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I was thinking how when I was smoking I didn't even think about spending $75-$100 a week on analogs. I know some of you smoked even more. But a reoccuring subject from noobies and veterens alike is where can I get the best deal. :) Who is selling stuff the cheapest. Now I'm not knocking those that look for the best price. I do it also. But what changed? When I needed a pack or carton of smokes I just went to the local liquor store and bought my Marlboro Lights. Honestly I didn't go to all the liquor stores in town and look for a deal. Heck I even bought packs at the grocery store even though they were $1 more than the liquor store. So what do you all think? Why have we become so thrifty?

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I was thinking how when I was smoking I didn't even think about spending $75-$100 a week on analogs. I know some of you smoked even more. But a reoccuring subject from noobies and veterens alike is where can I get the best deal. :) Who is selling stuff the cheapest. Now I'm not knocking those that look for the best price. I do it also. But what changed? When I needed a pack or carton of smokes I just went to the local liquor store and bought my Marlboro Lights. Honestly I didn't go to all the liquor stores in town and look for a deal. Heck I even bought packs at the grocery store even though they were $1 more than the liquor store. So what do you all think? Why have we become so thrifty?

Could be the fun of shopping on line, looking for the best deal is normal. Plus you are looking for something that will last a bit longer than the analog you smoked and tossed out.

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I think if more people bought cigarettes by the carton it wouldn't be as much of an issue. A carton of my old brand (Camel lights) in Milwaukee would have been more expensive than my first order of a Joye 510 starter kit and two bottles of juice from Jason at ElectroNicStix. The thing is, I never bought cartons. People, myself included, don't do the math often enough. Jeez look at the counter in my signature. I quit smoking on December 1, and I think I'm close to $900 dollars not spent on analogs. I've had the "cost" discussion with friends after they see me out with a 510, and my Spade, and my Janty Stick. They're shocked by what I've spent on vaping, but they're shocked, stunned, and flabbergasted when they find out how much I've saved by not smoking!

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Personaly when I buy/bought cigs I always shopped for the best price. After a while you knew where the best price was and so you just went there. But with ecigs because you are shopping online for the most part, you tend to shop around but what you are really looking for is good customer service and a trustworthy seller. That's why boards like these are so good, not only do you meet people and get your questions answered but you tend to find out which vendors give you the best bang for your buck.

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I was thinking how when I was smoking I didn't even think about spending $75-$100 a week on analogs. I know some of you smoked even more. But a reoccuring subject from noobies and veterens alike is where can I get the best deal. :) Who is selling stuff the cheapest. Now I'm not knocking those that look for the best price. I do it also. But what changed? When I needed a pack or carton of smokes I just went to the local liquor store and bought my Marlboro Lights. Honestly I didn't go to all the liquor stores in town and look for a deal. Heck I even bought packs at the grocery store even though they were $1 more than the liquor store. So what do you all think? Why have we become so thrifty?

I believe in the old saying "you get what you pay for." But one thing i have noticed is that even if you did pay a little bit more for analogs you knew what you were getting, the same brand the same quality. I think that is one reason everyone is always looking for a great deal is because some times you have no clue what you are really getting. I dont mind spending the extra money for a quality product but sometimes its hard to tell online just how good it is until you try it.

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I would also say with noobs there's a skeptical factor. Yes, you see all these success stories, but you've still got to be skeptical after trying to quit smoking so many other ways... I know I was. So, yea, for a noob I can see not wanting to spend so much when there's no guarantee that it'll work. It's so easy to rack up $100-$150 on that first order.

For the vets - I don't know... the thrill of the hunt maybe? Personally, when I need something I'll buy what I want (and when I don't need something I'll buy something anyhow :wacko: ). Usually I'm not looking for the best deal, but I really do enjoy going to all the different vendors to see if there's anything new or something that I just hadn't seen before. If I come across a good deal I'll try to research the vendor before I buy from them.

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I know that, when my wife drags me along to the mall, I'll often say, "Why don't we just ask them where the most expensive stuff is right away? Think of the time we'll save!" She'll still go through every sale rack on the property. :rolleyes:

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So what do you all think? Why have we become so thrifty?

Cigarettes are a true consumable. You need them, buy them and then need and buy them again. There is less urgency and more time to shop in regards to e-cigs. The only true consumable is the juice. Everything else is durable (relatively speaking).

Edited by FTJoe
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<rant> I think in our own right we all look for a good deal to a certain extent. Also conversely, when we do find something that we love, price starts to become in-material to a certain point. With analogs, we found a brand that we liked and went with it, I mean most of us that have switched to vapin know that now there are so many more options (flavors, mods, ect.) to try and experiment with. as for analogs well menthol or non menthol, lights or kings.. pretty much sums it up. no real experimentation there, just easiest way to buy em and go for it. With all you juice mixers and mod makers out there, I have so much to try and use, of course I'm gonna listen to feedback and look for deals! hehe. Anywho vapin crushes regualar smoking for sure! </end rant.>

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I was thinking how when I was smoking I didn't even think about spending $75-$100 a week on analogs. I know some of you smoked even more. But a reoccuring subject from noobies and veterens alike is where can I get the best deal. :) Who is selling stuff the cheapest. Now I'm not knocking those that look for the best price. I do it also. But what changed? When I needed a pack or carton of smokes I just went to the local liquor store and bought my Marlboro Lights. Honestly I didn't go to all the liquor stores in town and look for a deal. Heck I even bought packs at the grocery store even though they were $1 more than the liquor store. So what do you all think? Why have we become so thrifty?

Actually, I think that was a rhetorical question, right?.

Just another of lifes funny quirks.

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I think that's a very good question, Jeff. I did find the best place to buy analogs for the best price though. But...I'm also the one who said she would never, ever, pay 75 cents for a pack of smokes...then said she'd never pay $1. and then would never pay $2., etc.

I think the big thing with finding good prices is that when we get better deals, we can buy more stuff. You know, some of us have to have backups for our backups. It isn't as easy as running down to the corner to buy a pack of smokes was before. Now we need to have more money up front. Especially when we hand over $100. for one unit and that doesn't include all the extras. But, I've also spent more on vaping so far than I would have on analogs in the same amount of time and that might be a factor in it, too. Although, I am within a week of breaking even now. Which probably just means it's time to spend some more. :innocent:

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It is kinda funny how we search around for deals for this stuff. I think it's partially because many of the vendors are selling the same thing so why give an extra say 10 or 20 dollars to one place when you can save that and use it for something else like juice or a different device. I usually would try a couple of different places like stores or gas stations to find the one that had the better price on my analogs, so why not for e-cigs and supplies?

I look at my little info banner that tells me how much I'm saving on analogs and ask, if I'm saving this money why am I spending it on e-cigs? If I spend say $100.00 or $200.00 on devices or supplies where am I saving?

But I also must admit it's more enjoyable to buy this stuff than it ever was spending it on analogs. And in the long run healthier too!

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It kinda makes you gun shy after you buy a $50.00 kit and find out you picked wrong.We are not all smart enough to check forums before we buy.I didn't even know what a forum was ,the only reason I started looking into forums was I googled and found a discount code for being a member of a forum.If you do like most newbies you just Google E-ciggs and what comes up is all the crooks first and it doesn't take much to do a web site to make you look like a "White Knight" coming to my rescue.I use to do "Rollies" I figured if I was going to kill myself I would do it as cheap as possible.The price checking comes after you find out most of this stuff comes from three or four manufacturers and is just labeled to make it look like more.Especially imported e-juice you would not believe the price disparity for basicly the same juice from the same wholesaler.

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I always shopped for best prices for my analogs too. At times I would even go so far as to buy the cheapest, no matter the brand. Times are tough.

Until the bills are caught up, the hot water heater bought, the deep cell battery for the solar panel bought, a larger hay barn built, etc... I'll be a miser. I'm still recuperating from the awful economy... where hay jumped from 10 bucks a bale to 30, gas from 2 bucks to 5 bucks, milk from 2 bucks to 5 bucks, cigs from 2 bucks to 5.... well, it'll be a little while before this gal will be shopping without counting the pennies. I just thank God every day that finally I am able to count a few!!!!

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I would always get the best deal I could because they are so expensive. If I were to buy a pack at liquer store I would have to pay $8.00 here in MA. In RI even more. Some stores would have them for a little under $7. I would get them at BJ's wholsale club for $65 a carton. That was my weekly bill. I don't spend nearly as much now that I'm vaping. If I have a cupon code I will use it but don't really care because I'm already saving lots of $$$.

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For me Cigs were like gas, I need it, gotta have it and it doesn't matter how much it costs I'm going to buy it. But since I can't go to the liquor store and pick up some Dulcis and a new mod (Yet anyway dribble.gif) and I know I'm going to be waiting at least 2 days for whatever I buy I'm going to take my time and find a good deal. But If it were sold around the corner at double the price of online It's where I'd still go. Price of convenience, plain and simple. But if you know you're going to be waiting for it anyway, you might as well shop around and save some cash.

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