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Everything posted by SteveD1

  1. Hey Bigicedog does them without audio ...
  2. How do you like you Vapor King? I love mine had it for 8 days its my fourth type and wish it was my first. A VK and a 510 is all I need....Gonna do a follow up on it soon in the written review section maybe next week,trying some stuff with it now to report on...
  3. When I first tried DD(RN4081 model) I noticed that as the juice ran out the vapor went up slightly then the burnt toast flavor came in and it was time for more.The 510 just add when it drops off or tastes dry.Probably was putting in too much juice at first takes time to figure it out and a weak atty/battery will give you fits...
  4. One other tip dont store it with the filter end down the juice will run down to the mouth piece.If you use auto batteries it will run down into the battery if stored battery side down so its best to lay it down flat.I also drain the atty at night by blowing into a tissue from batt side and wash or blow out or Q-Tip any juice out of the cart case mouthpiece.Just take the filler out before if you rinse it.
  5. For me Speakeasy it was about day 2-7 with the tight lung feeling and then the 1-2 week coughing at night seems to be the lungs getting the tar out.Then smooth sailing.Try a sinus flush to clean all the gunk out there and it may just help.It worked for me...And yes my breathing is way clearer now and I dont break out in a sweat over the smallest effort. Hang in there its worth it.....
  6. Yes and Chewing tobbaco would be the same so whats the data from that show...Most smokers in the Plants swapped to smokeless in the 90's when the smoking bans took place and they still have hair and teeth..LOL
  7. I meant in my post that PG flavoring I had tried may not give the kick of the toothpicks with the cinnamon oil he was talking about....
  8. I just use a sharpie on the clear rubber cap with a code and redo as needed,seems to last a little while.. M- Menthol 5- 555 A- apple Etc..
  9. I have some apple from AV i added cinnamon to from the grocery store it was in the cake section and is PG based, only issue for you is it wasnt the burn your lips you are asking for unless the mix needs more flavoring to get that strong and its not pure cinnamon oil.
  10. Great one now Bigicedog has to do a double vape or is that a double take..LOL
  11. I agree Seaspine need to have that on TV during prime time for a while!!
  12. Are you serious!! Now at work can they fire you for testing positive if its a prescription???? I bet more people will be vacationing in California now!!..
  13. My work wont let me Vape inside until they have FDA aproval that its safe for others!! I understand the rule just hate the smell of the burnt butts in the smoke pin..Dam that was me 3 months ago!!!! Boy have we come a long way..
  14. Hey would you mind giving out your recipie for the juice you used in the video..The amounts of each you use..The vapor you get is great..
  15. Yep and if Indy makes it I hope they face the Saints we need a shot at a Super Bowl and this year looks promising for us too.8-0 Ya Baby.....That would be a great Super Bowl to watch both very talented teams!!!
  16. Hang in there I did the same thing.Bought a kit stopped smoking cigs same night and converted to vaping and worried that my E-cig would break so I ordered another kit to have as a backup.Now I have 4 different kinds.Would probably not by the first two again.I have plenty of stuff to keep me going now. As for taste have you tried menthol flavors I would be really surprised if you couldnt taste that!! Good Luck and Hang in there....
  17. This is one Video I have to see when somebody can get hold of one!!!!!!
  18. I use my SEG kit regularly mostly at work and I drip if I can or fill blank carts with Awsome Vapor or other E-Liquids. Have to be carefull dripping with auto batteries you will gum the auto switch up.No more than 2 drops and its best to poke the inner cart out with a paperclip to drip. Works alot better with the white inner cart out less juice coming up if you draw hard. Have to clean atty some way whether boiling or washing to get old flavors out but I can get tobacco out by just putting menthol flavors in and using it a while.Mint or menthol will cover most other flavors quick but is harder to get the menthol out without boiing it. If you only have one atomizer then you have to be carefull cleaning it.I boil mine 10 min then blow out from battery side to get excess water out and bake on foil in oven to dry for 20-30 min around 150 deg.Drip 2 drops on atty or put fresh cart on for a while to soak in so the wick is wet before you use.May take a while to get Vapor levels back but it should taste fresh after.Must be dry before you use or it will not vape right. the oven method will get you back quick.Most just let dry overnight if you do it before you go to bed. Hope this helps..It was my first kit and I still use it alot.Got new batteries recently my old ones just did not want to come on.Its just not that great of a model overall about a 5-6 on a 1-10 scale IMO. It makes a good spare set if you can fix the flavor issues.. But like the others are saying the 510 models are alot easier to deal with.
  19. Alright I have been Vaping for 3 months now and have three other kits I can compare too...So here goes... The Vapor King KR808D-1 Cartomizer Impressions:(Vapor King site cartomizers) Charged batteries up and put the Cherry Cartomizer on..Nasty flavor to me ..dry and medicine like taste but the vapor impressed me just behind my 510... Swapped to RY4 sample and same great vapor just to strong of flavor for my taste similar to AV RY4 I have for other E-Cigs.Strong enough to give me a head rush or was I vaping to much testing LOL... Swapped to 555 and for some reason draw was too light so vapor dropped to poor.Taste was just like my AV 555 nice.Worked on ports with tape to cover 3 out of 4 slots on cartomizer and bang ..Big taste and vapor.Dont know whats up this cart but I got it with the tape trick..Manual battery would also fix this,could draw slower. Swapped to menthol and was great just out of the package.. The carts do drop off after a while but can be topped off with same flavor only or I hear they get nasty. I have swapped flavors to one that was dropping off with a older one and bang big vapor again. I think they need a rest to recover.Just have to swap cartomizers and let er cool off for a while and soak up the juice in that 20 max drop holding cart. The Cherry cart I washed out in hot water and setting up to dry.Then I am going to try to fill it with Menthol which should cover it if I got it clean enough.The cart works too well to throw out so we will see..... Occasionally there is a after tast or pre taste that happens during the draw kinda like cardboard but may be filler burning if it gets to hot or dry I probably vape to fast..More time will tell why this is.But with regulare atty's I put up with burnt toast when they get dry so none are perfect IMO. Batteries: Doing all the testing I was killing them in 1.5 to 2 hours. Mine are Auto style and are sensitive enough just keep the juice out of them to keep them working right. They seem to take around 2 hours or so to recharge. The vapor does seem to drop off as they get tword the end of the charge also... Just a 1/4 inch longer than a 510 put together.. Overall thoughts: The vapor is very close to my 510 and pretty consistant. I am glad I have it and am looking forward to following up on it. A great kit wish it was my first. Can swap flavors/carts in no time flat is great. No atty cleaning just toss when its dead. Topped off one cart three times and still works great! They sould last 5 or more refills I read on some posts. At 2-3 dollars a cartomizer not bad. Cartomizers are not difficult to fill just have to get mouth cap off carefully and fill it up. Manual batteries would fix any slow/easy draw issues with carts. At under $80 with coupon ,12 cartomizers, 2 Auto Batts,Wall/USB charger and PCC case, wow not bad. I can see this as my leave the house kit,longer cart life,easy cart swap and the clasp case PCC will do fine. Like the cart covers that keep them neat while storing for use. Would love to see a 510 to Cartomizer one piece adapter as short as possible out there...Not the two peice ones you have to put toghether now!! And to the suppliers blank ones should cost way less than full ones!!!!
  20. Looks like a hybrid lighter,Cool idea and I could see the benefits of a model like this.I did not see how long a pod lasted as compared to cigs.The availability of butane everywhere solves the battery issues i see as the biggest problem with E-Cigs..We are witneses to the evolution of the smoking habit into a much safer habit.I think its cool as hell......The only thing I dont like is the look of it,but I am sure that will change over time..
  21. I purchased JC Artic Menthol as a first refill purchase..It was terrible I asked for a exchange and they never sent me the return labels,email whatever.Kept it for a emergency backup..The other day i decided I would try it out to see if my taste buds had anything to do with it and it was so nasty tasting I flushed it.I wont ever buy from them again. Sorry JC for the suck review but you were my first try at refilling and the lack of customer service to several emails waiting on return info,Labels etc.And the horrible taste was just too much for me to ignore.I have tried 9 different flavors in 3 brands total and nothing I didnt care for was as bad by a long shot as the Artic Menthol I recieved. Final Note:: The rumors of atty killing with your products just lead me flush it and forget Yall!!!! Never Mess with a Noobie they never forget!!!
  22. That wasnt funny either I was waiting on the Midnight to come out and then I was going to order all the other flavors I wanted to try!!!! Yes Grape Soda was on my list!!!
  23. I dont miss all the stops at the gas station for Cigs..Just have to worry about atty's and batteries now!!! LOL
  24. Vegetable Glycerin or glycerin..In the DIY juice forum section they tell you more about where to get everything.. Wiltons sells USP food grade available in some cake stores,grocery stores etc.Flavorings should not be oil based,someone chime in if im wrong it will lower the atty's life i think i read..Stick with PG based flavors. http://www.juicyliquid.com/store2/index.php This store sells all the custom do it yourself stuff..Look in the flavor less section..They may not be the cheapest but its all there!!
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