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eCig Problem. Looking for help.


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My brand of eCig is VaporDab has the 3 variable volt mod. One day i tried to

take off the attachment to charge it and it

wouldnt come out. I tried using all my strength

to unscrew it but nothing. So, I was wondering,

since I can ake out the lithium battery by itself,

Would I be able to charge it with one of those

lithium battery chargers from Wal-mart? Help

me out please

Yea sorry i was typing fast. The beginnings a

little off

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I'm not sure if I understand... but it seems that you are saying the clearomizer (tank) is not unscrewing?

Or the firing-head or bottom of the tube are not unscrewing, allowing release of the rechargeable battery... either a 14xxx series or 16xxx series battery?

Edited by Earthling789
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VaporDab supplies a lot of stuff. You're going to have to be more specific with a model number or a picture of the problem.

I wouldnt use any charger not made for your battery. But tthat's just me. I like my face how it is now. :)

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Um, after quick look at the Vapor Dab website, if you're talking about something like this: (Mini MOD Battery Variable Volt 3.7v-4.8v, part 80), then a lithium ion charger for a 3.7v battery should work. Preferably one that will adjust from 18350 to 18650 sizes. But more information on your setup would help. Have you got a 14650? The website could be more helpful.

I'm assuming we're not talking about a 510-threaded battery charger that would be required for some of the other models.

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