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Smoke 51 Kiosk In My Mall


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Today I was in my local mall getting some shopping done. I saw a kiosk for 51 so I stopped to check it out. The guy was helping a customer. He was telling her they are the only FDA approved E-Cig. I immediately corrected him in front of the customer. I am just a jerk like that, I hate sales people who lie. He demanded they are FDA approved. He also said the cartidge would last to equal 3 packs of cigs. I challenged him on that as well. He handed me two 51 E-Cigs to try out in the mean time. A Vanilla and a Coffee. Both very tasty but way too pricy of a unit.

The customer then turned to me and she asked if I ever "smoked" a E-Cig. I pulled out my 510 and gave her a demo of my own. I then told her to check out AwesomeVapor or VaporPro and order one of those instead, it is cheaper in the long run. The sales guy now was mad and called security over to get me away from his booth. I told him to save his breath and just walked away......with the two E-Cigs still in my hand.

I puffed on both of them until the batteries died today. Weak nicotine but tasty.

Edited by VapinCT
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Lol, ive heard many horror stories about the kiosks in the mall with smoke 51 and smoking everywhere. Glad to see someone out there giving out good information and trying to steer ignorant shoppers away from buying "Crap" :thumbsup:

Edited by Sinikal
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I have two words for you, VapinCT.... Hy sterical! I've had people tell me that there's a kiosk in one of the malls here, but I haven't seen it yet. I'm just glad you stepped it before somebody got suckered! I absolutely abhor salesmen like this. I hope I'd do the same thing it that situation.

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Way to go!!! I really hate dishonesty and stupidy - both of which that salesman showed. I think if you're going to be selling something, you should know the product inside and out and be honest about it. It's good to know there are people out there who call the liars and cheats out. I would do the same thing.

But really, call security? Unbelievable!!!

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Smoke Everywhere is pretty much what brought the ecig to the market. The problem is their product is very expensive and as users have stated not built well.

I commend you for pointing that out to a potential follow vapor. Mall Guys watch out, the Vapor Talk Army is ready :shiftyninja:

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Here is the real kicker. When you go on to the website, the first thing it says on top of the page is that they are not FDA approved.....welll no duh.

Here is the scary thing. Richard Blumenthal, the Attorney General in CT is the main guy heading up initiatives to get e-cigs banned everywhere. A guy like this making up crap like he did is the perfect amo for the guy. I would hate to give Blumenthal anymore crap up his sleeve.

I am printing out the website and going to show the sales guy today. I am unemployed and have time to actually do stuff like this. hehe.

Edited by VapinCT
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I had the same Smoking everewhere mall experience..

1 cart $2 equals 2 packs...A Big Lie!!!!Maybe a half if you use sparingly..

Overpriced kit $120..2 batteries one charger one atomizer and 15 carts.Would cost less than $60 for all that almost anywhere online.

But it did get me here(Kudos to VT) and this forum is where I send new recruits for info.

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Smoke Everywhere is pretty much what brought the ecig to the market. The problem is their product is very expensive and as users have stated not built well.

When I first started looking into ecigs I told a guy at work about it, but at that time I didn't know much (hadn't found VT yet). He went on the net and did one of those free trial things from Smoke Everywhere. I told him he'd probably regret it. Took two weeks before he go the thing, and when it came he found out it would be $130 if he didn't return it in 14 days (had to give credit card # to get the free trial). Also, you have to call to get an RMA to return it. When he called to say he wanted to return it he got a line that told him there were a certain number of people ahead of and and to stay on the line. It kept telling him how may people where ahead of him until it got down to only a few people, and then the line would go dead. He never could get through. I showed him my Joye 510 today and told him I hadn't smoked in 3 days and didn't want to either. He was pretty impressed and is going to give the one he has a chance. Hope it works for him, but I'll point him in the right direction if it doesn't.

Oh- Nice job VapinCT!

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I've never seen an ecig kiosk in a mall here but if I ever do I'm now well armed! :) Way to go VapinCT! thumbsup.gif

I bet that poor schmuck was just parroting what the regional jerk told him to say. Doesn't let him off the hook for being a jerk himself, but it goes to show that there are still hucksters out there in the twenty first century. You'd think society would have grown up enough by now to spot those guys a mile away. Or not.

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Smoking Everywhere ripped me off at the mall! I'm glad they did though because after I researched e-cigs online and now I have my Spade. The FDA approval comment reminds me of something my father said. I was talking to my mom on the phone about e-cigs and she said that my dad wants to know if they are considered safe by the FDA. I thought to myself,"Are cigarettes considered safe by the FDA?" I can't find anything about the FDA on a pack of smokes but the Surgeon General has a lot to say. On my pack of Pyramids it says," SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. Wouldn't quitting smoking and vaping instead be following his warning?

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