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Is This Normal


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Another thing to watch out for. I have a couple of batts where the manual button sticks. After I set it down, and pick it up a minute or two later, WOW is it hot from sticking in the on position. They were defective, just a heads up, cause it'll burn your atty out REAL quick. Im always checking to make sure its cooling down and not heating up.

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My dad asked me this same question. He said when it his 510 atty gets hot, he disconnects it from the battery. I was like "Dad, there is a manual button. No power!". He's a EE, too but he went to Auburn! :P

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Yes it's very normal for the 510 atomizer to get pretty warm. If you notice it get hot to the touch, set it down and let it cool off for a minute. Then go back to vaping :) The most important thing is always make sure your atomizer is moist.

A little off topic, kinda, but I had this same thing with my 510 starter kit batteries and the 510 USB PT. Seriously, the atty got very hot. However, I've noticed that the atty doesn't get nearly as hot on my Spade and VP2. Why is that? Is it just a more efficient connection to the battery (American Made!)?

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