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A Closet Smoker About To Become A Vaper


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Hi all,

Just wanted to stop in and say 'hi'. I'm completely new to vaping and just got my 501 starter kit today. Once the battery is charged I'll have what I hope to be my first successful foray into the wide world of vaping.

I started out with a 510 Titan from Totally Wicked, but after watching some of Chris' videos on YouTube I decided to splurge and get the Spade and the Passthrough models here on the Vapor Talk Store. I wanted to give myself as much chance of success at this as possible.

I've been a mostly closeted smoker for a long time (I have smoker friends who I'm 'out' with but non-smoker friends who don't know I smoke). And while I love the act of smoking, I really don't like cigarettes. This seemed like the perfect compromise, so I really hope it works out.

I have to say that reading the forums here and at ECF, I'm amazed and admiring of the community of vapers -- the ingenuity, the supportiveness and overall positivity is inspiring. Hopefully I'll be joining you as a successful member soon. Wish me luck!

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Sounds like your off to a very good start you have some of the best models on the market. It will be a bit of a learning curve at first but we'll be here to help you along the way. We'll have you up and vaping like a pro in no time.

Welcome to the forums :D

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Welcome! You're taking the same path I did... ordered the 510 and before I got it also ordered the Spade. Darn close to breaking down and ordering the PT also. I've had my 510 for 3 days and love it. What I've learned in 3 days - (advise from a fellow newbie) if you lose vapor you've either flooded the atty or you just need to let it cool down for a few minutes. I also found that the juice that came with the cartridges wasn't that great, so don't judge your first vape based on that. Try something else. You'll find this forum very helpful and friendly. Great group here.

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Welcome to the forum Galex. As you've already noticed, everyone is ready, willing, and able to jump in and help. These really are a great bunch of people here and I'm glad I joined them. They've helped me a bunch even when they didn't know it.

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Thanks for the warm welcome all! Well, things are off to a very promising start. I really enjoy the overall experience. Now I just need to find the right throat hit and work on technique I think.

I started with one of the pre-filled Medium carts that came with the TW Titan 510 -- and I rather liked the flavor, but there was very little throat hit. I chalked this up to both inexperience in terms of how to pull as well as a new atomizer, etc.

Being the adventurous sort, I decided to try direct dripping just to see what it was like using some 11mg Menthol juice that I ordered from TW. I smoke Marlboro Menthol Lights or just plain Marlboro Lights depending on my mood. I was definitely getting better flavor (although it seems that the TW juice is more minty than menthol-y), but I really wasn't getting a better throat hit. From what I've read, it seems like I may have to move up to a stronger juice, but I'm going to work on technique a little more. I think having the passthrough will help -- I may buy some 0mg juice so I can just work on the technique of pulling so I get good vapor. I like to collect the vapor in my mouth and then inhale as opposed to a direct lung inhale.

All in all though, I'm very very VERY encouraged by my experience tonight. I can definitely see these replacing analogs once I find the right hardware/juice/technique.


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Welcome Galex ! You'll love the family here. I haven't seen them stumped yet, so ask away. You will get the answers you need and more friendly support than you ever could have expected.

My advice.... relax, be patient and read the VT forum.

"Vapers unite"

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Now you have to break the habit while your were waiting for the batteries to charge of bitting your fingernails. They just don't seem to charge fast enough.

You'll do great. You have defiantly armed yourself with the best weapons out there.

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All in all though, I'm very very VERY encouraged by my experience tonight. I can definitely see these replacing analogs once I find the right hardware/juice/technique.

My experience. Started with a 510 and had a bunch of "technique" issues. Luckily I found this site. I then graduated to the Janty stick and thought it was great. My plan, which I've succeeded at, was to vape all the time, regular nicotine levels, continue my regimen of about once an hour, going outside, etc. Slowly cut the nicotine down until at zero, then try to stop/cut down on the vaping. Knowing that many people fail quitting smokes because they pick up a cigarette at a bar, under stress, etc., I will always have this on me so I don't end up addicted to nicotine again. Having said that, I wouldn't worry while you are still ingesting nicotine to have an analogue here and there if you're frustrated. I have tried to turn people on to this, and some get frustrated and just give up. I point out they can just have a cigarette until they get used to it but no. I actually had a half pack left while I was playing with my original 510 and slowly went through them as I caught on, by the end I had four left I smoked right away to get rid of them(I did pay for them) but the point is I felt that confident and I wanted to quit due to developing lung issues.

So I've been off nic for two weeks, feel good and the mental addiction seems to be winding down all on it's own. Couple drags here and there during the day and non-stop while drinking. ;-) The reason I'm posting though is the throat hit thing is really missing for me. I've gone back to a 510 because I'm cutting down vaping and don't need the battery and the Janty Stick is a nightmare now, attys clogging up, button not working great, etc.

So my advice for throat hit is to keep the battery charged if you can, PCCs are great for that and the spade seems like it will have a great battery life. Have charged spare batteries and you could probably get through a day easy without charging on the go. IMO you get a better throat hit if you draw in gulps into your lung or take smaller puffs into your mouth and draw down. In other words, puff but don't blow out, take it in, three or four puffs taking each one in, nice long one at the end. I find I need to mix the vapor with air to get the hit. I also switched to mostly VG but use some PG as I think it helps the throat hit. Menthol smoker myself, juice I like is menthol from innovapor (VG) and Janty menthol (PG non-nic at dietsmokes). Best is VaporTalk mentha (PG) BUT THERE"S NO ZERO NIC AVAILABLE!!! Sorry for shouting and apparently they'll have some early next year. The Janty juice is like candy, really minty and that actually seems to simulate a throat hit to some extent. I also like the Johnson Creek Arctic Menthol reduced PG juice, they have a trademark taste that I like. So I usually mix up a batch and either drip or cart, remember you can adjust the nicotine levels by cutting the juice with a non-nic. I was able to keep on with the VaporTalk juice until I got to 0. Now that my wife is on 0 nic (weekend smoker), I have tons of partially used menthol juice from all over as I "tasted" what the net had to offer. Try the VaporTalk Mentha, I'm sure there is a link at the top of this page.

I'm going to take advantage of the 30% off sale coming up (don't want to mention the store since Christopher opened his) and grab a bunch of attys, mega batteries, five battery charger, etc. for my 510 so I'm set. Hmmmm - really doesn't seem like I'm going to cut down, does it? ;-)

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Welcome Galex! I haven't much to add to what's already been said, so just enjoy the experience and ask away. This is a great bunch of dedicated people. thumbsup.gif

(Edited for grammar. :D)

Edited by ddavelarsen
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Welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum, Galex. I am not a menthol person, as a matter of fact I don't like mint anything. However, all of the die hard menthol vapers out there that I have talked to really like the Vapor Talk Mentha Juice. If it is anything like the difference between the other suppliers juice and the flavors that I like from VT Juice then it must be great. The Titan 510 from Totally Wicked is a great unit to start with and when you are ready to move up you can find a lot of advice here on the forum to help you make an informed decision on your next unit. I started with a Titan from TW and it was a great unit, then I discovered the VP units from Vaperlife.com. Jeso has been real helpful and I believe that I have found the perfect vape.

Again, Welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum, we're glad your here.

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