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My 510 And Cartridge Useage


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I started with the 801 at the beginning of Dec, but heard so much about the 510 I had to have one. Got it yesterday and haven't put it down since! 801 will still be my work cig just because I have all the chargers I need to keep them going all day.

Question for the veterans...how long should you re-use/refill the cartridges? I'm still using the originals I got 2 weeks ago and they seem to be doing fine. Also, anything to use as refill for the fibers?

(Still at zero analogs since my first vape!) :jump:

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Hey Knight. I'm direct dripping, so not much help. I've been considering trying the PTB mod for when I'm driving (45 minute drive to work kills me). May want to check it out. There are some other vids and descriptions of it elsewhere also. The one below is from Stubear62. It's using pyramid tea bags for filler.

PTB mod

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Thanks Brian. Watched the video and will definitely give it a try. Do you think using 2 tea bags would fill the 801 carts?

When I've done it in the past 2 filters is a little much, 1.5 ends up being about right for me.

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Well, my wife is a big tea brewer fan (being in the South it's sweet tea of course) but not the right brand! Hope the local stores sell Pyramid. :|

Aahh. I do miss the south. :( I could go for a giant iced tea and a bag of boiled peanuts. :icecream:

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I started with the 801 at the beginning of Dec, but heard so much about the 510 I had to have one. Got it yesterday and haven't put it down since! 801 will still be my work cig just because I have all the chargers I need to keep them going all day.

Question for the veterans...how long should you re-use/refill the cartridges? I'm still using the originals I got 2 weeks ago and they seem to be doing fine. Also, anything to use as refill for the fibers?

(Still at zero analogs since my first vape!) :jump:

Ok... I am completely new at this, but are you saying that you have been puffing for 2 weeks without a refill? If that's the case, my 510 is defective. :-)

I just made a mod to mine (a spin-off of the PTB mod) by using a Mighty Leaf tea bag and leaving the stringy part in. I was ecstatic to get close to about a hour of decent vapor out of it.

Any suggestions out there for what might actually be going on with this thing, or is it normal to have to top off constantly?


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Ok... I am completely new at this, but are you saying that you have been puffing for 2 weeks without a refill? If that's the case, my 510 is defective. :-)

I just made a mod to mine (a spin-off of the PTB mod) by using a Mighty Leaf tea bag and leaving the stringy part in. I was ecstatic to get close to about a hour of decent vapor out of it.

Any suggestions out there for what might actually be going on with this thing, or is it normal to have to top off constantly?


Hey NavyLight - Welcome! Best of my knowledge, yes, carts don't last very long. Some use them, some don't. I like to direct drip, but planning on trying this tea bag mod to use while driving. I hear the best you can do on a cart is about the equivelant to 3-5 analogs. There are some ecigs that use catomizers, which is a cart/atty combined. I hear they can last a day depending on how much you vape. I got one of these for my wife, but haven't tried it out yet. There are a few members here using them though. Again - welcome to the forum - you should introduce yourself!

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Ok... I am completely new at this, but are you saying that you have been puffing for 2 weeks without a refill? If that's the case, my 510 is defective. :-)

I just made a mod to mine (a spin-off of the PTB mod) by using a Mighty Leaf tea bag and leaving the stringy part in. I was ecstatic to get close to about a hour of decent vapor out of it.

Any suggestions out there for what might actually be going on with this thing, or is it normal to have to top off constantly?


What they are saying is that they are change the filler or fluval every couple weeks. You still have to the fill the cartridges with juice on a regular basis or until the unit stops producing vapor. A filled cart will not last 2 weeks.

I don't use the cartridge filler. I pull that out and I direct drip a couple drops onto the atomizer. There is a video about direct dripping.

Welcome to the forum. I haven't run across you yet. We are all friendly and anxious to answer questions.

Link to Vapor Talk Videos

Edited by BirdDog
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As the others have already said, you aren't doing anything wrong. You do have to add juice often. Depending on how much you vape. It's a lot of trial and error. Everyone is different in how they do. Just ask any questions if you don't understand. Everyone here is great and more than willing to help.

Welcome to the forum!

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What they are saying is that they are change the filler or fluval every couple weeks. You still have to the fill the cartridges with juice on a regular basis or until the unit stops producing vapor. A filled cart will not last 2 weeks.

Thank you! That's a pretty important distinction there, isn't it? :-) Well, it's at least good to know there is nothing wrong with my device. It does concern me that my father in law might not be willing to screw with this thing as much as I am. He has one now and I doubt he will be willing to keep refilling as much as he smokes.

I created an introduction titled, "Old Dogs and New Tricks" in the introduction area of the forum. I expressed in a little more detail my concerns with refilling the 510. It doesn't bother me that much, except when I'm on the road. Does anyone have an opinion about the Vapor King? I was reading another discussion about this one and it seems you don't have to refill it as often.

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Thank you! That's a pretty important distinction there, isn't it? :-) Well, it's at least good to know there is nothing wrong with my device. It does concern me that my father in law might not be willing to screw with this thing as much as I am. He has one now and I doubt he will be willing to keep refilling as much as he smokes.

I guess the best way to explain it too him is the comparison with using a lighter or use a match to light up an analog. I will read your other post.

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Thank you! That's a pretty important distinction there, isn't it? :-) Well, it's at least good to know there is nothing wrong with my device. It does concern me that my father in law might not be willing to screw with this thing as much as I am. He has one now and I doubt he will be willing to keep refilling as much as he smokes.

I created an introduction titled, "Old Dogs and New Tricks" in the introduction area of the forum. I expressed in a little more detail my concerns with refilling the 510. It doesn't bother me that much, except when I'm on the road. Does anyone have an opinion about the Vapor King? I was reading another discussion about this one and it seems you don't have to refill it as often.

A few of us have VK's and yes you do not have to fill them as often.A empty cartomizer can hold 20 drops thats 2-3 times a 510.The vapor is slightly less depending on your 510 atty and battery condition.But for on the road they are great.I find keeping the batteries for my VK at peak charge works better on weaker cartomizers and a couple of primer puffs will give you great vapor even on weaker batteries/cartomizers.When you get a exceptional cartomizer these things are amazing!..They are a good take on the go no hassle unit with the PCC and a few cartomizers..I really like the VK auto style batteries and just cant get a manual one to perform well.On the 510 manual ones are best choice and are well made.

I usually top off a cartomizer with 5-10 drops there are videos out there showing this and I use 2 until they wear down(couple of days) and get two more and go on...they are fairly cheap and not difficult to work with.

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I like the 302 atty's cause they last quite a bit longer between topping off but the drawback is there is more liquid that you will never get from the cart .With the 510's and 901's I add three or four drops about every eight or nine puffs,it will go longer but the production falls off .Dripping is ok if all you are doing is vaping but it is kind of a pain if you are trying to get something else done.I started with a Joye 302 and have a lot of gear on hand but if I knew then what I know now I would have started off with a Joye 510 and that is what I recomend to anyone who asks.A 510 kit a couple of extra atty's and mega batteries and a Joye passthrough and you are set .

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Aahh. I do miss the south. :( I could go for a giant iced tea and a bag of boiled peanuts. :icecream:

Boiled peanuts?

Im from the mid west, I have never heard of them, I would like to try some.

As for the iced tea I drink it everyday, After cutting the tea bags for cart filler I put the tea in a coffee filter and brew the tea in a mr coffee iced tea maker, nothing gos to waste here. :)

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Boiled peanuts?

Im from the mid west, I have never heard of them, I would like to try some.

As for the iced tea I drink it everyday, After cutting the tea bags for cart filler I put the tea in a coffee filter and brew the tea in a mr coffee iced tea maker, nothing gos to waste here. :)

You can get some from the link below. I've never ordered any on-line, so can't vouche for them. I recenlty learned how to make my own and they turn out pretty good, but not quite the same as what you get down south.

Peanut Hut

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