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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2012 in all areas

  1. Friday, January 27, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. I had my last tobacco cigarette. I never imagined that i would be able to say that, but moments later my e-cigarette arrived in the mail I put the Camels down for good. After 25 years of smoking up to 2 packs a day, I was finally free. Today, I felt so good that I even went jogging. That is something that I have not done for decades. For anyone that is considering e-cigs for the first time, I strongly recommend it. To chart the path to being tobacco free, I started a blog when I ordered my first e-cig kit. If you are interested in seeing updates and advice, follow me at http://mrelixir.blogspot.com.
    1 point
  2. Well, I do think a cig is a lot different than pipe or a cigar, the tobacco quality is way different. I tried a cigarette once a couple months after I quit, and it was absolutely disgusting. I started as a pipe smoker, because I really do enjoy the flavor. I love my PV, but it just doesn't pair with the glass of scotch and a book the way my pipe does. It just helps that be the very occasional activity, as it should be.
    1 point
  3. kitsune

    Getting Started?!.

    The best way to start with DIY....Pick a flavor (premixed liquid) already in your collection....can be a flavor you like or don't like. 1. in a separate 3ml or 5ml bottle, put 1-2 mls of your premixed liquid. PG= 30 drops to a ml, VG=20 drops to a ml. Give or a take a bit. 2. Pick a flavor you want to mix with can be another flavor premixed liquid or flavoring. 3. If using flavoring...start with a couple drops of flavoring, add to liquid, mix and vape test. Dripping works best for testing. 4. if using premixed liquids...You can mix them 50/50 to start. or if you are fixing a flavor you dont much like....add less of the flavor you don't like and more of the flavor you want. 5. Creme de menthe is fairly strong....a couple drops will go a long way. You can add this to any liquid you want to spice up a bit..works like a menthol. A Little will add a bit of added flavor without being to minty/menthol. Always mix small until you find a combination you like.
    1 point
  4. mega

    Vaping And Runny Nose

    ok experiment part 2. ok started vaping with almost 100%vg and had a runny nose and just didnt feel satisfied. part one of my little test was switching to a 70-30 mix, mostly pg and the throat hit is alot better and taste is better as well.Also runny nose disapeared. Ok heres part 2 of my experimentjust to see if It was just me or I had the sniffles. I am vaping a 70-30 mostly vg mix and guess what. my damn nose is running. so I guess I can conclude my little test and say pg stops my runny nose. There is one thing that gets me about it. every once in a while I smell coolant from a car. I know pg is in antifreeze, it freaks me out especially when im driving. ( im a lil anal about my car) Now im not a doc or scientist but I can say that pg works for me. who know it could make someone elses nose run or whatever. lol
    1 point
  5. It is great to see so many success stories. Now how do i get one of the Vapor Talk "Smoke Free" counters on my posts?
    1 point
  6. Just over two years for me.☺ my house and clothes and my person smell much better now.
    1 point
  7. Congratz and good luck on continued success
    1 point
  8. yeah ecigs are great, im coming up on 3 months myself and dont miss cigarettes whatsoever. however i still get winded when i try to do cardio lol
    1 point
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