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Everything posted by elem187

  1. Probably playing poker at the dog track... vaping... and getting bombed perhaps?
  2. Oh no I can guarantee he believes in it... Obama is communist to the core, he loves government. His answer for everything is increased government... never once have I heard him speak about the individual.. he is completely in love with the idea of collectivism.
  3. The republicans fault because they had control over both houses of congress + white house and they still managed to spend wildly. hence why they lost in 2006 and 2008. If they would have stuck to their principals of limited government the dems would have never taken a super majority... so yes, it lies at the feet of the republicans as well.
  4. We are witnessing America going from a self-sufficient nation to a nation of irresponsible babies. No longer is healthcare a choice in personal responsibility.. Nanny-state government now will be taking care of us from cradle to grave. I know a lot of people who complain they cannot afford healthcare, yet every year they are buying new flat screen tv's, ps3's and all sorts of lil toys.... I shake my head, maybe you would have healthcare if you put your priorities in order... people will milk the system and this entitlement program will be like everything else the government gets its nose into. Inefficient, insolvent, expensive, bureaucratic, incompetent and corrupt... .. and we can blame both parties for this fiasco.
  5. Favorite Mod: VP-Spade Why: Because it is the one I ordered! It works great and I cannot seem to find a reason not to like it.
  6. its the bomb-diggity. The only downside with the 510 is the constant battery changing. Make sure you get a couple other batteries, atty's and juice... also a usb or portable charger wouldn't hurt so you are not dead in the water. or upgrade to a spade battery
  7. yeah me too.. this thing f'n rocks I'm going to have to write a review tomorrow.
  8. Ahhh I got it.. I might invest in a better charger, what a pain in the butt.
  9. they look like they are getting the right contact, but still showing as green. I know I have the polarity right... Guess I should fiddle with it?
  10. Ok cool I thought they came fully charged because I put it on the charger and It immediatley turned green.. So I gaped and it lasted only through Glenn becks show and so I threw it on the charger and it went straight to green. Hopefully I'm doing this right. Err I meant vaped not gaped... Damn the iPhones auto correct.
  11. How long on average does it take to charge a battery?
  12. Ubuntu has one of the best gui's i've seen from any OS.. the new version of Gnome window manager is smoking balls as far aesthetics go.. and when you add the 3d effects its beyond sick. but my all time favorite will always be old skool Gentoo... something about compiling your compiler before compiling the base OS is appealing... and using all the gcc and g++ flags to custom taylor code to run optimal on your exact hardware adds cool points
  13. I run Ubuntu on my desktop at work, I highly recommend it over any other distro as far as user OS goes. What wireless card do you have that it will not run on ubuntu? My advice is to download the live-cd iso, burn it, boot up on the live-cd and see if it detects your wireless card and if it doesn't google the ubuntu forums, I guarantee someone has come across the issue. and if you can get it to work with the live-cd, then you can decide to install it. btw, Mac OSX is ripped from *nix anyways (BSD).... I prefer to use the real thing instead of Apple's attempt at *nix. also Ubuntu looks far better and has cooler effects. as far as windows 7, I Don't think its bad at all, it actually fixed a few of my problems I was having with vista and xp, but I honestly only use it on my gaming pc.
  14. This is government we are talking about in a very liberal state.... They are just getting started... Running peoples lives is what these clowns are all about.
  15. I believe I'm way out of the red Then again I only purchased Items when I need it.... minus the spade I purchased this weekend, can't wait until that gets here.
  16. Tiger Woods is so rich that he owns lots of expensive cars. Now he has a hole-in-one.
  17. Mired in scandal, will Tiger do Oprah? I don't really think she's his type, I really doubt he can pay her off to keep her quiet
  18. What do baby seals and Tiger Woods have in common? They both have been clubbed by norwegians.
  19. Whats the difference between a golf ball and a car? Tiger can drive a ball 400 yards
  20. At least this propaganda is true... after this bozo is done, this is the only "change" we will have left.
  21. Awesome so my spade will have this Janty Dura atty?! Rock on.. Can't wait til it gets here
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