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New EPipe


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Thanks to the quick response from Christopher, I received my new EPipes, (2 because remember the 'have backups for backups' advice?) I knew I'd be the coolest dude in the pub that night! Of course being a guy, and wanting to use it immediately, I started to fill and charge without even opening the instructions. Well, that didn't work out so well, so I looked up the method for filling the tank after I'd spilt liquid all over everywhere. The graphic in the booklet showed it being filled with a syringe. Sheesh, I thought, what have I got into. So I went to the pharmacy, and because this is Malaysia you can buy syringes over the counter, and the pharmacist looked at the hole at the end of the atomizer and thought it looked like it needed an 18 gauge needle. Got it back, and injected........ once again liquid all over the place. Then I carefully looked over the page again and read that you need to pull out the end of the atomizer half way then inject the liquid, so I tried to pull; twist and pull; pliers applied to twist and pull! Then I by mistake pushed the other way and hey! That's how it goes! Sheesh. After I reshaped the parts that I'd unrounded with the pliers, and put in liquid, there I was vaping. Keystone cops comes to mind. Rocket scientist (sarcastic) also comes to mind.

I finally was the coolest dude in the pub!

But, it isn't the greatest vaping device, but it works. Kinda like those old things that were designed to look like cigarettes. They work, but not as well by a long shot as something that was designed specifically to vape.

It reminds me of the concept of evolving a jet engine from a piston engine where the boss says, "Make a jet engine from this piston engine but don't throw out any of the parts that work for the piston engine. Imagine what a nightmare devise that would be. Anything new requires a clean sheet of paper and creativity and imagination. So now I'm using my new Dovpo, which looks nothing like a cig, or a pipe or a cigar, but vapes brilliantly, and I'll just bring my EPipe to the pup when I want to be the coolest dude.

Lesson finally learnt.

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I can't say for sure if your auto switch has the amp draw to make it worthwhile but

you should try a SmokTech 1.7 ohm prepunched single coil carto in that pipe.

I use them in my mech switch pipe with tank and they work great.

Oh and I use IMR 18350 batts in mine and get about 4 hrs/1.25 tanks per batt before the

vape drops off too much and I need a recharge.

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Christopher, thanks for the personal attention!!! I'm totally flattered. The E Pipe is great for what it is. I guess I've just tried so many different vaping devices and methods over the past 500 plus days that I'd forgotten the limitations of the self actuated 'sucking' switch thingy, or maybe I'm not that great at sucking? :) I'm not in the least disappointed and as we all know, it is what it is. I've already got some advice on how to soup it up and I'll enjoy doing that too. Thanks again.

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