
  5. I have had that problem before. A new charger worked... but after a few weeks the same thing happened, this time I didn't replace it. I purchased a USB charger and plugged the batteries into my computer and voila after fully charged, they worked like new... and when the battery was out of juice, some reason the wall charger started charging them again.... What I think is happening, is there is still a slight charge on the battery, not enough turn on the atomizer or LED circuit, but enough for the wall charger to think it already has a charge... the usb and PCC chargers seem able to charge a half charge battery, while the wall charger is hit or miss whether it wants to or not... hope that helps. I recommend getting an extra charger, like a usb charger.
  6. I have yet to have a dead 510 battery die though after 3 months of vaping.
  7. I still haven't had any luck with bringing these things back from the dead... The ones that I have tried to, never come back strong enough for it to be enjoyable. Still at $10 a pop, if I even get a week or two out of them is still far cheaper than 5$ a day for tobacco.
  8. It probably won't be bad at all on the Iphone.. larger screen, high resolution (for a mobile device)
  9. Sunny Orlando, FL ... Just wishing a cold front would move through the area.
  10. What the hell does Giselle have dripping from her ears?!?
  11. I always have love for Branford Marsalis... Wish he was still doing Leno over Kevin Eubanks.
  12. I vape the 24mg for typical times I would smoke tobacco (First thing in the morning, after eating, after sex) and the 16mg just to vape to vape.
  13. I realize its 2009... but I still have a crush on:
  14. I thought it was down right funny. Although the crazies are claiming its a homophobia thing... I think maybe Ahnold is finally waking up to the truth that spending is Cali's biggest problem... time to veto the crap out of everything... I'd wish the White House would follow suit.
  15. You state government is bad, yet no other document ever written by man has ever been more anti-government than the U.S. Constitution.... over the last 100 years the government has been disregarding it and making it up as they go along.. if it was adhered to as written, we wouldn't be in any kind of mess. But lucky for you, our current president and congress doesn't think much of the constitution either.... but mark my words the electorate is fired up and we will all witness what happens in 2010 and 2012... my guess it won't be pretty for any standing incumbent.
  16. Even though it is the onion after all, so it is a joke, I laughed... but something tells me that campaign would actually be successful.
  17. I see the benefit in space travel, nothing that will benefit us today but will be important in the future. For instance we can start now in building self sustaining space vehicles (in other words, creates its own energy, oxygen, food, etc) to handle longer and longer space journeys. and like you said there is other species out there in the cosmos, the work needs to start now to learn as much as we can about space, the planets and what resources we can harvest... for instance is there is water on the moon we can use it to split the oxygen out of the molecule for breathing and the hydrogen for a fuel source and using the moon as a launching pad to other planets such as venus or mars. as for the tax dollar problem I agree, NASA needs to become privatized and build their own profit based system instead of leeching off of tax payers... I'm sure they could charge companies and countries that need tests done in space by offering a service to get them into orbit to conduct whatever business they need for a small charge. But instead the government going to the other route... pay money to the russians to do our space flights for us. besides, NASA did develop memory foam :P its a benefit to my back.
  18. Universal Healthcare is going to be a poison pill for America... how about we just subsidize people who cannot afford healthcare (the truly poor) and leave the private insurance system in place? The governments track record on running things is quite pathetic.. I wouldn't trust the government to do my laundry, let alone manage my healthcare.
  19. Switching between VT Grape Soda (my fav) and Redbull and strawberry from liberty. I think I lost the taste for wanting anything that tastes like tobacco.
  20. Heres an idea... lets not force the battery to do more than the 3.7 it was designed to handle
  21. So the moral of the story is... Don't date chicks who talk to dicks.
  22. I'm a big fan of Ron Paul, but his strength is in the money system... I like that he is advocating abolishing the fed and returning to the gold standard, so Treasury Secretary he can reign in the corruption in the banking system and wall street. And I'm not a super big fan of Colin Powell after he endorsed Obama for president, but I want a VP with strong national defense under his belt to finish up the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  23. I've only had 1 510 atty to start off with the metallic taste and it was one of the scorpion tipped ones from dietsmokes, after a few hours of burning through liquid the taste vanished. Right now I'm using an atty from ecigexpress, one of their shnazzy colored ones, it started out great, but two weeks into using it, I'm starting to get that taste when it is going dry and needs a few more drops. I just popped on a another one from ecigexpress and seems to be functioning and tasting normal.
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